동의보감에 기록된 맨손 건강법을 소개한다. 1 ) 귓 볼을 자주 주물러준다. 귀는 비뇨 생식기와 신장 기능과 연관되어 있다. 2) 등을 따뜻하게 한다. 등으로 체온을 발산한다. 3) 얼굴을 자주 만지고 두드린다. 동맥 경화나 고혈압같은 혈관 치료에 도움이 된다. 4 ) 탁한 것은 버린다. 침은 삼키고 가래는 뱉는다. 5) 눈을 자주 굴려서 움직인다. 눈을 감고 눈동자를 돌린다. 위, 아래, 양 옆으로 돌려준다. 눈이 맑아지고 정신이 또렷해 진다. 6) 치아를 두드려 준다. 아랫니, 윗니를 계속 부딪친다. 잇몸 질병을 예방 한다. 7) 입 안에서 혀를 자주 굴려준다. 입 안에 침이 생긴다. 침은 회춘을 해주는 비타민이다. 소화에도 큰 도움이 된다. 8) 머리카락을 손으로 자주 빗어준다. 두피에 자극이 되어 머리가 맑아진다. 탈모 증상이 개선되고 머리카락에 윤이난다. 9) 배를 자주 주물러 준다. 배꼽 주위부터 나선형으로 배 전체를 둥글게 돌린다. 10) 항문에 힘을준다. 항문을 안 쪽으로 끌어들인다. 나이가 들수록 항문의 힘이 줄어든다. 조상님들의 건강 지혜가 놀랍고 고맙다. 경청해 주셔서 고맙습니다.
(Let me introduce the bare-handed health method recorded in the Donguibogam. 1 ) He rubs his ear cheeks often. Ears are associated with urogenital and kidney function. 2) Keep your back warm. It gives off body temperature to the back. 3) I touch and tap my face often. It is helpful for vascular treatment such as arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure. 4 ) Throw away murky things. Swallows saliva and spits phlegm. 5) I often roll my eyes and move them. Close your eyes and turn your pupils. Turn it up, down, and on both sides. My eyes become clear and my mind becomes clear. 6) pat one's teeth. He keeps bumping his lower and upper teeth. Prevent gum disease. 7) Roll your tongue in your mouth often. I have saliva in my mouth. Saliva is a vitamin that rejuvenates. It is also very helpful for digestion. 8) I brush my hair often with my hands. It stimulates the scalp and clears the head. Hair loss symptoms improve and the hair is glossy. 9) He often rubs his stomach. Spin the entire belly in a spiral from the belly button. 10) Apply strength to the anus. draw the anus inwards. As you get older, your anal strength
decreases. I am amazed and grateful for the health wisdom of my ancestors. Thank you for listening.)
2023년 11월 25일 토요일
63. 신경이 젊 어지는 11가지 습관
아래 내용은 구토 치아키가 지은 책 신경청소 혁명이라는 책에서 발췌한 것이다.신경이 젊어지는 11가지 습관을 다음과 같이 정리한다. 1) 양치질 할 때 30초 이상 마사지한다. 수 많은 신경이 집중되어 있는 잇몸을 자극한다. 2) 샤워할 때 얼굴, 손, 발을 샤워기로 20초 씩 자극한다.이 곳은 신경이 집중되어 있는 곳이다. 감각 신경을 자극하는 것이다. 3) 귀 청소할 때 귀이개로 귓 구멍을 자극한다. 귓 구멍에 있는 2개의 신경을 5초씩 자극한다. 4) 화장실에서 생각하는 사람의 자세를 취헌다. 몸을 앞으로 구부렸다 펴기를 반복한다. 그러면 신경의 흐름이 원활해진다. 5) 집 내부의 통로를 정리한다. 그리하면 신경의 통로도 좋아진다. 몸 안의 막힘도 없어진다. 6) 세탁이나 요리를 할 때 발 뒤꿈치로 서서 한다. 그러면 자세가 바로 잡힌다. 신경의 흐름이 좋아진다. 7) 쇼핑하고 계산할 때는 카드 사용을 피한다. 동전을 포함한 현금을 사용한다. 그러면 뇌와 손 끗의 신경을 자극하게 된다. 8) 산책할 때 바닥이 울퉁불퉁한 길을 택한다. 발 바닥에 자극을 줄 수 있다. 9) 독서할 때 틈틈이 쉬는 시간을 갖는다. 30분 독서하고 잠시 공상을 한다. 신경의 피로를 풀어준다. 신경의 막힘을 예방한다. 10) 음식을 먹기전에 먼저 음미하는 시간을 갖는다. 맛, 향, 모양, 색갈 등을 감상한다. 오감에 작용하는 정보들로 신경을 일깨운다. 11) 잠 잘 때 머리, 허리, 목을 바르게한다. 수면 자세를 바르게 하면 신경의 통로가 좋아진다. 위의 내용을 실천하여 우리 몸의 신경을 건강하게 유지할 수 있다. 겡청해 주셔서 고맙습니다.
(The following is an excerpt from a book by Guto Chiaki called the Neurocleaning Revolution.The following are the 11 habits of getting nerves younger. 1) Massage for at least 30 seconds when brushing your teeth. It stimulates gums where a lot of nerves are concentrated. 2) Stimulate your face, hands, and feet with a shower for 20 seconds when you take a shower.This is where the nerves are concentrated. It stimulates the sensory nerves. 3) When cleaning your ears, you stimulate your ear holes with your ear lice. Stimulate the two nerves in the ear hole for five seconds. 4) Take the posture of a thinker in the bathroom. Bend and stretch your body forward repeatedly. Then the flow of nerves becomes smooth. 5) Organize the passageway inside the house. That way, the passage of nerves improves. The blockage in the body is also eliminated. 6) When you wash or cook, you stand on your heels. Then you can get your posture right. The flow of nerves improves. 7) Avoid using cards when shopping and paying. Use cash, including coins. This stimulates nerves in the brain and hands. 8) When you take a walk, you take a road with a bumpy floor. It can irritate the bottom of your feet. 9) I take a break from time to time when I read. I read for half an hour and daydream for a while. It relieves nerve fatigue. It prevents nerve congestion. 10) Have time to savor the food before eating it. Enjoy the taste, aroma, shape, color, etc. It awakens the nerves with information that works on the five senses. 11) Straighten your
head, waist, and neck when you sleep. Correct sleeping posture improves the passage of nerves. By practicing the above, we can keep our body's nerves healthy. Thank you for your request.)
(The following is an excerpt from a book by Guto Chiaki called the Neurocleaning Revolution.The following are the 11 habits of getting nerves younger. 1) Massage for at least 30 seconds when brushing your teeth. It stimulates gums where a lot of nerves are concentrated. 2) Stimulate your face, hands, and feet with a shower for 20 seconds when you take a shower.This is where the nerves are concentrated. It stimulates the sensory nerves. 3) When cleaning your ears, you stimulate your ear holes with your ear lice. Stimulate the two nerves in the ear hole for five seconds. 4) Take the posture of a thinker in the bathroom. Bend and stretch your body forward repeatedly. Then the flow of nerves becomes smooth. 5) Organize the passageway inside the house. That way, the passage of nerves improves. The blockage in the body is also eliminated. 6) When you wash or cook, you stand on your heels. Then you can get your posture right. The flow of nerves improves. 7) Avoid using cards when shopping and paying. Use cash, including coins. This stimulates nerves in the brain and hands. 8) When you take a walk, you take a road with a bumpy floor. It can irritate the bottom of your feet. 9) I take a break from time to time when I read. I read for half an hour and daydream for a while. It relieves nerve fatigue. It prevents nerve congestion. 10) Have time to savor the food before eating it. Enjoy the taste, aroma, shape, color, etc. It awakens the nerves with information that works on the five senses. 11) Straighten your
head, waist, and neck when you sleep. Correct sleeping posture improves the passage of nerves. By practicing the above, we can keep our body's nerves healthy. Thank you for your request.)
62. 햇볕과 건강
현대인들은 하루 종일 실내에서만 생활하는 사람들이 많다. 겨울철이나 장마철에 계절성 우울증에 걸린 사람들은 햇볕을 쬐는 것이 가장 좋다. 햇볕은 하루에 30 분 정도 산책을 하면서 쬐는 것이 가장 좋다고 한다. 햇볕을 충분히 쬐지 못해서 생기는 질병을 알아보자. 첫 째, 골다공증, 골감소증, 구루병 등이다. 햇볕에서 얻을 수 있는 양분은 비타민D 이다. 이 것이 부족하면 구루병에 걸린다. 햇볕 속의 자외선을 쬐면 비타민D가 몸 속에서 합성된다. 이 것이 칼슘 흡수를 도와준다. 칼슘이 부족하면 골감소증 등 뼈 질환이 나타난다. 10년 이상 지하상가에서 근무한 상인 12명이있다. 이들의 골밀도와 비타민D를 검사하였다. 12명 모두가 비타민D가 부족한 것으로 나타났다. 그들 중 6명은 골감소증과 골다공증 진단을 받았다. 이 들에게 하루에 30분씩 산책을 하며 햇볕을 쬐게 하였다. 그 결과 비타민D 부족이 없어지고 골밀도가 상승되었다고 한다. 둘 째 비만이다. 햇볕을 충분히 쬐면 몸 속의 갈색지방이 활성화 된다. 이것이 군 살을 없애고 체중을 조절하는데 도움이 된다. 갈색지방은 지방을 태워 칼로리 소모를 도와준다. 햇볕을 못쬐면 멜라토닌 분비가 잘 되지않아 잠을 잘 잘 수가 없다. 잠을 충분히 자지 못하면 살찌는 유전자가 활성화 된다. 그리하여 평소보다 훨씬 많은 열량을 섭취하게 된다.비타민D가 부족해지면 인슈린 작용이 감소하여 복부 비만이 되기 숩다. 셋 째 우울증이다. 우울증은 유전적 요인과 환경적 요인에 의해 생긴다. 세로토닌은 뇌의 신경전달 물질 중 하나이다. 이것이 분비되면 기분이 좋아지므로 행복호르몬으로 불린다. 햇볕을 오랫동안 쬐지 못하면 세로토닌 분비량이 적어진다. 그로 인하여 우울증이 나타날 수 있다. 여름 장마철이나 겨울에 계절성 우울증이 나타나기 쉽다. 그 이유는 충분히 햇볕을 쬐지 못하기 때문이다. 햇볕을 쬐면 좋은 점에 다하여 알아보자. 첫 째 암 예방에 도움이 된다. 비타민 D가 부족해지면 여러가지 암을 유발한다고 한다. 암을 예방하는 가장 쉬운 방법은 햇볕을 충분히 쬐는 것이다. 둘 째 혈압을 감소시킨다. 피부가 햇볕에 노출되면 피부에 산화 질소가 생긴다. 이 것이 혈관을 확장하기 때문에 혈압이 낮아진다. 셋 째 잠을 잘 잘 수 있다. 햇볕을 충분히 쬐인 후 14시간 정도가 지나면 몸 속에 멜라토닌이 분비된다. 이것은 잠을 잘 자게하는 수면 호르몬으로 알려져 있다. 잠을 잘 못자는 사람은 잠 자리에 들기 14시간 전에 햇볕을 충분히 쬐는 것이 도움이 된다. 넷 째 우울증을 완화 할 수 있다. 그 이유는 햇볕 부족으로 생기는 질병 세번 째에서 이미 말하였다. 다음은 자외선이 피부에 미치는 영향을 알아보자. 적절한 자외선은 우리 몸 건강에 반드시 필요하다. 그러나 과도한 장기간의 노출은 해롭다. 피부 노화를 촉진하고 피부암, 햇볕 알레르기, 화상 등 피부 질환을 가져온다. 피부에 대한 자외선의 영향은 노출된 시간과 량의 누적량에 비례하여 증가한다. 그러므로 젊을 때 부터 미리 과도한 자외선 노출을 피하기 위해 노력해야 한다. 자외선 차단 방법으로 긴 소매 옷, 자외선 차단 기능 선글라스, 자외선 차단 크림, 챙이 큰 모자, 자외선 차단 기능 양산 등이 있다. 이상입니다. 저의 이야기를 들어주셔서 감사합니다.
(There are many modern people who live indoors all day long. People with seasonal depression during the winter or rainy season are best exposed to the sun. It is said that it is best to take a walk for about 30 minutes a day and enjoy the sun. Let's find out about diseases caused by not getting enough sun. First, osteoporosis, osteopenia, and rickets. The nutrients that can be obtained from the sun are vitamin D. Lack of this causes rickets. Vitamin D is synthesized in the body when exposed to ultraviolet rays in the sun. This helps absorb calcium. Lack of calcium leads to bone diseases such as osteopenia. There are 12 merchants who have worked in underground shopping centers for more than 10 years. Their bone density and vitamin D were tested. All 12 were found to be deficient in vitamin D. Six of them were diagnosed with osteopenia and osteoporosis. They were allowed to take a walk for 30 minutes a day and enjoy the sun. As a result, vitamin D deficiency was eliminated and bone density was increased. The second is obesity. If you get enough sun, the brown fat in your body becomes active. This helps you get rid of fat and control your weight. Brown fat burns fat to help burn calories. If you don't get the sun, you can't sleep well because melatonin is not secreted well. If you don't get enough sleep, the fattening gene is activated. Therefore, you eat much more calories than usual.When vitamin D is insufficient, the insulin action decreases, leading to abdominal obesity. The third is depression. Depression is caused by genetic and environmental factors. Serotonin is one of the neurotransmitters of the brain. When it is secreted, it is called a happiness hormone because it makes you feel good. If you don't get too much sun for a long time, you'll lose less serotonin. It can lead to depression. Seasonal depression is likely to occur during the summer rainy season or winter. The reason is that you don't get enough sun. Let's find out what's good about the sun. First, it helps prevent cancer. Lack of vitamin D is said to cause various cancers. The easiest way to prevent cancer is to get plenty of sun. Second, reduce blood pressure. When the skin is exposed to the sun, it produces nitrogen oxide. Because it dilates blood vessels, blood pressure decreases. Third, I can sleep well. About 14 hours after getting enough sun exposure, melatonin is secreted into the body. It is known as a sleep hormone that helps you sleep well. For those who don't sleep well, it's helpful to get enough sun 14 hours before going to bed. Fourth, depression can be alleviated. The reason has already been stated in the third disease caused by lack of sunlight. Next, let's look at the effects of ultraviolet rays on your skin. Proper UV rays are essential to our physical health. However, excessive long-term exposure is harmful. It promotes skin aging and causes skin diseases such as skin cancer, sun allergies, and burns. The effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin increases in proportion to the cumulative amount of time and amount exposed. Therefore, you should try to avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays in advance from your youth. UV protection methods include long sleeve clothes, UV protection function
sunglasses, UV protection cream, large brim hats, and mass production of UV protection functions. That's all. Thank you for listening to my story.)
(There are many modern people who live indoors all day long. People with seasonal depression during the winter or rainy season are best exposed to the sun. It is said that it is best to take a walk for about 30 minutes a day and enjoy the sun. Let's find out about diseases caused by not getting enough sun. First, osteoporosis, osteopenia, and rickets. The nutrients that can be obtained from the sun are vitamin D. Lack of this causes rickets. Vitamin D is synthesized in the body when exposed to ultraviolet rays in the sun. This helps absorb calcium. Lack of calcium leads to bone diseases such as osteopenia. There are 12 merchants who have worked in underground shopping centers for more than 10 years. Their bone density and vitamin D were tested. All 12 were found to be deficient in vitamin D. Six of them were diagnosed with osteopenia and osteoporosis. They were allowed to take a walk for 30 minutes a day and enjoy the sun. As a result, vitamin D deficiency was eliminated and bone density was increased. The second is obesity. If you get enough sun, the brown fat in your body becomes active. This helps you get rid of fat and control your weight. Brown fat burns fat to help burn calories. If you don't get the sun, you can't sleep well because melatonin is not secreted well. If you don't get enough sleep, the fattening gene is activated. Therefore, you eat much more calories than usual.When vitamin D is insufficient, the insulin action decreases, leading to abdominal obesity. The third is depression. Depression is caused by genetic and environmental factors. Serotonin is one of the neurotransmitters of the brain. When it is secreted, it is called a happiness hormone because it makes you feel good. If you don't get too much sun for a long time, you'll lose less serotonin. It can lead to depression. Seasonal depression is likely to occur during the summer rainy season or winter. The reason is that you don't get enough sun. Let's find out what's good about the sun. First, it helps prevent cancer. Lack of vitamin D is said to cause various cancers. The easiest way to prevent cancer is to get plenty of sun. Second, reduce blood pressure. When the skin is exposed to the sun, it produces nitrogen oxide. Because it dilates blood vessels, blood pressure decreases. Third, I can sleep well. About 14 hours after getting enough sun exposure, melatonin is secreted into the body. It is known as a sleep hormone that helps you sleep well. For those who don't sleep well, it's helpful to get enough sun 14 hours before going to bed. Fourth, depression can be alleviated. The reason has already been stated in the third disease caused by lack of sunlight. Next, let's look at the effects of ultraviolet rays on your skin. Proper UV rays are essential to our physical health. However, excessive long-term exposure is harmful. It promotes skin aging and causes skin diseases such as skin cancer, sun allergies, and burns. The effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin increases in proportion to the cumulative amount of time and amount exposed. Therefore, you should try to avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays in advance from your youth. UV protection methods include long sleeve clothes, UV protection function
sunglasses, UV protection cream, large brim hats, and mass production of UV protection functions. That's all. Thank you for listening to my story.)
61. 무 말랭이
가을 무는 인삼보다 몸에 좋다는 말이 있다. 오늘은 무말랭이에 대하여 말하려고한다. 먼저 만드는 방법을 알아보자. 무를 흐르는 물에 깨끗이 씻는다. 껍질을 벗기지 말고 5 센티 간격으로 토막을 낸다. 막대 모양으로 길게 자른다. 햇볕이 잘 들고 바람이 잘 통하는 곳에서 6, 7 일 동안 말린다. 건조기를 사용 할 경우는 낮은 온도로 대략 10 시간 정도 말린다. 말린 상태에서 수분이 15 퍼센트 정도 된다. 차로 마시는 경우는 살짝 붂으면 고소한 맛이 난다. 이제 무말랭이의 효과에 대하여 알아보자. 첫 째, 변비 예방에 좋다. 식이섬유가 생 무보다 26배 이상 풍부하다. 이 것이 장의 기능을 좋게하여 소화촉진, 대장암 예방, 변비 예방에 좋다. 둘 째, 소화가 잘 되게한다. 풍부한 디아스타제와 아밀라제는 단백질과 지방 분해를 촉진한다. 이스티오시아네이즈는 위액 분비를 촉진하여 소화가 잘 되게 한다. 셋 째, 기괸지 건강에 좋다. 시니그린은 무의 매운 맛을 내는 성분이다. 이 것이 기관지 점막을 보호하고 가래를 묽게 해준다. 그 것은 기침이나 목 감기 예방에 좋다.또한 미세 먼지, 중금속으로 부터 기관지를 보호해 준다. 비염에도 좋다. 넷 째, 항암 작용을 한다. 글루코스놀레이트는 발암 물질을 억제시킨다. 발병한 암의 전이를 막아주고 항암 작용을 한다. 종양의 성장을 억제하여 유방암, 간암, 방광암 등을 예방한다. 다섯 째, 노화를 방지한다. 비타민 C 가 풍부하게 들어 있다. 이 것이 강력한 항산화 작용을 하여 노화를 방지하고 각종 질병을 예방한다. 여섯 째, 뼈 건강에 좋다. 무를 햇볕에 말리는 과정에서 칼 슘 성분이 22배 이상 증가한다. 이 것이 골다공증, 퇴행성 관절염 등에 좋다. 일곱 째, 숙취 해소에 좋다. 베타인 성분이 알콜 분해능력이 있어서 숙취 해소에 도움이 된다. 간의 피로로 늘 피곤한 경우 무말랭이 차를 꾸준히 마시면 좋다. 여덟 째, 면역력을 높여준다. 풍부한 비타민 C 와 다양한 무기질 성분이 신진대사 촉진, 혈액순환 개선, 면역력 향상에 도움을 준다. 아홉 째, 몸 속의 독소를 배출한다. 니코틴, 독소, 노폐물 등을 배출한다. 열 번 째, 빈혈을 예방한다. 생 무보다 48배 이상 풍부하게 들어있는 철분이 빈혈을 예방한다. 열한번 째, 성인 병을 예방한다. 혈관 건강에 좋은 비타민 C,D,P 등 과 미네랄 성분이 고혈압, 부정맥, 관상동맥 등 혈관 질환을 예방한다. 부작용에 대하여 알아보자. 고이트로겐은 갑상선 기능을 억제한다. 갑상선 질환이 있는 사람은 섭취에 주의해야 한다. 그러나 익혀서 먹으면 고이트로겐이 작용하지 않으므로 상관없다. 나의 이야기를 들어주셔서 감사합니다.
(There is a saying that autumn radishes are healthier than ginseng. Today I'm going to talk about dried radish. First, let's find out how to make it. Wash the radish clean under running water. Do not peel and cut into 5 centimeters apart. Cut it long into a rod shape. Dry it for six to seven days in a sunny and windy place. When using a dryer, dry it at a low temperature for about 10 hours. When dried, the moisture is about 15 percent. In the case of drinking tea, it tastes savory if you pour it a little. Now let's look at the effects of dried radish. First, it is good for preventing constipation. Dietary fiber is 26 times more abundant than raw radish. This improves the function of the intestine and is good for promoting digestion, preventing colon cancer, and preventing constipation. Second, it helps with digestion. Rich diastases and amylase promote protein and lipolysis. Istiocyanase promotes gastric juice secretion and helps digestion. Third, it is very healthy. Sinigreen is a spicy ingredient of radish. This protects the bronchial mucosa and dilutes phlegm. It is good for preventing coughs and colds.It also protects the bronchial tubes from fine dust and heavy metals. It's also good for rhinitis. Fourth, it has anti-cancer properties. Glucose-nolates inhibit carcinogens. It prevents metastasis of cancer and has anticancer effects. It prevents breast cancer, liver cancer, and bladder cancer by suppressing the growth of tumors. Fifth, it prevents aging. It is rich in vitamin C This has a strong antioxidant effect, preventing aging and preventing various diseases. Sixth, it is good for bone health. In the process of drying radishes in the sun, calcium components increase by more than 22 times. This is good for osteoporosis and degenerative arthritis. Seventh, it's good for relieving hangovers. Betaine has the ability to break down alcohol, which helps relieve hangovers. If you are always tired from liver fatigue, it is good to drink dried radish tea steadily. Eighth, it boosts immunity. Rich vitamin C and various inorganic ingredients help promote metabolism, improve blood circulation, and improve immunity. Ninth, it releases toxins from the body. It releases nicotine, toxins, and wastes. Number ten, prevent anemia. Iron, which is 48 times richer than raw radish, prevents anemia. Number ten, prevent adult diseases. Vitamins such as C, D, and P, which are good for blood vessel health, and minerals prevent vascular diseases such as high blood pressure, arrhythmia, and coronary arteries. Let's find out about the side effects. Goitrogen inhibits thyroid function. People with thyroid disease should be careful about their intake. However, it does not matter because
goitrogen does not work if you eat it cooked. Thank you for listening to my story.)
(There is a saying that autumn radishes are healthier than ginseng. Today I'm going to talk about dried radish. First, let's find out how to make it. Wash the radish clean under running water. Do not peel and cut into 5 centimeters apart. Cut it long into a rod shape. Dry it for six to seven days in a sunny and windy place. When using a dryer, dry it at a low temperature for about 10 hours. When dried, the moisture is about 15 percent. In the case of drinking tea, it tastes savory if you pour it a little. Now let's look at the effects of dried radish. First, it is good for preventing constipation. Dietary fiber is 26 times more abundant than raw radish. This improves the function of the intestine and is good for promoting digestion, preventing colon cancer, and preventing constipation. Second, it helps with digestion. Rich diastases and amylase promote protein and lipolysis. Istiocyanase promotes gastric juice secretion and helps digestion. Third, it is very healthy. Sinigreen is a spicy ingredient of radish. This protects the bronchial mucosa and dilutes phlegm. It is good for preventing coughs and colds.It also protects the bronchial tubes from fine dust and heavy metals. It's also good for rhinitis. Fourth, it has anti-cancer properties. Glucose-nolates inhibit carcinogens. It prevents metastasis of cancer and has anticancer effects. It prevents breast cancer, liver cancer, and bladder cancer by suppressing the growth of tumors. Fifth, it prevents aging. It is rich in vitamin C This has a strong antioxidant effect, preventing aging and preventing various diseases. Sixth, it is good for bone health. In the process of drying radishes in the sun, calcium components increase by more than 22 times. This is good for osteoporosis and degenerative arthritis. Seventh, it's good for relieving hangovers. Betaine has the ability to break down alcohol, which helps relieve hangovers. If you are always tired from liver fatigue, it is good to drink dried radish tea steadily. Eighth, it boosts immunity. Rich vitamin C and various inorganic ingredients help promote metabolism, improve blood circulation, and improve immunity. Ninth, it releases toxins from the body. It releases nicotine, toxins, and wastes. Number ten, prevent anemia. Iron, which is 48 times richer than raw radish, prevents anemia. Number ten, prevent adult diseases. Vitamins such as C, D, and P, which are good for blood vessel health, and minerals prevent vascular diseases such as high blood pressure, arrhythmia, and coronary arteries. Let's find out about the side effects. Goitrogen inhibits thyroid function. People with thyroid disease should be careful about their intake. However, it does not matter because
goitrogen does not work if you eat it cooked. Thank you for listening to my story.)
60. 비플랜, 벌 꿀
오래 전에 아인슈타인이 예언하기를 꿀벌이 사라지면 4년 안에 인간이 생존하기 힘든 환경이 될 것이라고 했다. 꿀 벌이 자연 생태계나 인간에게 주는 혜택과 중요성이 크다는 의미이다. 오늘 나는 비폴렌에 대하여 말하고자 한다. 비폴렌은 크레오파트라가 즐겨먹었다고 한다. 비폴렌은 꿀벌들이 그들의 타액과 꽃가루를 함께 섞어서 만든 것이다. 그것은 일벌들이 꿀과 함께 먹는 주식이고, 로얄젤리의 주원료가 된다. 1그램의 비폴랜을 얻기 워하여 벌 한마리가 약 290 킬로미터 이상의 거리를 날아야 한다고 한다. 티스픈 하나의 비폴랜에는 2억5천만개 이상의 꽃가루가 들어있다고 한다. 스페인은 비폴랜의 주요 생산국이며 수출국이다. 비폴랜은 신들의 음식이라 불린다. 비폴렌의 성분에대하여 알아보자. 그것은 벌들에 의해 만들어진 천연비타민이다. 그것은 단백질, 탄수화물, 미네랄, 필수아미노산, 베타카로틴, 비타민, 철분 등 250여 가지의 성분들이 들어있다. 비폴렌은 천연 꽃가루와는 전혀 다른 화학적 성분을 가진다. 비폴랜의 효능을 알아보자. 혈관 건강에 좋은 루테인이 들어있어서 모세혈관을 강화하고 혈액순환을 좋게 하며, 혈관 질환을 예방한다.다량의 철분이 들어있어서 헤모글로빈의 구성성분이 된다. 따라서 빈혈이 효과적으로 예방되고 개선된다. 단백질, 비타민류, 미네랄이 풍부하여 면역력을 강화하고 호흡기 질환을 예방한다. 여러 종류의 미네랄, 필수아미노산, 항산화 성분이 풍부하여 활성산소를 제거하고 세포 변이를 예방한다. 그리하여 탁월한 항암 효과가 있다. 루틴이 콜레스테롤의 합성을 억제하고 지방이 만들어지는 것을 막아 다이어트 효과가 있다. 칼슘, 인, 아미노산 등이 성장기 어린이와 노인들의 뼈 건강에 도움을 주어 골다공증을 예방한다. 먹는 방법을 알아보자. 성인의 경우, 하루에 3, 4 그램을 두세 번에 나누어 먹는다. 따뜻한 물, 요쿠르트, 셀러드, 시리얼 등과 함께 먹는다. 위장이 약한 사람은 꿀과 함께 먹을 것을 권한다. 뜨거운 물로 먹을 경우 영양소 파괴가 염려된다. 부작용에 대하여 알아보자. 꽃가루나 꿀 알레르기가 있는 사람은 비폴랜 섭취에 조심해야 한다. 소화 기능이 약한 사람은 적은 양으로 먹기 시작하여 점차 섭취량을 늘려가야 한다. 비폴랜이 자궁을 수축시킬 수 있으므로 임산부는 절대 먹으면 안된다
(Einstein predicted a long time ago that if honeybees disappeared, it would be a difficult environment for humans to survive within four years. This means that honeybees have great benefits and importance for natural ecosystems and humans. Today I want to talk about Bipollen. Bifolen is said to have been enjoyed by Creopatra. Bipolen is made by honeybees by mixing their saliva and pollen together. It is a staple food that worker bees eat with honey, and it is the main ingredient in royal jelly. It is said that a bee has to fly at a distance of more than 290 kilometers to get a gram of bifolan. It is said that a single teaspoon of non-polan contains more than 250 million pollen. Spain is a major producer and exporter of non-polans. Bipolans are called the food of the gods. Let's find out about the ingredients of bifolene. It is a natural vitamin made by bees. It contains more than 250 ingredients, including protein, carbohydrates, minerals, essential amino acids, beta-carotene, vitamins, and iron. Bifolene has a chemical composition that is completely different from natural pollen. Let's find out the efficacy of bifolan. It contains lutein, which is good for blood vessel health, strengthens capillaries, improves blood circulation, and prevents vascular diseases.It contains a large amount of iron, making it a component of hemoglobin. Therefore, anemia is effectively prevented and improved. It is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals to strengthen immunity and prevent respiratory diseases. It is rich in various minerals, essential amino acids, and antioxidants to remove active oxygen and prevent cell mutations. So there is an excellent anticancer effect. The routine suppresses the synthesis of cholesterol and prevents fat from being produced, which is effective in dieting. Calcium, phosphorus, and amino acids help the bone health of growing children and the elderly to prevent osteoporosis. Let's find out how to eat. For adults, three or four grams a day are shared two or three times. Eat it with warm water, yogurt, salad, cereal, etc. People with weak stomachs are recommended to eat with honey. Eating with hot water is feared to destroy nutrients. Let's find out about the side effects. People with pollen or honey allergies should be careful about their non-polan intake. People with weak digestion should start eating in small amounts and gradually increase their intake. Pregnant women should never eat bifolan because it can constrict the uterus)
(Einstein predicted a long time ago that if honeybees disappeared, it would be a difficult environment for humans to survive within four years. This means that honeybees have great benefits and importance for natural ecosystems and humans. Today I want to talk about Bipollen. Bifolen is said to have been enjoyed by Creopatra. Bipolen is made by honeybees by mixing their saliva and pollen together. It is a staple food that worker bees eat with honey, and it is the main ingredient in royal jelly. It is said that a bee has to fly at a distance of more than 290 kilometers to get a gram of bifolan. It is said that a single teaspoon of non-polan contains more than 250 million pollen. Spain is a major producer and exporter of non-polans. Bipolans are called the food of the gods. Let's find out about the ingredients of bifolene. It is a natural vitamin made by bees. It contains more than 250 ingredients, including protein, carbohydrates, minerals, essential amino acids, beta-carotene, vitamins, and iron. Bifolene has a chemical composition that is completely different from natural pollen. Let's find out the efficacy of bifolan. It contains lutein, which is good for blood vessel health, strengthens capillaries, improves blood circulation, and prevents vascular diseases.It contains a large amount of iron, making it a component of hemoglobin. Therefore, anemia is effectively prevented and improved. It is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals to strengthen immunity and prevent respiratory diseases. It is rich in various minerals, essential amino acids, and antioxidants to remove active oxygen and prevent cell mutations. So there is an excellent anticancer effect. The routine suppresses the synthesis of cholesterol and prevents fat from being produced, which is effective in dieting. Calcium, phosphorus, and amino acids help the bone health of growing children and the elderly to prevent osteoporosis. Let's find out how to eat. For adults, three or four grams a day are shared two or three times. Eat it with warm water, yogurt, salad, cereal, etc. People with weak stomachs are recommended to eat with honey. Eating with hot water is feared to destroy nutrients. Let's find out about the side effects. People with pollen or honey allergies should be careful about their non-polan intake. People with weak digestion should start eating in small amounts and gradually increase their intake. Pregnant women should never eat bifolan because it can constrict the uterus)
59. 자연 식품
오늘, 나는 자연식품에 대하여 말하고자 합니다. 음식으로 치유될 수 없는 질병은 없다고 합니다. 어떤 종류의 식품이 우리 몸을 지킬 수 있을까요? 우리는 건강을 유지하기 위하여 자연식품을 먹어야 한다. 우리는 제철에 나는 신선한 식품을 먹어야 한다. 그것은 자연환경에서 그 계절에 생산된다. 야외에서 생산된 농작물은 비타민, 미네랄, 영양소 등 이 풍부하다. 방부제와 인공첨가물이 들어있는, 부드럽게 정제된 식품들은 건강에 나쁘다. 통곡물들은 싹을 틔울 수 있는 생명력을 가진 생명체이다. 우리가 식품을 먹을 때 전체를 모두 먹어야 한다. 모든 식재료들은 에너지를 가진 생명체이다. 우리는 과일을 껍질까지 함께 먹어야 한다. 우리는 채소들의 잎, 줄기, 뿌리까지 먹어야 한다. 고구마를 껍질 채 먹는다면 우리는 32퍼센트 이상의 칼륨과 51퍼센트 이상의 비타민을 먹을 수 있습니다. 유기농 식품을 먹는 것이 좋다. 벌레먹고, 거칠고, 볼품없는 식품들이 몸에는 더 좋다. 통곡물들이란 껍질을 벗기지 않은 낱알들을 뜻한다. 그것들은 천천히 소화되고 흡수된다. 그래서 혈당을 천천히 올리게 되어 염증이 생기지 않는다. 백미나 흰색 밀가루같이 정제된 곡물들은 빠르게 소화되고 혈당을 빠르게 올린다. 만약에 소화를 잘 시킬 수 없다면 당신은 발아 현미를 먹을 수 있다. 현미는 낮은 혈당지수와 칼로리를 가지므로 당뇨병과 여러가지 성인병을 예방할 수 있다.피부 관리에 좋은 자연 식품을 알아보자. 오이는 엽록소와 비타민C가 풍부하여 피부와 점막을 튼튼하게 한다. 당근은 비타민 A가 풍부하여 거친 피부에 습기와 영양분을 공급 한다. 감자는 햇볕에 탄 피부, 화장품 부작용에 의한 피부 트러블에 좋다. 이상입니다. 나의 이야기를 경청해 주셔서 감사합니다.
(Today, I want to talk about natural food. There is no disease that cannot be cured by food. What kind of food can protect our bodies? We have to eat natural food to stay healthy. We must eat fresh food in season. It is produced in the natural environment during the season. Outdoor crops are rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Softly refined foods, containing preservatives and artificial additives, are bad for health. Whole grains are life forms that have the power to sprout. When we eat food, we have to eat the whole thing. All food ingredients are living things with energy. We have to eat fruits together to the skin. We have to eat the leaves, stems, and roots of vegetables. If you eat sweet potatoes with skin, you can eat more than 32 percent potassium and 51 percent vitamins. It's good to eat organic food. Worm-eating, rough, and unsightly foods are better for the body. Whole grains mean unpeeled grains. They are slowly digested and absorbed. So it raises blood sugar slowly and does not cause inflammation. Refined grains such as white rice and white flour digest quickly and raise blood sugar quickly. If you can't digest well, you can eat germinated brown rice. Brown rice has low blood sugar levels and calories, which can prevent diabetes and various adult diseases.Let's find out about natural foods that are good for skin care. Cucumber is rich in chlorophyll and vitamin C, which strengthens the skin and mucous membranes. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which provides moisture and nutrients to rough skin. Potatoes are good for sunburn and skin trouble caused by side effects of cosmetics. That's all.
Thank you for listening to me.)
(Today, I want to talk about natural food. There is no disease that cannot be cured by food. What kind of food can protect our bodies? We have to eat natural food to stay healthy. We must eat fresh food in season. It is produced in the natural environment during the season. Outdoor crops are rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Softly refined foods, containing preservatives and artificial additives, are bad for health. Whole grains are life forms that have the power to sprout. When we eat food, we have to eat the whole thing. All food ingredients are living things with energy. We have to eat fruits together to the skin. We have to eat the leaves, stems, and roots of vegetables. If you eat sweet potatoes with skin, you can eat more than 32 percent potassium and 51 percent vitamins. It's good to eat organic food. Worm-eating, rough, and unsightly foods are better for the body. Whole grains mean unpeeled grains. They are slowly digested and absorbed. So it raises blood sugar slowly and does not cause inflammation. Refined grains such as white rice and white flour digest quickly and raise blood sugar quickly. If you can't digest well, you can eat germinated brown rice. Brown rice has low blood sugar levels and calories, which can prevent diabetes and various adult diseases.Let's find out about natural foods that are good for skin care. Cucumber is rich in chlorophyll and vitamin C, which strengthens the skin and mucous membranes. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which provides moisture and nutrients to rough skin. Potatoes are good for sunburn and skin trouble caused by side effects of cosmetics. That's all.
Thank you for listening to me.)
58. 물 마시기
오늘 나는 물 마시기에 대하여 말하고자 합니다. 순서는 물과 건강, 물의 역할, 물을 마셔야하는 이유, 좋은 물의 조건, 그리고 물을 마시는 방법 순입니다. 첫 째, 물과 건강에 대해서 입니다. 우리가 마신 물은 입, 위, 창자, 간, 심장, 혈액, 세포, 혈액, 콩팥을 거쳐 뭄 밖으로 배설된다. 물이 부족하면 영양분과 산소 공급이 줄어들고, 여러가지 질병을 불러오는 노폐물과 독소가 배출되지 않는다. 음식의 량은 줄이드라도 물은 충분히 마셔야 한다. 커피나 음료수는 물마시기와는 별개이다. 만약 소변의 색이 너무 진하면 물 부족의 신호로 보아야 한다. 둘 째는 물의 역할에 대해서이다. 물은 노폐물과 독소를 몸 밖으로 배출한다. 물은 혈액순환을 촉진한다. 물은 영양분과 산소를 세포에 공급한다. 물은 땀 방출을 통해서 체온을 조절합니다. 물은 세포 외부와 내부의 삼투압을 조절한다. 세번 째는 우리가 왜 물을 마셔야 하는가 입니다. 만약 1 또는 2 퍼센트의 물이 부족하다면 여러가지 문제가 발생한다. 5퍼센트 이상의 물 부족이 생기면 거의 혼수상태에 빠집니다. 만약에 12퍼센트 이상의 물 부족이 생기면 생명이 위태로워 진다. 우리는 몸속의 신진대사를 유지하기 위하여 충분한 물을 보충해야 합니다. 네번 째는 마시기에 적합한 물에 대해서입니다. 마시기에 적합한 물에는 염소 혹은 오염물질 같은 해로운 물질이 있으면 안됩니다. 미네랄은 균형된 상태로 들어있어야 합니다. 산소, 수소, 탄산까스, 등이 충분히 녹아있어야 합니다. 끓인 물은 마시기에 좋은 물이 아닙니다. 그것은 죽은 물이기 때문입니다. 식물 혹은 물고기가 살 수 없습니다. 마시기 좋은 물은 Ph 7.35 에서 7.45정도의 약 알카리이어야 한다. 맑고 깨끗한 샘물 혹은 오염되지 않은 지하수가 좋습니다. 정수기는 세균 오염을 주의해야 합니다. 다섯 째는 물을 마시는 방법에 대해서입니다. 어른의 경우 하루에 여덟 잔 정도의 물 마시기를 권장합니다. 하루에 2 리터 의 물 마시기가 적합하다고 합니다. 잠에서 깨어나자 마자 두컵, 식사 후 30분 전 후에 한컵, 잠자기 전에 한컵의 물을 마신다. 물을 마시고 싶을 때 한 두잔의 물을 마실 수 있다. 우리는 조금씩 조금씩 천천히 물을 마셔야 한다. 한 컵의 물을 3분 동안 처천히 마셔라. 그곳은 물이 부족할 때 물이 제일 먼저 빠져나가는 신체 부위이다. 그곳은 부족한 물이 보충될 때 맨 나중에 물이 도착하는 신체 부위이다. 이곳은 사람 몸의 어느 부위일까요? 그곳은 바로 피부이다. 만약에 콩팥에서 수분이 재흡수되지 않는다면 우리는 하루에 얼마나 많은 물을 마셔야 할까요? 하루에 4톤 이상의 물을 마셔야한다고 한다. 나의 이야기를 들어주셔서 감사합니다.
(Today I want to talk about drinking water. The order is water and health, the role of water, the reason to drink water, the conditions of good water, and the way to drink water. First, about water and health. The water we drink is excreted out of the dance through the mouth, stomach, intestines, liver, heart, blood, cells, blood, and kidneys. Lack of water reduces the supply of nutrients and oxygen, and wastes and toxins that cause various diseases are not released. Drink plenty of water, even if you reduce the amount of food. Coffee or drinks are separate from drinking water. If the color of urine is too strong, it should be seen as a sign of lack of water. The second is about the role of water. Water discharges waste and toxins out of the body. Water promotes blood circulation. Water supplies nutrients and oxygen to cells. Water controls body temperature by releasing sweat. Water regulates osmotic pressure outside and inside the cell. The third is why we should drink water. If one or two percent of the water is scarce, there are many problems. If more than 5 percent of the water shortage occurs, you almost end up in a coma. If more than 12 percent of the water shortage occurs, life is in danger. We need to replenish enough water to maintain our metabolism. The fourth is about water that is suitable for drinking. Water suitable for drinking should not contain harmful substances such as chlorine or pollutants. Minerals must be contained in a balanced state. Oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. should be sufficiently dissolved. Boiled water is not good to drink. This is because it is dead water. Plants or fish cannot live. Drinkable water should be about 7.35 to 7.45 in Ph. Clear and clean spring water or unspoiled groundwater is good. Water purifiers should be careful of bacterial contamination. The fifth is about how to drink water. Adults are recommended to drink about eight glasses of water a day. It is said that drinking 2 liters of water a day is suitable. Drink two cups of water as soon as you wake up, one cup 30 minutes before meals, and one cup of water before bed. You can drink one or two glasses of water when you want to. We should drink water little by little slowly. Drink a cup of water slowly for three minutes. It is the body part where water escapes first when water is scarce. It is the body part where water arrives last when insufficient water is replenished. What part of the human body is this? That's the skin. How much water do we need to drink a day if our kidneys don't reabsorb water? It is said
that you should drink more than 4 tons of water day. Thank you for listening to my story.)
(Today I want to talk about drinking water. The order is water and health, the role of water, the reason to drink water, the conditions of good water, and the way to drink water. First, about water and health. The water we drink is excreted out of the dance through the mouth, stomach, intestines, liver, heart, blood, cells, blood, and kidneys. Lack of water reduces the supply of nutrients and oxygen, and wastes and toxins that cause various diseases are not released. Drink plenty of water, even if you reduce the amount of food. Coffee or drinks are separate from drinking water. If the color of urine is too strong, it should be seen as a sign of lack of water. The second is about the role of water. Water discharges waste and toxins out of the body. Water promotes blood circulation. Water supplies nutrients and oxygen to cells. Water controls body temperature by releasing sweat. Water regulates osmotic pressure outside and inside the cell. The third is why we should drink water. If one or two percent of the water is scarce, there are many problems. If more than 5 percent of the water shortage occurs, you almost end up in a coma. If more than 12 percent of the water shortage occurs, life is in danger. We need to replenish enough water to maintain our metabolism. The fourth is about water that is suitable for drinking. Water suitable for drinking should not contain harmful substances such as chlorine or pollutants. Minerals must be contained in a balanced state. Oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. should be sufficiently dissolved. Boiled water is not good to drink. This is because it is dead water. Plants or fish cannot live. Drinkable water should be about 7.35 to 7.45 in Ph. Clear and clean spring water or unspoiled groundwater is good. Water purifiers should be careful of bacterial contamination. The fifth is about how to drink water. Adults are recommended to drink about eight glasses of water a day. It is said that drinking 2 liters of water a day is suitable. Drink two cups of water as soon as you wake up, one cup 30 minutes before meals, and one cup of water before bed. You can drink one or two glasses of water when you want to. We should drink water little by little slowly. Drink a cup of water slowly for three minutes. It is the body part where water escapes first when water is scarce. It is the body part where water arrives last when insufficient water is replenished. What part of the human body is this? That's the skin. How much water do we need to drink a day if our kidneys don't reabsorb water? It is said
that you should drink more than 4 tons of water day. Thank you for listening to my story.)
57. 걷기와 건강
오늘 나는 걷기의 효과에 대하여 말하려고 한다. 당신은 매일 적어도 30분 이상을 꾸준히 걸어야 한다. 조금 빨리 걸으면 더 좋다. 무릅이 약한 사람들은 시멘트 길보다 흙 길, 또는 탄성 고무칩으로 덮인 길을 걷기를 권한다. 걷기는 불안에서 오는 스트레스를 줄이는데 도움이 된다. 걷기는 체중 감량 효과가 있다. 걷기는 혈액순환을 개선하고, 그리고 동매경화와 심혈관 질환에 도움이 된다. 하루에 30분 이상 꾸준히 걸으면 치매 발병 가능성이 40퍼센트 이상 낮아진다. 걷기는 허벅지, 종아리, 허리를 튼튼하게 한다. 걷기는 무릎 관절과 뼈 근육을 튼튼하게 하여 뼈 질병을 예방한다. 걷기는 폐기능 향상에 좋고, 고혈압을 예방하며, 면역력을 증진시킨다. 하루에 7000보 이상을 걸으면 사망할 위험이 50 내지 70퍼센트 감소한다는 연구 보고가 있다. 걷기는 우울증과 불면증을 완화하는 효과가 있다. 걷기는 심폐 기능을 강화하고 심장 건강에 좋다. 걷기는 소화기관과 창자를 튼튼하게 한다. 걷기는 변비와 노폐물 배출에 좋다. 햇볕을 쬐며 걸으면 비타민D 합성에 좋다. 자연 속에서 걷는 것이 런닝머신보다 건강에 좋다. 맨발 걷기는 발 지압으로 창자를 튼튼하게 한다. 맨발 걷기는 우리 몸 속에 누적된 활성 산소를 배출한다. 맨발 걷기는 피부를 깨끗이하고, 노화를 방지한다. 맨발 걷기는 당뇨병, 아토피, 불면증을 개선하는데 효과적이다. 맨발 걷기는 시멘트 길이나 아스팔트 길에서는 효과가 적다. 달릴 때 무릅에 가해지는 압력은 걷기와 비교하여 몇배나 될까 ? 2.5배 이사미라고 한다. 비만인 사람은 걷기가 달리기보다 무릅건강에 더 좋다.
(Today I'm going to talk about the effects of walking. You should walk steadily for at least 30 minutes every day. It's better to walk a little faster. Weak people are advised to walk on dirt roads rather than cement roads, or roads covered with elastic rubber chips. Walking helps reduce stress from anxiety. Walking has a weight loss effect. Walking improves blood circulation, and helps with cochlearance and cardiovascular disease. Steady walking for more than 30 minutes a day reduces the risk of developing dementia by more than 40 percent. Walking strengthens your thighs, calves, and back. Walking strengthens knee joints and bone muscles to prevent bone disease. Walking is good for improving lung function, prevents high blood pressure, and improves immunity. Studies have shown that walking more than 7,000 steps a day reduces the risk of death by 50 to 70 percent. Walking has the effect of relieving depression and insomnia. Walking strengthens cardiopulmonary functions and is good for heart health. Walking strengthens the digestive system and intestines. Walking is good for constipation and waste discharge. Walking in the sun is good for vitamin D synthesis. Walking in nature is healthier than a treadmill. Barefoot walking strengthens the intestines with foot pressure. Barefoot walking releases accumulated free radicals in our bodies. Barefoot walking cleans the skin and prevents aging. Barefoot walking is effective in improving diabetes, atopy, and insomnia. Barefoot walking is less effective on cement or asphalt roads. How many times is the pressure on the knee when running compared to walking? It is said to be 2.5 times as much. For obese people, walking is better for your health
than running.)
(Today I'm going to talk about the effects of walking. You should walk steadily for at least 30 minutes every day. It's better to walk a little faster. Weak people are advised to walk on dirt roads rather than cement roads, or roads covered with elastic rubber chips. Walking helps reduce stress from anxiety. Walking has a weight loss effect. Walking improves blood circulation, and helps with cochlearance and cardiovascular disease. Steady walking for more than 30 minutes a day reduces the risk of developing dementia by more than 40 percent. Walking strengthens your thighs, calves, and back. Walking strengthens knee joints and bone muscles to prevent bone disease. Walking is good for improving lung function, prevents high blood pressure, and improves immunity. Studies have shown that walking more than 7,000 steps a day reduces the risk of death by 50 to 70 percent. Walking has the effect of relieving depression and insomnia. Walking strengthens cardiopulmonary functions and is good for heart health. Walking strengthens the digestive system and intestines. Walking is good for constipation and waste discharge. Walking in the sun is good for vitamin D synthesis. Walking in nature is healthier than a treadmill. Barefoot walking strengthens the intestines with foot pressure. Barefoot walking releases accumulated free radicals in our bodies. Barefoot walking cleans the skin and prevents aging. Barefoot walking is effective in improving diabetes, atopy, and insomnia. Barefoot walking is less effective on cement or asphalt roads. How many times is the pressure on the knee when running compared to walking? It is said to be 2.5 times as much. For obese people, walking is better for your health
than running.)
56. 복식 호흡
오늘 나는 복식호흡에 대하여 말하고자 합니다. 배를 통한 호흡은 복식호흡이고, 코를 통한 호흡은 흉식호흡입니다. 한사람이 하루에 들이마시는 공기의 양은 대략 1만 리터라고 합니다. 갓난 아기들은 부드럽고 길게 호흡합니다. 그들은 배로 호흡하기 때문입니다. 호흡의 중심점은 유아기의 아랫배에서, 청장년기의 가슴, 노년기의 어깨로 이동합니다. 입으로 하는 호흡은 코로 하는 호흡에 비하여 폐로 보내지는 공기의 양이 20 퍼센트 정도 감소한다고 합니다. 산소 공급이 부족할 때 인체의 모든 기능이 저하되어 피부 노화, 고혈압, 뇌경색, 부정맥, 암, 돌연사 등의 가능성이 커진다고 합니다. 코의 기능은 공기 휠터, 가습기, 그리고 온풍기 역할입니다. 코는 점막과 코털로 여러가지 바이러스, 세균, 먼지 등을 걸러냅니다. 코로 차가운 공기가 들어올 때 습도와 온도가 적절하게 조절되어 폐로 들어갑니다. 지속적인 복식호흡의 기대효과는 다음과 같습니다. 그것은 스트레스를 해소합니다. 그것은 혈액순환을 개선하고, 심장 박동수를 낮춰줍니다. 그것은 폐활량을 증가시키고 폐의 기능을 강화합니다. 그것은 객담 배출에 효과가 있습니다. 그것은 장 운동에 도움을 주고, 변비를 예방합니다. 그것은 불면증 개선을 돕습니다. 복식 호흡은 흥분을 가라앉히고 마음과 몸을 안정시킵니다. 복식호흡은 당신의 피부를 젊게하고 혈색이 좋아지게 합니다. 이제, 복식호흡 방법을 알아보자. 몸의 힘을 빼고 가능한 한 편안한 자세로 앉는다. 한 손을 아랫배에 얹고 다른 손은 가슴에 얹는다. 입을 다문채로 코로 천천히 숨을 들이마신다. 이 때 당신은 아랫배가 위로 올라오는 것을 느낀다. 다음, 입으로 숨을 내뱉는다. 이 때 당신의 손으로 아랫배가 들어가는 것을 느낀다. 숨을 들이마실 때보다 더 천천히 길게 숨을 내뱉는다. 4초 동안 들이마시고, 3초 동안 숨을 멈춘 후, 5초 동안 숨을 내쉬고 3초 동안 다시 숨을 멈춘다. 이른 바 를이다. 매일 10분 내지 20분 동안 복식호흡을 하면 건강 유지에 매우 도움이 된다. 여러분에게 물어볼께요. 우리가 무의식적으로 호흡을 할 때 우리는 대략 폐 기능의 몇 퍼센트를 사용할 까요? 우리는 폐 기능의 10퍼센트 정도를 사용합니다.
(220319. Today I want to talk about abdominal breathing. Breathing through the stomach is abdominal breathing, and breathing through the nose is chest breathing. The amount of air a person inhales per day is about 10,000 liters. Babies breathe soft and long. This is because they breathe in their stomachs. The center point of breathing moves from the lower abdomen of infancy to the chest of adolescence and shoulders of old age. Breathing through the mouth reduces the amount of air sent to the lungs by about 20 percent compared to breathing through the nose. When oxygen supply is insufficient, all functions of the human body decrease, increasing the possibility of skin aging, high blood pressure, cerebral infarction, arrhythmia, cancer, and sudden death. The functions of the nose are air-wheelers, humidifiers, and hot air fans. The nose filters out various viruses, germs, and dust with mucous membranes and nose hairs. When cold air enters the nose, humidity and temperature are properly controlled and entered the lungs. The expected effects of continuous abdominal breathing are as follows. It relieves stress. It improves blood circulation and lowers heart rates. It increases lung capacity and strengthens lung function. It is effective for sputum discharge. It helps with bowel movements and prevents constipation. It helps improve insomnia. Abdominal breathing calms down excitement and stabilizes the mind and body. Abdominal breathing makes your skin younger and more complex. Now, let's find out how to breathe in your abdomen. Relax your body and sit in a comfortable position as much as possible. Place one hand on the lower abdomen and the other on the chest. Breathe slowly through your nose with your mouth closed. At this time, you feel your lower abdomen rising up. Next, exhale through your mouth. At this time, you feel your lower abdomen go into your hands. Breathe out longer and slower than when you breathe in. Inhale for 4 seconds, stop breathing for 3 seconds, exhale for 5 seconds, and stop breathing again for 3 seconds. So-called Taking abdominal breathing for 10 to 20 minutes every day is very helpful for maintaining health. Let me ask you. What percentage of lung function do we use when we
breathe unconsciously? We use about 10 percent of our lung function.)
(220319. Today I want to talk about abdominal breathing. Breathing through the stomach is abdominal breathing, and breathing through the nose is chest breathing. The amount of air a person inhales per day is about 10,000 liters. Babies breathe soft and long. This is because they breathe in their stomachs. The center point of breathing moves from the lower abdomen of infancy to the chest of adolescence and shoulders of old age. Breathing through the mouth reduces the amount of air sent to the lungs by about 20 percent compared to breathing through the nose. When oxygen supply is insufficient, all functions of the human body decrease, increasing the possibility of skin aging, high blood pressure, cerebral infarction, arrhythmia, cancer, and sudden death. The functions of the nose are air-wheelers, humidifiers, and hot air fans. The nose filters out various viruses, germs, and dust with mucous membranes and nose hairs. When cold air enters the nose, humidity and temperature are properly controlled and entered the lungs. The expected effects of continuous abdominal breathing are as follows. It relieves stress. It improves blood circulation and lowers heart rates. It increases lung capacity and strengthens lung function. It is effective for sputum discharge. It helps with bowel movements and prevents constipation. It helps improve insomnia. Abdominal breathing calms down excitement and stabilizes the mind and body. Abdominal breathing makes your skin younger and more complex. Now, let's find out how to breathe in your abdomen. Relax your body and sit in a comfortable position as much as possible. Place one hand on the lower abdomen and the other on the chest. Breathe slowly through your nose with your mouth closed. At this time, you feel your lower abdomen rising up. Next, exhale through your mouth. At this time, you feel your lower abdomen go into your hands. Breathe out longer and slower than when you breathe in. Inhale for 4 seconds, stop breathing for 3 seconds, exhale for 5 seconds, and stop breathing again for 3 seconds. So-called Taking abdominal breathing for 10 to 20 minutes every day is very helpful for maintaining health. Let me ask you. What percentage of lung function do we use when we
breathe unconsciously? We use about 10 percent of our lung function.)
55. 잠 잘자기
오늘, 나는 잠 잘자기에 대하여 말하고자 합니다. 잠 자는 동안 우리의 몸은 낮 동안의 기억을 편집하고 정리한다. 시험 보기 전 날은 충분히 자야하는 이유이다. 기억력이 좋아지려면 잠을 잘 자야한다. 잠 자는 동안 먹은 음식을 소화하고 흡수하여 우리 몸에 영양분을 공급한다.어린애들은 주로 잠자는 동안 성장하고, 어른의 수염은 밤 동안에 자란다. 잠은 면역력을 강화하고 피로를 회복시킨다. 잠은 베타아밀로이드같은 뇌활동 폐기물을 배출한다. 만약 이것이 오랫동안 축적되면 알츠하이머성 치매의 원인이 된다. 잠을 잘 자기 위하여 어떤 종류의 환경이 필요한가? 첫째는 빛이다. 자연 수면제인 멜라토닌의 양은 빛에 반비례한다. 빛이 어두울 때에만 당신은 잠을 잘 잘 수가 있다. 안대를 사용하거나 또는 차광 커튼을 설치하는 것이 좋다.간접조명이 깊은 수면에 좋다. 침실에는 인터넷, 티브이, 스마트폰 등을 두어서는 안된다. 두번 째는 소리다. 외부의 소리는 방음 커튼으로 차단할 수 있다. 왼 쪽으로 누워서 자면 코골이와 무호흡을 줄일 수 있다. 감미로운 음악 멜로디는 타이머를 설치해야 한다. 세번 째는 신선한 공기이다. 우리는 가끔 환기를 시킬 필요가 있다. 너무 덥지 않도록 온도와 습도를 조절해야 한다. 침실에 선인장과 같은 관상용 식물을 놓는다면 그것은 과도한 습도와 탄산가스를 흡수한다. 네번 째는 편안함이다. 베개와 잠 옷은 따뜻하고 포근한 천연 소재로 만들어야 한다. 침대 커버와 이불은 부드럽고 포근해야 하고 색상이 밝아야 한다. 수면 양말은 숙면에 도움이 된다. 다섯 째는 안정되고 편안한 마음이다. 당신은 스트레스, 분노, 근심, 걱정 등을 풀은 후에 잠자리에 들어야 한다. 어린애가 울다가 잠들어 버리면 정서발육에 아주 해롭다. 숙면을 하는데 무엇이 중요한가 ? 티브이나 스마트폰 같은 밝은 빛을 보면서 오랜 시간 깨어있지 말아라. 깨어 있을 때 오랜 시간 침대에 누워있지 말아야 한다. 잠들기 전에 시간을 확인하지 말라. 잠드는 시간에 상관없이 일정한 시간에 일어나는 것이 좋다. 잠자기 전에 너무 많은 물, 과식,카페인, 알콜,과격한 운동 등은 피해야 한다. 마음이 편안할 때 만이 당신은 편안히 잠들 수 있다. 잠은 저장되지 않는다. 매일 필요한 만큼 잠을 자야 한다. 나의 이야기를 들어주셔서 고맙습니다.
(Today, I want to talk about sleeping well. During sleep, our bodies edit and organize our memories during the day. That's why you should get enough sleep the day before the test. You need to sleep well to have a good memory. It provides nutrients to our bodies by digesting and absorbing food eaten during sleep.Children usually grow during sleep, and adult whiskers grow during the night. Sleep strengthens immunity and restores fatigue. Sleep releases brain-active waste such as beta-amyloid. If it accumulates for a long time, it causes Alzheimer's dementia. What kind of environment do you need to sleep well? The first is light. The amount of melatonin, a natural sleeping pill, is inversely proportional to light. You can sleep well only when the light is dark. It is recommended to use an eye patch or to install a light-shielding curtain.Indirect lighting is good for deep sleep. There should be no Internet, TV, smartphone, etc. in the bedroom. The second is the sound. External sound can be blocked with soundproof curtains. Sleeping on the left can reduce snoring and apnea. A sweet music melody should be set with a timer. The third is fresh air. We need to ventilate from time to time. You should adjust the temperature and humidity so that it is not too hot. If you put ornamental plants like cactus in your bedroom, it absorbs excess humidity and carbon dioxide. The fourth is comfort. Pillows and pajamas should be made of warm and cozy natural materials. Bed covers and quilts should be soft, cozy and bright in color. Sleeping socks help you sleep soundly. The fifth is a stable and comfortable mind. You should go to bed after relieving stress, anger, anxiety, and anxiety. If a child falls asleep while crying, it is very harmful to emotional development. What is important for a good night's sleep? Don't stay awake for long periods of time watching bright lights such as TV or smartphone. Don't lie in bed for a long time when you're awake. Don't check the time before you go to bed. It is good to wake up at a certain time regardless of the time you fall asleep. Avoid too much water, overeating, caffeine, alcohol, and extreme exercise before going to bed. You can only sleep comfortably when you feel at ease. Sleep is not saved. You should sleep as much as
you need every day. Thank you for listening to my story.)
(Today, I want to talk about sleeping well. During sleep, our bodies edit and organize our memories during the day. That's why you should get enough sleep the day before the test. You need to sleep well to have a good memory. It provides nutrients to our bodies by digesting and absorbing food eaten during sleep.Children usually grow during sleep, and adult whiskers grow during the night. Sleep strengthens immunity and restores fatigue. Sleep releases brain-active waste such as beta-amyloid. If it accumulates for a long time, it causes Alzheimer's dementia. What kind of environment do you need to sleep well? The first is light. The amount of melatonin, a natural sleeping pill, is inversely proportional to light. You can sleep well only when the light is dark. It is recommended to use an eye patch or to install a light-shielding curtain.Indirect lighting is good for deep sleep. There should be no Internet, TV, smartphone, etc. in the bedroom. The second is the sound. External sound can be blocked with soundproof curtains. Sleeping on the left can reduce snoring and apnea. A sweet music melody should be set with a timer. The third is fresh air. We need to ventilate from time to time. You should adjust the temperature and humidity so that it is not too hot. If you put ornamental plants like cactus in your bedroom, it absorbs excess humidity and carbon dioxide. The fourth is comfort. Pillows and pajamas should be made of warm and cozy natural materials. Bed covers and quilts should be soft, cozy and bright in color. Sleeping socks help you sleep soundly. The fifth is a stable and comfortable mind. You should go to bed after relieving stress, anger, anxiety, and anxiety. If a child falls asleep while crying, it is very harmful to emotional development. What is important for a good night's sleep? Don't stay awake for long periods of time watching bright lights such as TV or smartphone. Don't lie in bed for a long time when you're awake. Don't check the time before you go to bed. It is good to wake up at a certain time regardless of the time you fall asleep. Avoid too much water, overeating, caffeine, alcohol, and extreme exercise before going to bed. You can only sleep comfortably when you feel at ease. Sleep is not saved. You should sleep as much as
you need every day. Thank you for listening to my story.)
54. 발아 현미
오늘은 발아현미에 대하여 말하고자 합니다. 발아 과정에서 가바, 비타민, 효소, 아미노산 등이 만들어 진다. 발아현미의 효능에 대하여 알아보자. 첫 째, 혈관 질환을 예방한다. 가바는 발아현미에 들어있는 영양소이다. 그것에는 아미노산이 많이 들어 있다. 그것은 정보전달에 도움을 주는 신경 전달물질이다. 그것은 감마 아미노부르틴산으로 불린다. 그것은 척수, 뇌 등 중추신경계에 중요한 역할을 한다. 그것은 혈압과 콜레스톨을 조절하여 혈관 질환을 예방한다. 발아현미에는 일반현미에 비해 3배 내지 5배의 가비가 들어 있다. 풍부한 리놀렌산은 콜레스톨을 감소시킨다. 피토스테롤은 콜레스톨에 저항 작용을 하여 동맥 경화를 예방한다. 둘 째, 면역력을 증진시킨다. SOD라는 효소는 활성 산소를 없애준다. 활성 산소는 신체조직을 손상하고 산화를 일으킨다. 비타민 E는 강력한 항산화려으로 우리 몸을 보호한다. 아시노틀은 간암, 폐암, 대장암 등 각종 암을 예방한다. 셋 째, 뇌 기능을 증진시킨다. 가바는 뇌의 기능을 개선한다. 그것은 퇴행성 뇌질환을 예방한다. 감마 오리지놀은 자율 신경을 활성화 시킨다. 넷 째, 내장의 건강에 좋다. 풍부한 식이섬유는 내장 속의 독소와 노폐물을 몸 밖으로 배출한다. 그것은 내장 속의 유익균을 증식시킨다. 그것은 내장의 벽을 자극하여 대변의 량을 늘려준다. 그래서 변비와 숙변 제거에 좋다. 다섯 째, 피로 회복에 좋다. 풍부한 비타민 B군은 당질을 에너지로 변환시킨다. 각종 무기질, 비타민E는 신진대사를 횔성화한다. 또한 혈액순환을 촉진시켜서 피로 회복에 좋다. 옥타코사놀은 기초대사량 향상에 좋다. 여섯 째, 혈당 조절에 좋다. 풍부한 식이섬유는 혈당을 알맞게 유지시킨다. 또한 당뇨를 예방하고 개선한다. 이노시톨은 혈당 조절에 도움이 된다. 일곱 째, 체중 조절에 좋다. 발아현미에는 백미에 비하여 식이섬유가 4배 이상 들어있다. 그것은 포만감을 유지시켜서 체중 조절에 좋다. 가바와 아노시는 기초대사량 증가에 관여한다. 그것 들은 몸 속의 지방을 연소시키고 인슈린의 저항성을 높인다. 여덟 째, 노화 방지에 좋다. 감마 오리자놀은 현미의 배아에 들어있다. 그것은 노화를 방지하고 피부에 좋다. 가바는 노화 방지에 매우 좋다. 소화가 잘 안되는 사람은 백미와 발아 현미를 섞어 먹으면 된다. 적응 정도에 따라 점차 발아 현미의 량을 늘려가면 좋다. 이상 입니다. 나의 이야기를 들어주셔서 감사합니다.
(Today, I'm going to talk about germination brown rice. Gaba, vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids are produced during the germination process. Let's find out the efficacy of germinated brown rice. First, prevent vascular disease. Gaba is a nutrient in germinated brown rice. It contains a lot of amino acids. It is a neurotransmitter that helps transmit information. It is called gamma aminoburtic acid. It plays an important role in the central nervous system, such as the spinal cord and brain. It controls blood pressure and cholesterol to prevent vascular disease. Germinated brown rice contains three to five times more scallops than regular brown rice. Rich linolenic acid reduces cholesterol. Phytosterol acts against cholesterol to prevent arteriosclerosis. Secondly, it boosts immunity. An enzyme called SOD removes free radicals. Active oxygen damages body tissue and causes oxidation. Vitamin E protects our bodies with strong antioxidant concerns. Asinotle prevents various cancers such as liver cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer. Third, it enhances brain function. Gaba improves brain function. It prevents degenerative brain disease. Gamma originalol activates autonomic nerves. Fourth, it is good for the health of the gut. The abundant dietary fiber releases toxins and wastes from the gut out of the body. It multiplies beneficial bacteria in the gut. It stimulates the walls of the gut and increases the amount of feces. So it's good for constipation and removing urticaria. Fifth, it's good for recovering from fatigue. Rich B vitamins convert sugars into energy. Various minerals, vitamin E, incarnate metabolism. It also promotes blood circulation and is good for fatigue recovery. Octacosanol is good for improving basal metabolic rate. Sixth, it is good for controlling blood sugar. The rich fiber keeps blood sugar in order. It also prevents and improves diabetes. Inositol helps control blood sugar. Seventh, it is good for weight control. Germinated brown rice contains four times more dietary fiber than white rice. It keeps you feeling full, so it's good for weight control. Gabba and Anosi are involved in increased basal metabolic rate. They burn fat in the body and increase the resistance of insulin. Eighth, it is good for preventing aging. Gamma Origanol is contained in brown rice embryos. It prevents aging and is good for the skin. Gaba is very good for anti-aging. People with indigestion can eat a mixture of white rice and germinated brown rice. It is good to gradually increase the amount of
germinated brown rice according to the degree of adaptation. That's about it. Thank you for listening to my story.)
(Today, I'm going to talk about germination brown rice. Gaba, vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids are produced during the germination process. Let's find out the efficacy of germinated brown rice. First, prevent vascular disease. Gaba is a nutrient in germinated brown rice. It contains a lot of amino acids. It is a neurotransmitter that helps transmit information. It is called gamma aminoburtic acid. It plays an important role in the central nervous system, such as the spinal cord and brain. It controls blood pressure and cholesterol to prevent vascular disease. Germinated brown rice contains three to five times more scallops than regular brown rice. Rich linolenic acid reduces cholesterol. Phytosterol acts against cholesterol to prevent arteriosclerosis. Secondly, it boosts immunity. An enzyme called SOD removes free radicals. Active oxygen damages body tissue and causes oxidation. Vitamin E protects our bodies with strong antioxidant concerns. Asinotle prevents various cancers such as liver cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer. Third, it enhances brain function. Gaba improves brain function. It prevents degenerative brain disease. Gamma originalol activates autonomic nerves. Fourth, it is good for the health of the gut. The abundant dietary fiber releases toxins and wastes from the gut out of the body. It multiplies beneficial bacteria in the gut. It stimulates the walls of the gut and increases the amount of feces. So it's good for constipation and removing urticaria. Fifth, it's good for recovering from fatigue. Rich B vitamins convert sugars into energy. Various minerals, vitamin E, incarnate metabolism. It also promotes blood circulation and is good for fatigue recovery. Octacosanol is good for improving basal metabolic rate. Sixth, it is good for controlling blood sugar. The rich fiber keeps blood sugar in order. It also prevents and improves diabetes. Inositol helps control blood sugar. Seventh, it is good for weight control. Germinated brown rice contains four times more dietary fiber than white rice. It keeps you feeling full, so it's good for weight control. Gabba and Anosi are involved in increased basal metabolic rate. They burn fat in the body and increase the resistance of insulin. Eighth, it is good for preventing aging. Gamma Origanol is contained in brown rice embryos. It prevents aging and is good for the skin. Gaba is very good for anti-aging. People with indigestion can eat a mixture of white rice and germinated brown rice. It is good to gradually increase the amount of
germinated brown rice according to the degree of adaptation. That's about it. Thank you for listening to my story.)
53. 소금과 건강
로마 시대에는 소금으로 월급을 받았다고 한다. 그 때는 소금이 화폐의 역할을 대신 하였다. salary 가 소금을 뜻하는 slarium에서 유래하였다는 것이다. 그 정도로 소금이 인간의 생활에 중요하다는 의미로 여겨진다. 소금은 몸 속의 신진대사를 촉진한다. 삼투압의 조절, 소화액 분비, 체액의 ph 유지 등 의 중요한 역할을 한다. 오늘은 죽염에 대하여 말하고자 한다. 죽염이란 대나무 소금이란 뜻이다. 대나무 속에 천일염을 넣고 높은 온도로 구워서 만든다. 죽염의 효능에 대하여 알아보자. 첫 째, 소염작용을 한다. 죽염은 일반 소금보다 살균력이 3배 이상 높다. 특히 염증을 개선하는데 좋다. 죽염으로 이를 닦으면 입 몸 속의 세균과 염증을 개선해준다. 들 째, 면역력을 증가시킨다. 죽염 속에는 칼슘, 인, 마그네슘, 나트리움, 황 등 미네랄 성분이 풍부하다. 이들이 산성화된 몸을 개선하여 면역력을 높여준다. 셋 째, 혈관 건강에 좋다. 죽염은 혈관 속의 독소와 노폐물을 몸 밖으로 배출한다. 또 혈액을 깨끗하게 해준다. 따라서 심혈관 질환을 개선하고 예방하는 효과가 있다. 넷 째, 입 냄새를 없애준다. 죽염은 위장 운동을 좋게한다. 또한 몸 속에 있는 노폐물은 배출한다. 그리하여 입 남새가 생기는 원인을 줄여준다. 또한 잇몸, 치아, 충치 예방 등 구강 건강에 좋다. 다섯 째, 피부 미용에 좋다. 죽염은 몸 속의 독소와 노폐물을 배출한다. 아토피 완화에도 도움을 준다. 물에 죽염을 타서 얼굴을 씻으면 여드름을 없애고 피부질환을 일으키는 세균을 없애준다. 죽염을 탄 물로 발을 씻으면 무좀균을 없애 발 건강에 좋다. 여섯 째, 골다공증에 좋다. 죽염은 뼈의 주성분인 석회질을 강화시킨다. 그래서 골다공증 예방에 좋다. 죽염은 피를 맑게하고 콜레스테롤의 수치를 낮추어 성인병 예방에 좋다. 일곱 째, 위 건강에 좋다. 죽염이 위의 염산 생성을 도와 소화를 촉진하고 위장의 기능을 강화시킨다. 머덟 째, 노화 방지에 좋다.죽염은 지방 산화물의 생성을 낮게하고 몸 속의 항산화 효소를 증가시키므로 노화 방지에 좋다. 아홉 째, 입 몸 질환에 좋다. 소금 물 컵에 칫솔을 담가 두었다가 쓰면. 입 몸 질환에 아주 좋다. 대부분의 세균은 소금물에 들어가면 삼투압 때문에 터져서 죽는다. 이상으로 마치겠습니다. 나의 이야기를 경청해 주셔서 고맙습니다.
(It is said that during Roman times, they were paid with salt. At that time, salt took the place of money. Salary is derived from slarium, which means salt. It is believed that salt is important to human life. Salt promotes metabolism in the body. It plays an important role in controlling osmotic pressure, secretion of digestive fluid, and maintaining the ph of body fluid. Today I'm going to talk about bamboo salt. Bamboo salt means bamboo salt. It is made by putting bay salt in bamboo and baking it at a high temperature. Let's find out the efficacy of bamboo salt. First, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Bamboo salt is more than three times more sterilizing power than ordinary salt. It is especially good for improving inflammation. Brushing your teeth with bamboo salts improves germs and inflammation in your mouth. In addition, it increases immunity. Bamboo salts are rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, natrium, and sulfur. They improve the acidified body and increase immunity. Third, it is good for blood vessel health. Bamboo salt discharges toxins and wastes from blood vessels out of the body. It also cleans the blood. Therefore, it has the effect of improving and preventing cardiovascular disease. Fourth, it removes bad breath. Bamboo salt improves gastrointestinal exercise. It also excrete waste from the body. Thus, it reduces the cause of muzzle. It is also good for oral health such as preventing gums, teeth, and cavities. Fifth, it is good for skin care. Bamboo salt releases toxins and wastes from the body. It also helps relieve atopy. If you wash your face with bamboo salt in water, it removes acne and removes germs that cause skin diseases. Washing your feet with bamboo salt water removes athlete's foot bacteria and is good for your feet health. Sixth, it is good for osteoporosis. Bamboo salt strengthens the limestone, the main ingredient of bones. So it is good for preventing osteoporosis. Bamboo salt is good for preventing adult diseases by clearing blood and lowering cholesterol levels. Seventh, it is good for your stomach. Bamboo salt helps the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach to promote digestion and strengthen the function of the stomach. Eighth, it's good for preventing aging.Bamboo salt is good for preventing aging because it lowers the production of fat oxides and increases antioxidant enzymes in the body. Ninth, it's good for mouth disease. If you soak your toothbrush in a cup of salt water and use it. It's very good for mouth disease. Most
bacteria die from osmotic pressure when they enter salt water. That's all for today. Thank you for listening to my story.)
(It is said that during Roman times, they were paid with salt. At that time, salt took the place of money. Salary is derived from slarium, which means salt. It is believed that salt is important to human life. Salt promotes metabolism in the body. It plays an important role in controlling osmotic pressure, secretion of digestive fluid, and maintaining the ph of body fluid. Today I'm going to talk about bamboo salt. Bamboo salt means bamboo salt. It is made by putting bay salt in bamboo and baking it at a high temperature. Let's find out the efficacy of bamboo salt. First, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Bamboo salt is more than three times more sterilizing power than ordinary salt. It is especially good for improving inflammation. Brushing your teeth with bamboo salts improves germs and inflammation in your mouth. In addition, it increases immunity. Bamboo salts are rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, natrium, and sulfur. They improve the acidified body and increase immunity. Third, it is good for blood vessel health. Bamboo salt discharges toxins and wastes from blood vessels out of the body. It also cleans the blood. Therefore, it has the effect of improving and preventing cardiovascular disease. Fourth, it removes bad breath. Bamboo salt improves gastrointestinal exercise. It also excrete waste from the body. Thus, it reduces the cause of muzzle. It is also good for oral health such as preventing gums, teeth, and cavities. Fifth, it is good for skin care. Bamboo salt releases toxins and wastes from the body. It also helps relieve atopy. If you wash your face with bamboo salt in water, it removes acne and removes germs that cause skin diseases. Washing your feet with bamboo salt water removes athlete's foot bacteria and is good for your feet health. Sixth, it is good for osteoporosis. Bamboo salt strengthens the limestone, the main ingredient of bones. So it is good for preventing osteoporosis. Bamboo salt is good for preventing adult diseases by clearing blood and lowering cholesterol levels. Seventh, it is good for your stomach. Bamboo salt helps the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach to promote digestion and strengthen the function of the stomach. Eighth, it's good for preventing aging.Bamboo salt is good for preventing aging because it lowers the production of fat oxides and increases antioxidant enzymes in the body. Ninth, it's good for mouth disease. If you soak your toothbrush in a cup of salt water and use it. It's very good for mouth disease. Most
bacteria die from osmotic pressure when they enter salt water. That's all for today. Thank you for listening to my story.)
,52. 스트레스
오늘은 스트레스에 대하여 말하고자 합니다. 스트레스는 외부의 자극이나 변화가 주어졌을 때 한 인간의 신체적, 정신적 반응을 뜻한다. 스트레스가 주어졌을 때 우리의 몸이 어떻게 반응할까? 스트레스가 계속되면 스트레스 호르몬인 코르티솔이 과잉으로 분비된다. 그러면 면역 기능이 낮아지고 혈압이 올라간다. 모세혈관이 수축되어 혈액의 흐름이 나빠진다. 몸 속의 이곳 저곳에서 활성산소가 만들어진다. 매일 일정하게 지속되는 스트레스는 신체적 정신적 에너지를 서서히 소진시킨다. 스트레스의 긍정적 효과에 대하여 알아보자. 첫째, 기억력을 높여준다. 긴장이 되게하는 스트레스 호르몬은 뇌를 각성시켜 기억력을 높여준다. 둘째 면역체계를 강화시킨다. 코르티솔은 스트레스 호르몬이다. 그 것은 질병과 싸울 전투 호르몬을 발생시킨다. 셋째 자기 발전의 계기가 된다. 스트레스는 자기 스스로를 발전시키는 계기가 된다. 넷째 생활의 활력소가 된다. 우리의 생활을 풍요롭게 하는 계기가 될 수 있다. 스트레스를 잘 극복해가면 활용하기에 따라서 약이 될 수도 있다. 스트레스 해소 방법을 알아보자. 첫째 대범해져야 한다. 불쾌한 스트레스를 쌓아두지 말고 흘려 보낸다. 스트레스의 원인에서 멀어지도록 한다. 자신이 하고 싶은 것을 할 수 있는 시간을 확보한다. 스트레스를 받고 있는 자신을 객관적으로 지켜본다. 남의 시선을 의식하지 말고 대범하게 살아간다. 담담하게 현실을 직시하고 받아들인다. 상대방을 고치려 하지 말고 내가 스스로 변하도록 힘쓴다. 둘째 잘 나가는 자신의 모습을 떠올린다. 일상생활에서 긍정적 의미를 찿는다. 기분 좋았던 경험을 구체적으로 적어본다. 자신의 장점을 찿아본다. 행복한 미래를 상상해 본다. 부정적인 현재의 이미지를 날려 보낸다. 셋째 나에게 스스로 보상을 주어 쾌락 호르몬 분비를 유도한다. 하기 싫은 일과 즐거운 일을 적절하게 조합한다. 최초의 경험은 행복호르몬인 도파민의 분비를 촉진한다. 새로운 취미 활동에 도전하거나 전혀 모르는 지역을 여행한다. 어떤 일을 잘 했을 때 자신에게 적절한 보상을 해 주면 그 일을 더 잘 할 수 있게 된다. 넷째 껌 씹기로 세르토닌 분비를 촉진한다. 세르토닌은 행복 호르몬이다. 그것이 뇌의 신경세포를 활성화 시킨다. 걷기, 댄스 등 리듬 운동을 할 때 세르토닌 분비가 활발해 진다. 껌을 씹는 것도 효과적이다. 프로 야구 선수들이 껌을 씹는 이유는 세르토닌을 활성화 시켜서 평정심을 유지하기 위함이다. 다섯째 복식호흡을 한다. 복식호흡은 자율신경을 조절하는데 가장 효과적인 방법이다. 잠들지 못하거나 긴장할 때 복식호흡이 좋다. 4초 동안 숨을 들이마시고 4초 동안 숨을 멈춘 다음 8초에 걸처서 숨을 천천히 내뱉는, 이른 바 4.4.8 호흡법이다. 여섯째 슬플수록 웃어라. 웃음은 자율신경의 균형을 조절한다. 웃음은 모세혈관을 건강하게 한다. 크게 웃으면 엔돌핀이 대량으로 분비된다. 가짜로 웃는 억지 웃음도 효과가 있다. 일곱째 좋아하는 음악을 즐긴다. 듣고 싶은 음악을 듣는 것이 자율신경의 안정에 좋다. 자신의 몸이 내는 목소리에 귀를 기울인다. 여덟째 애정 호르몬의 분비를 촉진한다. 옥시토닌은 커뮤니케이션 호르몬이다. 그것은 모유를 분비하게한다. 그것은 좋은 유대관계를 느끼게 한다. 옥시토닌 수용체의 결핍이 자폐증 등과 같은 사회 부적응의 원인이 될 수 있다. 친절한 마음이나 솔직한 기분을 표현하면 옥시토닌의 분비가 증가한다. 커뮤니케이션이 잘 되면 자율신경이 균형을 이루어 마음을 안정시킨다. 위의 내용을 종합해 보 자. 스트레스는 모든 병의 원인이 될 수 있다고 한다. 그러나 스트레스가 해롭기만 한것은 아니다. 지혜롭게 대처하고 잘 극복하면 우리의 삶에 좋은 활력소가 될 수도 있다. 이상 입니다. 나의 이야기를 들어주셔서 고맙습니다.
(Today, I want to talk about stress. Stress refers to a human's physical and mental response when external stimuli or changes are given. How do our bodies react to stress? If stress continues, the stress hormone cortisol is secreted excessively. This lowers your immune function and raises your blood pressure. Capillaries contract and blood flow is impaired. Active oxygen is produced here and there in the body. Stress, which lasts constantly every day, slowly exhausts physical energy. Let's learn about the positive effects of stress. First, it improves memory. Stress hormones that make you nervous awaken your brain and improve your memory. Second, it strengthens the immune system. Cortisol is a stress hormone. It generates combat hormones to fight disease. Third, it is an opportunity for self-development. Stress is an opportunity to develop oneself. Fourth, it is a vital part of life. It can be an opportunity to enrich our lives. If you overcome stress well, it can be a medicine depending on how you use it. Let's find out how to relieve stress. First, you have to be bold. Don't accumulate unpleasant stress and let it go. Keep away from the cause of stress. Secure time to do what you want to do. Look at yourself under stress objectively. Don't be conscious of other people's views and live boldly. I calmly face reality and accept it. Don't try to fix the other person, but try to change yourself. Second, I think of myself who is doing well. Seeking positive meaning in everyday life. Write down the pleasant experience in detail. Try to find out your strengths. Imagine a happy future. Blow away the negative present image. Third, I reward myself and induce the secretion of pleasure hormones. A proper combination of what you don't want to do and what you enjoy doing. The first experience promotes the secretion of dopamine, a happiness hormone. Challenge new hobbies or travel to areas you don't know at all. When you do a good job, you can do the job better if you reward yourself appropriately. Fourth, chewing gum promotes the secretion of serotonin. Sertonin is a happy hormone. It activates nerve cells in the brain. Sertonin secretion becomes active when doing rhythmic exercises such as walking and dancing. Chewing gum is also effective. The reason why professional baseball players chew gum is to keep calm by activating serotonin. Fifth, do abdominal breathing. Abdominal breathing is the most effective way to control autonomic nerves. Abdominal breathing is good when you can't fall asleep or get nervous. It is the so-called 4.4.8 breathing method, in which you breathe in for 4 seconds, stop breathing for 4 seconds, and exhale slowly over 8 seconds. Sixth, smile when you are sad. Laughter controls the balance of autonomic nerves. Laughter keeps the capillaries healthy. Laughing out loud releases a lot of endorphins. Fake laughter is also effective. Seventh, I enjoy my favorite music. Listening to the music you want to listen to is good for the stability of your autonomic nerves. He listens to the voice of his body. Eighth promotes the secretion of love hormones. Oxytonin is a communication hormone. It secretes breast milk. It makes me feel a good bond. Lack of oxytonin receptors can cause social maladjustment such as autism. Expressing a kind heart or honest mood increases the secretion of oxytonin. If communication goes well, autonomic nerves balance to stabilize the mind. Let's put the above together. It is said that stress can cause all diseases. However,
stress is not only harmful. If we deal with it wisely and overcome it well, it can be a good energy source in our lives. That's about it. Thank you for listening to my story.)
(Today, I want to talk about stress. Stress refers to a human's physical and mental response when external stimuli or changes are given. How do our bodies react to stress? If stress continues, the stress hormone cortisol is secreted excessively. This lowers your immune function and raises your blood pressure. Capillaries contract and blood flow is impaired. Active oxygen is produced here and there in the body. Stress, which lasts constantly every day, slowly exhausts physical energy. Let's learn about the positive effects of stress. First, it improves memory. Stress hormones that make you nervous awaken your brain and improve your memory. Second, it strengthens the immune system. Cortisol is a stress hormone. It generates combat hormones to fight disease. Third, it is an opportunity for self-development. Stress is an opportunity to develop oneself. Fourth, it is a vital part of life. It can be an opportunity to enrich our lives. If you overcome stress well, it can be a medicine depending on how you use it. Let's find out how to relieve stress. First, you have to be bold. Don't accumulate unpleasant stress and let it go. Keep away from the cause of stress. Secure time to do what you want to do. Look at yourself under stress objectively. Don't be conscious of other people's views and live boldly. I calmly face reality and accept it. Don't try to fix the other person, but try to change yourself. Second, I think of myself who is doing well. Seeking positive meaning in everyday life. Write down the pleasant experience in detail. Try to find out your strengths. Imagine a happy future. Blow away the negative present image. Third, I reward myself and induce the secretion of pleasure hormones. A proper combination of what you don't want to do and what you enjoy doing. The first experience promotes the secretion of dopamine, a happiness hormone. Challenge new hobbies or travel to areas you don't know at all. When you do a good job, you can do the job better if you reward yourself appropriately. Fourth, chewing gum promotes the secretion of serotonin. Sertonin is a happy hormone. It activates nerve cells in the brain. Sertonin secretion becomes active when doing rhythmic exercises such as walking and dancing. Chewing gum is also effective. The reason why professional baseball players chew gum is to keep calm by activating serotonin. Fifth, do abdominal breathing. Abdominal breathing is the most effective way to control autonomic nerves. Abdominal breathing is good when you can't fall asleep or get nervous. It is the so-called 4.4.8 breathing method, in which you breathe in for 4 seconds, stop breathing for 4 seconds, and exhale slowly over 8 seconds. Sixth, smile when you are sad. Laughter controls the balance of autonomic nerves. Laughter keeps the capillaries healthy. Laughing out loud releases a lot of endorphins. Fake laughter is also effective. Seventh, I enjoy my favorite music. Listening to the music you want to listen to is good for the stability of your autonomic nerves. He listens to the voice of his body. Eighth promotes the secretion of love hormones. Oxytonin is a communication hormone. It secretes breast milk. It makes me feel a good bond. Lack of oxytonin receptors can cause social maladjustment such as autism. Expressing a kind heart or honest mood increases the secretion of oxytonin. If communication goes well, autonomic nerves balance to stabilize the mind. Let's put the above together. It is said that stress can cause all diseases. However,
stress is not only harmful. If we deal with it wisely and overcome it well, it can be a good energy source in our lives. That's about it. Thank you for listening to my story.)
51. 요리 매연
50세 전후 인 여성 A씨는 최근 폐암 말기 판정을 받았다. 그녀는 20 여년을 학교 급식 조리사로 일해 왔 다. 그 녀 본인은 물론 가족 모두가 담배를 피지 않았다. 요리 매연이 폐암의 원인으로 지목되었다. 여성 폐암 발생 원인의 90퍼센트가 주방 미세먼지라고 국립 암센타가 발표한 바가 있다. 요리 매연은 초미세먼지를 대형덤프 트럭의 2배 이상 만든다고 한다. 도심에서 미세먼지가 가장 많이 발생하는 곳은 식당이란다. 햄버거 1장 구울 때 생기는 미세먼지는 디젤 덤프 트럭이 250km 달릴 때 나오는 량과 맞먹는다고 한다. WHO의 발표에 따르면, 실외에 비하여 실내의 미세먼지가 폐에 도달할 확률이 100배 내지 1000배가 높다고 한다. 요리매연은 WHO가 지정하는 1급 발암 물질이다. 2017년 국내 여성 폐암 환자의 90퍼센트가 비흡연자였다. 학교, 공장, 대형병원, 지하식당, 백화점의 푸드코트 등 대형 급식 시설에서 미세먼지가 대량으로 발생한다. 그 미세먼지는 조리 근로자, 식당 고객, 주변 사람들의 건강을 위협한다. 이제, 요리매연의 효과적인 관리 방법을 알아보자. 환기가 가장 효과적인 대 책이다. 고기나 생선은 너무 바싹 굽지 않는다. 뚜껑을 덮고 조리한다. 조리 시간을 가능한 한 짧게 한다. 기름이 타지 않도록 중불로 조리한다. 후드를 사용하고 창문을 열어서 환기시킨다. 조리할 때 마스크를 착용한다. 요리매연 발생을 줄일 수 있는 조리 방법을 선택한다. 대형 식당의 경우는 요리매연 제거 시설을 설치해야한다. 요리매연을 줄이도록 노력하여 우리의 건강을 지킵시다. 나의 이야기를 들어주셔서 감사합니다.
(A woman around the age of 50 was recently diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. She has worked as a school lunch cook for more than 20 years. didn't smoke herself or her whole family. Cooking fumes have been blamed for lung cancer. Ninety percent of the causes of lung
cancer in women are kitchen fine dust, according to the National Amcenta. Cooking fumes are said to make ultrafine dust more than twice as much as large dump trucks. Restaurants generate the most fine dust in the city. Fine dust generated when baking a hamburger is said to be equivalent to the amount produced when a diesel dump truck runs 250 kilometers. According to the WHO's announcement, indoor fine dust is 100 to 1,000 times more likely to reach the lungs than outdoors. Cooking smoke is a first-class carcinogen designated by the WHO. In 2017, 90 percent of female lung cancer patients in Korea were non-smokers. Large amounts of fine dust are generated in large meal facilities such as schools, factories, large hospitals, underground restaurants, and food courts at department stores. The fine dust threatens the health of cooking workers, restaurant customers, and people around them. Now, let's find out how to manage cooking fumes effectively. Ventilation is the most effective measure. Meat or fish are not too crispy. Cover and cook. Keep the cooking time as short as possible. Cook over medium heat to prevent oil from burning. Use the hood and open the window to ventilate. Wear a mask when cooking. Choose a cooking method that can reduce the generation of cooking fumes. In the case of large restaurants, cooking and smoke removal facilities must be installed. Let's protect our health by trying to reduce cooking fumes. Thank
you for listening to my story.)
(A woman around the age of 50 was recently diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. She has worked as a school lunch cook for more than 20 years. didn't smoke herself or her whole family. Cooking fumes have been blamed for lung cancer. Ninety percent of the causes of lung
cancer in women are kitchen fine dust, according to the National Amcenta. Cooking fumes are said to make ultrafine dust more than twice as much as large dump trucks. Restaurants generate the most fine dust in the city. Fine dust generated when baking a hamburger is said to be equivalent to the amount produced when a diesel dump truck runs 250 kilometers. According to the WHO's announcement, indoor fine dust is 100 to 1,000 times more likely to reach the lungs than outdoors. Cooking smoke is a first-class carcinogen designated by the WHO. In 2017, 90 percent of female lung cancer patients in Korea were non-smokers. Large amounts of fine dust are generated in large meal facilities such as schools, factories, large hospitals, underground restaurants, and food courts at department stores. The fine dust threatens the health of cooking workers, restaurant customers, and people around them. Now, let's find out how to manage cooking fumes effectively. Ventilation is the most effective measure. Meat or fish are not too crispy. Cover and cook. Keep the cooking time as short as possible. Cook over medium heat to prevent oil from burning. Use the hood and open the window to ventilate. Wear a mask when cooking. Choose a cooking method that can reduce the generation of cooking fumes. In the case of large restaurants, cooking and smoke removal facilities must be installed. Let's protect our health by trying to reduce cooking fumes. Thank
you for listening to my story.)
50. 종아리 맛사지
종아리는 제2의 심장이라고 불릴만큼 매우 중요한 근육기관이다. 종아리는 혈액을 다시 심장으로 밀어 올리는 펌프작용을 한다. 종아리의 기능이 약해지면 혈액의 흐름이 막혀서 혈전이 생기기 쉽다. 하체의.혈액을 심장으로 펌프질해주는 종아리의 역할을 살리기 위해서는 종아리 맛사지가 필수이다. 종아리 맛사지는 모든 질병을 예방하는 효과가 있다. 하루 5분씩만 종아리를 주물러도 혈액순환이 잘 된다. 그러면 몸이 따뜻해지면서 면역력이 높아진다고 한다. 방법은 간단하다. 종아리를 매일 5분씩 맛사지해주면 된다. 몸이 따뜻해지면서 자율 신경이 원활하게 조절된다. 그래서 면역력이 한층 높아진다. 건강한 종아리는 탄력이 있고 탱탱하고 따뜻하고 부드럽다. 종아리 맛사지를 열심히 하면 심장과 신장의 부담이 가벼워진다. 그리하여 혈압이 안정되고 온 몸에 산소와 영양분의 공급이 잘 된다. 또한 노폐물 배출이 잘된다. 또 기초 대사를 높여서 블필요한 지방이 쉽게 제거된다. 세포를 젊게해서 노화를 늦춘다. 자율신경을 조절하여 불면증과 우울증이 사라진다. 뇌 세포에 혈액이 잘 공급되어 머리가 맑아지고 치매도 예방된다. 종아리 맛사지를 어떻게 하면 될까? 아킬레스건 부터 종아리 근육 쪽으로 밀어 올려야 한다. 혈액을 심장으로 돌려보낸다는 느낌으로 밀어 올린다. 처음부터 힘을 주지 말고 가볍게 문지르듯이 맛사지를 한다. 근육이 풀려지면서 기분도 서서히 좋아진다. 목욕이나 족욕을 해서 종아리가 따뜻해진 후에 맛사지를 하면 효과는 더욱 커진다. 종아리 맛사지를 하면 땀이나 소변이 잘 배출된다. 그러므로 따뜻한 물을 평소보다 많이 마시는 것이 좋다. 마사지를 할 때 복식호흡을 한다. 아킬레스건도 마사지 해 주고 발 목도 정성껏 주물러 준다. 모든 종아리 근육이 활성화 되며 온 몸이 따뜻해진다. 종아리 마사지의 효과를 알아보자. 혈압이 낮아지고 머리가 시원해진다. 잠이 잘 오고 콜레스톨 수치가 개선된다. 하지정맥류를 예방할 수 있다. 허리 통증과 어깨 결림이 개선된다. 피로가 잘 풀린다. 체온이 올라 면역력이 향상된다. 노폐물이 잘 배출되어 체중이 조절된다. 피부가 깨끗해지고 머리카락에 윤기가 돈다. 고혈압, 당뇨, 천식, 아토피, 심근 경색, 치매, 요통, 냉증, 불면증, 갱년기 증상까지 완화시켜준다. 하루에 5분 하는 종아리 마사지가 우리 몸을 놀랍게 변화시켜 줄 것이다. 우리 모두 잘 실천하여 건강을 지키자구요.
(The calf is a very important muscle organ called the second heart. The calf pumps blood back to the heart. When the calf's function is weakened, blood flow is blocked and blood clots are likely to occur. Calf massages are essential to play the role of calves that pump lower body and blood to the heart. Calf massage has the effect of preventing all diseases. Even if you massage your calves for only five minutes a day, blood circulation is good. Then, the body warms up and immunity increases. The method is simple. Massage your calves for 5 minutes every day. As the body warms up, autonomic nerves are smoothly controlled. So your immunity is even higher. Healthy calves are elastic, firm, warm, and soft. If you work hard on the calf massage, the burden on the heart and kidneys is lightened. This stabilizes blood pressure and supplies oxygen and nutrients to the whole body. It also discharges wastes well. In addition, by increasing basic metabolism, necessary fat is easily removed. It slows down aging by making cells younger. Self-control eliminates insomnia and depression. The brain cells are well supplied with blood, clearing the head and preventing dementia. What should I do with the calf massage? You have to push the Achilles tendon up to the calf muscles. Push up the blood as if it's sending it back to the heart. Do not apply force from the beginning and massage lightly. As the muscles relax, I slowly feel better. If you take a bath or foot bath and massage your calves after they warm up, the effect will be even greater. If you massage your calves, sweat or urine is released well. Therefore, it is better to drink more warm water than usual. Do abdominal breathing when massaging. Massage the Achilles tendon and massage the ankle carefully. All calf muscles are activated and the whole body is warmed up. Let's find out the effect of calf massage. Blood pressure decreases and the head cools. Sleep well and improve cholesterol levels. It can prevent varicose veins in the lower extremities. It improves back pain and stiff shoulders. My fatigue goes away well. Your body temperature increases and your immune system improves. The waste is well discharged and the weight is controlled. My skin is clean and my hair is glossy. It relieves high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, atopy, myocardial infarction, dementia, back pain, coldness, insomnia, and menopausal symptoms. A
five-minute calf massage a day will make a remarkable difference to our bodies. Let's all practice well and stay healthy.)
(The calf is a very important muscle organ called the second heart. The calf pumps blood back to the heart. When the calf's function is weakened, blood flow is blocked and blood clots are likely to occur. Calf massages are essential to play the role of calves that pump lower body and blood to the heart. Calf massage has the effect of preventing all diseases. Even if you massage your calves for only five minutes a day, blood circulation is good. Then, the body warms up and immunity increases. The method is simple. Massage your calves for 5 minutes every day. As the body warms up, autonomic nerves are smoothly controlled. So your immunity is even higher. Healthy calves are elastic, firm, warm, and soft. If you work hard on the calf massage, the burden on the heart and kidneys is lightened. This stabilizes blood pressure and supplies oxygen and nutrients to the whole body. It also discharges wastes well. In addition, by increasing basic metabolism, necessary fat is easily removed. It slows down aging by making cells younger. Self-control eliminates insomnia and depression. The brain cells are well supplied with blood, clearing the head and preventing dementia. What should I do with the calf massage? You have to push the Achilles tendon up to the calf muscles. Push up the blood as if it's sending it back to the heart. Do not apply force from the beginning and massage lightly. As the muscles relax, I slowly feel better. If you take a bath or foot bath and massage your calves after they warm up, the effect will be even greater. If you massage your calves, sweat or urine is released well. Therefore, it is better to drink more warm water than usual. Do abdominal breathing when massaging. Massage the Achilles tendon and massage the ankle carefully. All calf muscles are activated and the whole body is warmed up. Let's find out the effect of calf massage. Blood pressure decreases and the head cools. Sleep well and improve cholesterol levels. It can prevent varicose veins in the lower extremities. It improves back pain and stiff shoulders. My fatigue goes away well. Your body temperature increases and your immune system improves. The waste is well discharged and the weight is controlled. My skin is clean and my hair is glossy. It relieves high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, atopy, myocardial infarction, dementia, back pain, coldness, insomnia, and menopausal symptoms. A
five-minute calf massage a day will make a remarkable difference to our bodies. Let's all practice well and stay healthy.)
49. 족욕
발은 제2의 심장이라 불린다. 발관리사라는 전문 직업이 생겨날 정도로 발은 건강관리 에 중요하다. 족욕, 발 맛사지, 굳은 살 관리, 무좀, 겨울철 발 관리, 여름 철 관리 순으로 살펴보기로 하자. 족욕은 어떻게 하면 좋은가? 43도 정도의 따뜻한 물에 발을 15분 정도 담근다. 물의 양은 복사뼈가 충분히 잠길 정도가 적당하다. 발을 물에 담그고 있을 때 발목을 부드럽게 움직이면 효과를 높일 수 있다. 족욕은 혈액순환을 촉진해 근육을 풀어주는 효과가 있다. 발 맛사지는 어떻게 하면 효과적일까 ? 발에는 작은 근육들이 몰려 있어서 피로를 쉽게 느낀다. 특히 발바닥 아치 밑이나 발 가락 사이에 근육이 밀집되어 있 다. 이 부분을 집중적으로 눌러서 풀어주면 줗다. 발 맛사지는 발에서 심장 방향으로 하는 것이 원칙이다. 손으로 직접 맛사지를 하면 손 건강에도 좋다. 골프 공 이나 단단한 폐트 병을 사용해도 좋다. 발의 굳은 살 관리는 어떻게 하나 ? 굳은 살은 주변의 부드러운 살을 눌러 발의 통증을 유발한다. 굳은 살은 완전히 마른 상태에서 제거한다. 젖은 상태에서 제거하면 세균 감염의 위험성이 높다. 물에 불은 발을 돌로 문지르면 세균에 오염될 수 있다. 알맞은 크기의 신발을 신어서 굳은 살이 생기지 않도록 한다. 무좀은 어떻게 예방할 수 있나 ? 발 바닥을 항상 잘 건조시킨다. 발가락 사이를 깨끗이 하고 잘 건조시킨다. 양말과 신발은 통풍이 잘 되는 것으로 신택한다. 항 진균제를 발가락 사이에 바른다. 발톱은 짧은 길이로 유지한다. 면양말을 사용하고 자주 갈아 신는다. 손톱깎기, 발수건, 실내용 슬리퍼 등은 개인별로 사용한다. 겨울 철 건조한 발 관리는 어떻게 해야하나? 마른 상태에서 각질을 제거하고 발 전용 크림이나 보습 크림을 발라준다. 일주일에 한 두번씩 족욕을한다. 발 바닥부터 발등 종아리를 함께 맛사지한다. 발바닥 근육 강화운동을 한다.
(The foot is called the second heart. Feet are important for health care to the extent that a professional job as a foot manager is created. Let's look at foot baths, foot massages, calluses, athlete's foot, winter foot care, and summer management in order. How can I take a foot bath? Soak your feet in warm water about 43 degrees for about 15 minutes. The amount of water is just right enough for the ankle to be sufficiently submerged. If you move your ankle gently while your feet are immersed in water, you can increase the effect. Foot baths promote blood circulation and have the effect of relaxing muscles. How can foot massages be effective? The feet are packed with small muscles, so you feel tired easily. In particular, muscles are concentrated under the arch of the foot or between the toes. If you press this part intensively and release it, it will be wrinkled. In principle, foot massages should be done from the foot to the heart. Massage yourself with your hands is also good for your hand health. You can use a golf ball or a hard waste bottle. How do you take care of the calluses in your feet? Calluses press down on the soft flesh around them, causing foot pain. Remove calluses from dry conditions. Removing it in a wet state has a high risk of bacterial infection. A fire in water can be contaminated with germs by rubbing your feet with stones. Wear shoes of the right size to prevent calluses. How can athlete's foot be prevented? Always dry the soles of your feet well. Clean the toes and dry them well. Socks and shoes are considered to be well ventilated. Apply an antifungal agent between your toes. Keep the toenails short. Use cotton socks and change often. Nail clippers, towels, indoor slippers, etc. are used individually. How should I take care of my dry feet in winter? Remove dead skin cells from dry conditions and apply foot cream or moisturizing cream. I take a foot bath once or twice a week. Massage the calves of the foot from the
bottom of the foot together. Do exercises to strengthen the soles of the feet.)
(The foot is called the second heart. Feet are important for health care to the extent that a professional job as a foot manager is created. Let's look at foot baths, foot massages, calluses, athlete's foot, winter foot care, and summer management in order. How can I take a foot bath? Soak your feet in warm water about 43 degrees for about 15 minutes. The amount of water is just right enough for the ankle to be sufficiently submerged. If you move your ankle gently while your feet are immersed in water, you can increase the effect. Foot baths promote blood circulation and have the effect of relaxing muscles. How can foot massages be effective? The feet are packed with small muscles, so you feel tired easily. In particular, muscles are concentrated under the arch of the foot or between the toes. If you press this part intensively and release it, it will be wrinkled. In principle, foot massages should be done from the foot to the heart. Massage yourself with your hands is also good for your hand health. You can use a golf ball or a hard waste bottle. How do you take care of the calluses in your feet? Calluses press down on the soft flesh around them, causing foot pain. Remove calluses from dry conditions. Removing it in a wet state has a high risk of bacterial infection. A fire in water can be contaminated with germs by rubbing your feet with stones. Wear shoes of the right size to prevent calluses. How can athlete's foot be prevented? Always dry the soles of your feet well. Clean the toes and dry them well. Socks and shoes are considered to be well ventilated. Apply an antifungal agent between your toes. Keep the toenails short. Use cotton socks and change often. Nail clippers, towels, indoor slippers, etc. are used individually. How should I take care of my dry feet in winter? Remove dead skin cells from dry conditions and apply foot cream or moisturizing cream. I take a foot bath once or twice a week. Massage the calves of the foot from the
bottom of the foot together. Do exercises to strengthen the soles of the feet.)
2023년 11월 24일 금요일
48. 음주 숙취해소에 좋은 음식
음주 후에 숙취해소에 좋은 여러가지 음식을 비교하였다. 콩나물 국이 단연코 1위였다. 콩나물은 약알카리성 식품이다. 많이 먹어도 독이 있거나 부작용이 없다. 값이 비교적 싸고 우리의 식생활에 익숙한 식품이다. 콩나물은 줄기가 부드럽고 늘어질 정도로 30분 이상 끓여서 먹어야 한다. 그래야 함유 성분을 잘 흡수할 수 있다. 유익한 성분이 뿌리에 많이 들어있다. 반드시 뿌리채 먹어야 하는 이유이다. 콩나물이 우리 몸에 어떻게 좋은지 알아보자. 숙취해소에 좋다. 비타민 C 가 풍부하게 들어있다. 아스파라긴산, 아르기닌 등이 알콜을 분해하고 독소를 배출한다. 아스파라긴산, 아르기닌 등은 뿌리에 87퍼센트 이상 들어있다. 반드시 뿌리까지 먹어야 한다. 변비를 예방한다. 잔 뿌리에 섬유소가 풍부하게 들어있다. 이 것이 숙변 축적을 예방한다. 변비를 예방하고 장을 건강하게 한다. 피부 미용에 좋다. 풍부한 비타민 C가 활성산소를 제거하여 피부를 건강하게 한다. 비타민 B는 피부를 탄력있게 한다. 면역력을 향상시킨다. 비타민 C와 아스파라긴산이 바이러스에 대한 저항력을 높인다. 갱년기 증상을 완화한다. 이소플라빈은 여성호르몬 에스토르겐과 유사한 역할을 한다. 폐경 전후의 우울증, 생리 불순, 갱년기 장애 등을 개선한다. 암 예방, 노화 방지, 골디공증을 예방한다. 뿌리에 많이 들어있는 이소플라본의 작용이다. 안구 건조에 좋다. 비타민 A가 산화 방지제 역할을 한다. 눈의 세포를 보호하고 시력 개선 효과가 있다. 다이어트에 좋다. 100g 당 25K cal 내외의 저칼로리 식품이다. 풍부한 식이섬유가 포만감을 준다. 몸 속 노폐물을 제거하고 지질 대사를 촉진한다. 피로 회복에 좋다. 칼슘, 칼륨, 철 등이 풍부하다. 이들이 피로 회복을 돕는다, 감기 예방 효과가 있다. 비타민C 가 풍부하여 초기 감기증상을 억제시킨다. 치매를 예방한다. 치매는 혈액이 산성화되고 산성 독소가 쌓여서 생긴다고 한다. 콩나물은 약 알카리성 식품이다. 산성 독성 물질을 배출시켜 치매의 진행을 완화시킨다. 가벼운 초기의 치매는 콩나물국을 꾸준히 먹으면 많이 개선된다고 한다. 간 기능을 개선한다. 메티오닌, 사포닌 등 미네랄 성분이 풍부하다. 이들이 간 기능을 개선한다. 열이 위로 올라가는 증상을 막아준다. 열은 위로 올라가는 성질이 있다. 열이 위로 올라가면 목이 마르고 아프다. 안구 건조증, 두통, 안면 홍조, 콧구멍 건조 등이 나타난다. 콩나물은 위로 올라 간 열을 아래로 끌어내리는데 제일 좋은 식품이다. 콩나물은 건강에 아주 좋은 식품이다. 콩나물을 즐겨 먹으면 건강 유지에 좋다. 이상 마치겠습니다. 경청하여 주셔서 고맙습니다 .
(After drinking, various foods that are good for relieving hangovers were compared. Bean sprout soup was by far the No. 1. Bean sprouts are a weak alkaline food. Even if you eat a lot, there are no toxic or side effects. It is a food that is relatively inexpensive and familiar to our diet. Beans should be boiled for at least 30 minutes until the stem is soft and stretched. Only then can it absorb the ingredients well. There are many beneficial ingredients in the root. That's why you have to eat the root. Let's find out how bean sprouts are good for our body. It's good for relieving hangovers. It is rich in vitamin C. Asparagine, arginine, etc. break down alcohol and release toxins. Asparagine, arginine, etc. are more than 87 percent contained in the root. You must eat to the roots. Prevent constipation. The root of the glass is rich in fiber. This prevents the accumulation of stools. Prevent constipation and keep your intestines healthy. It is good for skin care. Rich vitamin C removes free radicals to keep your skin healthy. Vitamin B makes your skin elastic. It improves immunity. Vitamin C and aspartic acid increase resistance to viruses. It relieves menopausal symptoms. Isoflavin plays a role similar to the female hormone estrogen. It improves depression before and after menopause, menstrual irregularities, and menopausal disorders. It prevents cancer, prevents aging, and prevents Goldie. It is the action of isoflavones in the roots. It is good for dry eyes. Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant. It protects the cells of the eyes and improves vision. It's good for dieting. It is a low-calorie food with about 25 Kcal per 100g. The rich fiber makes you feel full. It removes waste from the body and promotes lipid metabolism. It is good for recovering from fatigue. It is rich in calcium, potassium, and iron. They help recover from fatigue, which is effective in preventing colds. It is rich in vitamin C and suppresses early cold symptoms. Prevent dementia. Dementia is said to be caused by acidification of blood and accumulation of acidic toxins. Bean sprouts are about alkaline foods. It relieves the progression of dementia by discharging acidic toxic substances. It is said that mild early dementia improves a lot by steadily eating bean sprout soup. Improve liver function. It is rich in minerals such as methionine and saponin. They improve liver function. It prevents the fever from going up. Heat has the property of going up. When the fever goes up, I feel thirsty and sick. Dry eyes, headaches, redness of the face, and dry nostrils appear. Bean sprouts are the best food to bring the heat up and down. Bean sprouts are a very healthy food.
Enjoying bean sprouts is good for your health. That's all for today. Thank you for listening.)
(After drinking, various foods that are good for relieving hangovers were compared. Bean sprout soup was by far the No. 1. Bean sprouts are a weak alkaline food. Even if you eat a lot, there are no toxic or side effects. It is a food that is relatively inexpensive and familiar to our diet. Beans should be boiled for at least 30 minutes until the stem is soft and stretched. Only then can it absorb the ingredients well. There are many beneficial ingredients in the root. That's why you have to eat the root. Let's find out how bean sprouts are good for our body. It's good for relieving hangovers. It is rich in vitamin C. Asparagine, arginine, etc. break down alcohol and release toxins. Asparagine, arginine, etc. are more than 87 percent contained in the root. You must eat to the roots. Prevent constipation. The root of the glass is rich in fiber. This prevents the accumulation of stools. Prevent constipation and keep your intestines healthy. It is good for skin care. Rich vitamin C removes free radicals to keep your skin healthy. Vitamin B makes your skin elastic. It improves immunity. Vitamin C and aspartic acid increase resistance to viruses. It relieves menopausal symptoms. Isoflavin plays a role similar to the female hormone estrogen. It improves depression before and after menopause, menstrual irregularities, and menopausal disorders. It prevents cancer, prevents aging, and prevents Goldie. It is the action of isoflavones in the roots. It is good for dry eyes. Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant. It protects the cells of the eyes and improves vision. It's good for dieting. It is a low-calorie food with about 25 Kcal per 100g. The rich fiber makes you feel full. It removes waste from the body and promotes lipid metabolism. It is good for recovering from fatigue. It is rich in calcium, potassium, and iron. They help recover from fatigue, which is effective in preventing colds. It is rich in vitamin C and suppresses early cold symptoms. Prevent dementia. Dementia is said to be caused by acidification of blood and accumulation of acidic toxins. Bean sprouts are about alkaline foods. It relieves the progression of dementia by discharging acidic toxic substances. It is said that mild early dementia improves a lot by steadily eating bean sprout soup. Improve liver function. It is rich in minerals such as methionine and saponin. They improve liver function. It prevents the fever from going up. Heat has the property of going up. When the fever goes up, I feel thirsty and sick. Dry eyes, headaches, redness of the face, and dry nostrils appear. Bean sprouts are the best food to bring the heat up and down. Bean sprouts are a very healthy food.
Enjoying bean sprouts is good for your health. That's all for today. Thank you for listening.)
47. 보리죽 이야기
오늘은 보리죽 이야기를 할까 합니다. 어느 노인이 빙판에서 넘어져 엉치뼈가 부러져 앉은뱅이가 되었다. 그 부위가 3년이 지나도 낫지않아 염증이 생기고 구더기가 생길 정도였다. 그 환자에게 날마다 보리죽을 끓여먹게 하였다. 그 후 곪은 부위가 낫고 뼈가 붙어 한달 만에 완치되었다고 한다. 이 처럼 보리는 염증을 치료하는 힘이 강하다. 보리에는 섬유질과 칼슘이 풍부하게 들어 있다. 레슬링 선수들이 인대가 늘어나거나 십자인대가 터졌을 때 보리죽을 먹으면 잘 낫는다고 한다. 자궁 근육이 약해서 유산하는 산모도 보리밥을 즐겨 먹으면 근육이 강해져 유산하지 않게 된다. 요즘 디스크, 척추협착증, 관절염과 같은 뼈나 근육의 병이 많다. 섬유질이 적은 부드러운 음식을 먹기 때문이다. 잘 낫지 않는 척추협착증도 보리밥을 늘 먹으면 뼈와 근육이 강해져서 상태가 좋아질 수 있다. 보리죽은 유행성 감기, 독감, 천연두에도 좋은 예방 효과가 있었다. 보리의 성질은 따뜻하고 체질을 개선하고 면역력이 뛰어나다. 보리는 부드러 운 찰 보리보다 거칠고 굵은 늘보리가 좋다. 보리의 미네랄과 섬유소를 제대로 흡수하려면 푹 퍼진 보리밥이거나 그 것을 한 번 더 끓인 보리죽이어야 한다. 보리를 물에 불렸다가 푹 쪄서 소쿠리에 담는다. 김을 빼어 독을 날려버린 후 다시 물을 부어 밥을 해야 한다. 보리밥을 먹으면 속이 부글거리면서 소화가 잘 안되는 경우가 있다. 밥을 퍼지게 짓지 않았기 때문이다. 밥 맛을 좋게 하기 위해 쌀이나 잡곡을 조금 넣어도 좋다. 보리 죽을 끓일 때는 이렇게 지은 보리밥에다 물을 부어 오랫동안 끓인다. 보리 알맹이가 6배 정도로 퍼져서 섬유소가 녹아나야 우리 몸에 잘 흡수된다. 환자들은 높은 흡수율을 위해 반드시 보리죽을 먹어야 한다. 나이가 들면 몸의 기둥인 뼈에 문제가 생긴다. 특히 골다공증이 심해지는 여성분들은 보리죽을 많이 먹는 것이 좋다. 나이를 먹을수록 보리죽이 보약이다. 보리죽의 효능을 알아보자. 보리죽은 변비 예방, 혈관 건강, 당뇨 예방, 노화 예방, 항암 효과, 면역력 강화, 골다공증 예방, 빈혈 예방, 피로 해소, 다이어트 등에 좋다고 한다. 이상으로 마치겠습니다. 나의 이야기를 들어주셔서 고맙습니다.
(Today, I'm going to talk about barley porridge. An old man fell on the ice and broke his hip and became a sitting duck. The area did not heal after three years, causing inflammation and maggots. The patient was made to cook barley porridge every day. After that, it is said that the festering part was cured and the bones were attached, so it was completely cured in a month. As such, barley has a strong power to treat inflammation. Barley is rich in fiber and calcium. It is said that wrestlers can heal well if they eat barley porridge when their ligaments are stretched or their cruciate ligament is ruptured. Even mothers who miscarry due to weak uterine muscles enjoy barley rice, which strengthens their muscles and prevents miscarriage. These days, there are many bone or muscle diseases such as discs, spinal stenosis, and arthritis. This is because I eat soft food with less fiber. Even spinal stenosis, which does not heal well, can improve the condition by strengthening bones and muscles if you eat barley rice all the time. Barley porridge was also effective in preventing influenza, flu, and smallpox. The nature of barley is warm, improves constitution, and has excellent immunity. Barley is better in coarse and thick than soft barley. To absorb the minerals and fiber of barley properly, it must be barley rice that is spread out or barley porridge that is boiled once more. Soak barley in water, steam it, and put it in a basket. Drain the steam, blow out the poison, and pour water again to cook rice. When you eat barley rice, you may feel bloated and have indigestion. Because the rice was not cooked to spread. To improve the taste of rice, you can add a little rice or grain. When making barley porridge, pour water on the barley rice and boil it for a long time. The barley kernel spreads about six times, and fiber must be dissolved to be absorbed well by our body. Patients must eat barley porridge for a high absorption rate. As you get older, you have problems with bones, the pillars of your body. In particular, women with severe osteoporosis should eat a lot of barley porridge. As you get older, barley porridge is the best medicine. Let's find out the efficacy of barley porridge. Barley porridge is said to be good for preventing constipation, preventing vascular health, preventing diabetes, preventing aging, anti-cancer effects, strengthening immunity, preventing osteoporosis, preventing
anemia, relieving fatigue, and dieting. That's it for today. Thank you for listening to my story.)
(Today, I'm going to talk about barley porridge. An old man fell on the ice and broke his hip and became a sitting duck. The area did not heal after three years, causing inflammation and maggots. The patient was made to cook barley porridge every day. After that, it is said that the festering part was cured and the bones were attached, so it was completely cured in a month. As such, barley has a strong power to treat inflammation. Barley is rich in fiber and calcium. It is said that wrestlers can heal well if they eat barley porridge when their ligaments are stretched or their cruciate ligament is ruptured. Even mothers who miscarry due to weak uterine muscles enjoy barley rice, which strengthens their muscles and prevents miscarriage. These days, there are many bone or muscle diseases such as discs, spinal stenosis, and arthritis. This is because I eat soft food with less fiber. Even spinal stenosis, which does not heal well, can improve the condition by strengthening bones and muscles if you eat barley rice all the time. Barley porridge was also effective in preventing influenza, flu, and smallpox. The nature of barley is warm, improves constitution, and has excellent immunity. Barley is better in coarse and thick than soft barley. To absorb the minerals and fiber of barley properly, it must be barley rice that is spread out or barley porridge that is boiled once more. Soak barley in water, steam it, and put it in a basket. Drain the steam, blow out the poison, and pour water again to cook rice. When you eat barley rice, you may feel bloated and have indigestion. Because the rice was not cooked to spread. To improve the taste of rice, you can add a little rice or grain. When making barley porridge, pour water on the barley rice and boil it for a long time. The barley kernel spreads about six times, and fiber must be dissolved to be absorbed well by our body. Patients must eat barley porridge for a high absorption rate. As you get older, you have problems with bones, the pillars of your body. In particular, women with severe osteoporosis should eat a lot of barley porridge. As you get older, barley porridge is the best medicine. Let's find out the efficacy of barley porridge. Barley porridge is said to be good for preventing constipation, preventing vascular health, preventing diabetes, preventing aging, anti-cancer effects, strengthening immunity, preventing osteoporosis, preventing
anemia, relieving fatigue, and dieting. That's it for today. Thank you for listening to my story.)
46. 대사 증후군
오 늘은 대사증후군에 대하여 말하려고 합니다. 우리가 먹는 음식물은 위, 작은 창자, 큰창자, 항문을 지난 후, 대변으로 나온다. 음식물은 소화기관에서 영양분으로 흡수된다. 이 영양분은 모두 간으로 간다. 간은 이것을 포도당으로 바꾼다. 포도당은 피를 타고 돌다가 근육 세포로 들어가게 된다. 포도당 혼자서는 세포로 들어가지 못한다. 포도당이 세포로 들어가는 문을 여는 것이 인슈린이다. 인슈린은 음식물이 들어올 때마다 췌장에서 분비된다. 영양분은 간에서 포도당으로 바뀐다. 인슈린은 포도당을 2시간 이내에 세포 속으로 다 집어넣는 다. 음식물이 자주 많이 들어오면 인슈린이 지쳐서 일을 제대로 안 하기 시작한다. 포도당이 세포 속으로 다 들어가지 못하고 피 속에 남게된다. 이 것을 인슈린 저항이라고 한다. 인슈린 저항이 생기면 피 속의 포도당이 세포 속으로 다 들어가지 못한다. 식사 후 2시간이 지나도 피 속에 포도당이 많이 남아있으면 당뇨병으로 진단 받는다. 피 속에 남아있는 포도당은 혈관 건강에 해롭다. 혈관을 딱딱 하게 만들고 염증을 일으킨다. 우리 몸이 이 염증을 치료하는 과정에서 피 떡이 생기게 된다. 피 속에 남아있는 포도당을 지방으로 바꿔서 저장한다. 이것을 지방간이라고 한다. 지방간이란 간 세포의 저장 공간을 지방이 채우는 것이다. 간이 일하는 공간을 지방이 채우고 있으면 간이 제대로 일을하지못하게 된다. 간이 나빠지기 시작한다. 100명 중 1명 정도는 지방간이 간암으로 된다. 피 속에 포도당이 많아 간에 지방을 채우고도 포도당이 남을 수 있다. 남은 포도당이 소변으로 나온다. 포도당이 소변으로 나오는 단계가 되면 당뇨병으로 진단 받는다. 인슈린은 필요한 만큼 췌장에서 만들어진다. 당뇨병에 걸리면 포도당을 세포 속으로 제대로 넣지 못한다. 인슈린 저항으로 포도당의 20 퍼센트 만 세포 속으로 넣게 되면 다섯배의 인슈린을 투입해서 100퍼센트까지 만드는 것이 인슈린 주사이다. 피 속에 포도당이 많아지면 혈관이 망가지기 시작하며 피가 걸죽해진다. 심장은 걸죽한 피를 돌리기 위해 더 강하게 펌푸질을 해야한다. 이런 단계가 되면 고혈압이 된다. 당뇨병, 고혈압, 고지혈증이 함께오는 이유이다. 당뇨병, 고혈압, 고지혈증이 함께 잘 오니까 따로 이름을 붙인다. 그 이름이 대사 증후군이다. 대사 증후군에 치료약은 없다. 병원에서 처방하는 약은 치료제가 아니다. 고혈압 약은 고혈압이 안되도록 치료하는 것이 아니다. 다만 혈압을 낮추기만 한다. 당뇨병 약도 치료제가 아니라 인슈린을 공급하는 것이다. 고지혈증도 치료제가 아니라 콜레스톨 수치만을 낮추는것이다. 치료제가 아니라 증상 완화제 공급이라는 말이다. 대사 증후군은 적당한 운동과 적게 먹는 것이 치료법이다. 사람은 배가 고플 때 먹어야 한다. 운동도 안하고 자주 과식하면 당뇨병, 고혈압, 고지혈증이 함께 온다. 이러한 대사증후군은 심장 마비와 뇌졸증으로 이어질 가능성이 매우 높다. 위의 내용을 종합하여 결론을 말하고자한다. 적당한 운동, 과식하지 않고 적게 먹어야 한다. 이 것 만이 혈관을 보호하고 건강을 지키는 최선의 방법이다, 나의 이야기를 경청해 주셔서 고맙습니다.
(Today I'm going to talk about metabolic syndrome. The food we eat passes through the stomach, small intestines, large intestines, and anus, and comes out as feces. Food is absorbed by the digestive system as a nutrient. All these nutrients go to the liver. The liver turns it into glucose. Glucose circulates through the blood and enters muscle cells. Glucose alone cannot enter the cell. Insulin opens the door for glucose to enter the cell. Insulin is secreted from the pancreas whenever food enters. Nutrients are converted into glucose in the liver. Insulin puts all the glucose into the cell within two hours. When a lot of food comes in often, Insulin gets tired and starts not working properly. Glucose cannot all enter the cell and remains in the blood. This is called insulin resistance. When insulin resistance occurs, the glucose in the blood cannot all enter the cell. If there is a lot of glucose in the blood even after two hours of eating, you are diagnosed with diabetes. Glucose left in the blood is harmful to blood vessel health. It hardens the blood vessels and causes inflammation. Blood comes out in the process of our body treating this inflammation. The glucose left in the blood is converted into fat and stored. This is called the fatty liver. Fatty liver is when fat fills the storage space of liver cells. If the province fills the space where the liver works, the liver cannot work properly. My liver is starting to deteriorate. About one in 100 people develop fatty liver cancer. There is a lot of glucose in the blood, so glucose can remain even after filling the liver with fat. The remaining glucose comes out of the urine. When glucose comes out of the urine, you are diagnosed with diabetes. Insulin is made in the pancreas as much as necessary. If you have diabetes, you can't put glucose into cells properly. If only 20 percent of glucose is put into cells due to insulin resistance, the insulin injection is to inject five times more insulin to make up to 100 percent. When there is a lot of glucose in the blood, the blood vessels begin to break and the blood becomes thick. The heart needs to pump harder to circulate the thick blood. High blood pressure occurs at this stage. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and hyperlipidemia come together. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and hyperlipidemia come together well, so they are named separately. The name is metabolic syndrome. There is no cure for metabolic syndrome. The medicine prescribed by the hospital is not a cure. High blood pressure medicine is not a treatment to prevent high blood pressure. It only lowers blood pressure. Diabetes drugs also provide insulin, not a cure. Hyperlipidemia is also not a treatment, but only lowers cholesterol levels. In other words, it is not a treatment, but a supply of symptom relief agents. Metabolic syndrome is a cure for moderate exercise and eating less. People should eat when they are hungry. If you don't exercise and overeat often, diabetes, high blood pressure, and hyperlipidemia come together. These metabolic syndrome are very likely to lead to heart attacks and strokes. I would like to summarize the above and tell you the
conclusion. Moderate exercise, eat less without overeating. This is the only way to protect blood vessels and keep them healthy, thank you for listening to me.)
(Today I'm going to talk about metabolic syndrome. The food we eat passes through the stomach, small intestines, large intestines, and anus, and comes out as feces. Food is absorbed by the digestive system as a nutrient. All these nutrients go to the liver. The liver turns it into glucose. Glucose circulates through the blood and enters muscle cells. Glucose alone cannot enter the cell. Insulin opens the door for glucose to enter the cell. Insulin is secreted from the pancreas whenever food enters. Nutrients are converted into glucose in the liver. Insulin puts all the glucose into the cell within two hours. When a lot of food comes in often, Insulin gets tired and starts not working properly. Glucose cannot all enter the cell and remains in the blood. This is called insulin resistance. When insulin resistance occurs, the glucose in the blood cannot all enter the cell. If there is a lot of glucose in the blood even after two hours of eating, you are diagnosed with diabetes. Glucose left in the blood is harmful to blood vessel health. It hardens the blood vessels and causes inflammation. Blood comes out in the process of our body treating this inflammation. The glucose left in the blood is converted into fat and stored. This is called the fatty liver. Fatty liver is when fat fills the storage space of liver cells. If the province fills the space where the liver works, the liver cannot work properly. My liver is starting to deteriorate. About one in 100 people develop fatty liver cancer. There is a lot of glucose in the blood, so glucose can remain even after filling the liver with fat. The remaining glucose comes out of the urine. When glucose comes out of the urine, you are diagnosed with diabetes. Insulin is made in the pancreas as much as necessary. If you have diabetes, you can't put glucose into cells properly. If only 20 percent of glucose is put into cells due to insulin resistance, the insulin injection is to inject five times more insulin to make up to 100 percent. When there is a lot of glucose in the blood, the blood vessels begin to break and the blood becomes thick. The heart needs to pump harder to circulate the thick blood. High blood pressure occurs at this stage. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and hyperlipidemia come together. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and hyperlipidemia come together well, so they are named separately. The name is metabolic syndrome. There is no cure for metabolic syndrome. The medicine prescribed by the hospital is not a cure. High blood pressure medicine is not a treatment to prevent high blood pressure. It only lowers blood pressure. Diabetes drugs also provide insulin, not a cure. Hyperlipidemia is also not a treatment, but only lowers cholesterol levels. In other words, it is not a treatment, but a supply of symptom relief agents. Metabolic syndrome is a cure for moderate exercise and eating less. People should eat when they are hungry. If you don't exercise and overeat often, diabetes, high blood pressure, and hyperlipidemia come together. These metabolic syndrome are very likely to lead to heart attacks and strokes. I would like to summarize the above and tell you the
conclusion. Moderate exercise, eat less without overeating. This is the only way to protect blood vessels and keep them healthy, thank you for listening to me.)
45. 혈압을 알맞게 조절하는 생활습관
[ ] 병원에서 처방하는 고혈압 약은 근본적인 치료약이 아니다. 혈관을 이완시키는 등 증상 완화제 일 뿐이라고 한다. 약을 먹지않고 혈압을 알맞게 조절할 수는 없을까? 우리의 생활습관과 관련된 몇가지 방법을 알아보자. 적절한 운동을 한다. 지나친 운동은 오히려 해롭다. 본인의 여건에 맞는 운동을 선택하여 매일 꾸준히 해야한다. 걷기를 꾸준히 하면 좋다. 적정 체중을 유지한다. 과식을 피하고 식사습관을 건전하게 지킨다. 끼니를 거르지 않는다. 음식을 천천히 먹는다. 빵, 과자, 음료수 등 불필요한 간식을 먹지 않는다. 삼유소가 많은 채소와 신선한 과일을 매일 먹는다. 지방이 많은 음식이나 기름을 많이 사용하여 조리한 음식을 피하도록 한다. 싱겁게 먹는다. 국물은 가능한 한 적게 먹는다. 밥과 국은 말아먹자 말고 따로 먹는다. 김치, 젓갈, 짱아치는 되도록 적게 먹는다. 외식을 줄인다. 자연 재료로 만들어진 음식을 즐겨 먹는다. 금연을 한다. 흡연이 건강에 해롭다는 것은 모두가 잘 알고 있다. 절주를 한다. 하루의 적정 음주량은 일반적인 남성의 경우 해당 주류 잔의 두잔 이하이고 여성의 경우는 한잔 이하라고 한다. DASH 식단은 고혈압 환자를 위한 식이요법이다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같다. 채소, 과일, 유제품을 많이 먹는다. 닭고기, 오리고기 등과 같은 가금류와 생선을 통해 단백질을 섭취한다. 지방, 단당류, 설탕이 들어있는 식품을 제한한다. 음식을 조리할 때 소금을 줄인다. 주기적으로 혈압을 측정하고 의사의 진찰을 받는다. 스트레스를 받는 환경을 피한다. 평온한 마음을 가질 수 있도록 힘쓴다. 칼슘, 칼륨, 마그녀슘 등이 풍부한 음식물을 섭취한다. 명상, 심호흡 등 이 혈압을 안정시키는데 도음이 된다 혈압은 젋었을 부터 관리해야 효과가 크다고 한다
(High blood pressure drugs prescribed by hospitals are not fundamental treatments. It is said to be just a symptom reliever, such as relaxing blood vessels. Can't you control your blood pressure properly without taking medicine? Let's find out some ways to relate to our lifestyle. Get proper exercise. Excessive exercise is rather harmful. You should choose an exercise that suits your conditions and do it steadily every day. It is good to walk steadily. Maintain a proper weight. Avoid overeating and keep your eating habits healthy. I don't skip meals. Eat food slowly. Do not eat unnecessary snacks such as bread, snacks, and drinks. I eat vegetables with a lot of trilk and fresh fruits every day. Avoid fatty foods or foods cooked with a lot of oil. Eat blandly. Eat as little soup as possible. Eat rice and soup separately, not together. Eat as little kimchi, salted fish, and jjanga as possible. Reduce eating out. I enjoy eating food made of natural ingredients. I quit smoking. Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health. abstain from drinking It is said that the appropriate amount of alcohol per day is less than two glasses of the corresponding liquor cup for general men and less than one glass for women. The DASH diet is a diet for hypertensive patients. The main contents are as follows. I eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. Protein is consumed through poultry and fish such as chicken and duck. Restrict foods containing fat, monosaccharides, and sugar. Reduce salt when cooking food. Measure blood pressure periodically and see a doctor. Avoid stressful environments. I try to have a peaceful mind. It consumes foods rich in calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Meditation and deep breathing help stabilize blood pressure Blood pressure is
said to be effective when you are young)
(High blood pressure drugs prescribed by hospitals are not fundamental treatments. It is said to be just a symptom reliever, such as relaxing blood vessels. Can't you control your blood pressure properly without taking medicine? Let's find out some ways to relate to our lifestyle. Get proper exercise. Excessive exercise is rather harmful. You should choose an exercise that suits your conditions and do it steadily every day. It is good to walk steadily. Maintain a proper weight. Avoid overeating and keep your eating habits healthy. I don't skip meals. Eat food slowly. Do not eat unnecessary snacks such as bread, snacks, and drinks. I eat vegetables with a lot of trilk and fresh fruits every day. Avoid fatty foods or foods cooked with a lot of oil. Eat blandly. Eat as little soup as possible. Eat rice and soup separately, not together. Eat as little kimchi, salted fish, and jjanga as possible. Reduce eating out. I enjoy eating food made of natural ingredients. I quit smoking. Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health. abstain from drinking It is said that the appropriate amount of alcohol per day is less than two glasses of the corresponding liquor cup for general men and less than one glass for women. The DASH diet is a diet for hypertensive patients. The main contents are as follows. I eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. Protein is consumed through poultry and fish such as chicken and duck. Restrict foods containing fat, monosaccharides, and sugar. Reduce salt when cooking food. Measure blood pressure periodically and see a doctor. Avoid stressful environments. I try to have a peaceful mind. It consumes foods rich in calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Meditation and deep breathing help stabilize blood pressure Blood pressure is
said to be effective when you are young)
44. 뇌경색의 골든 타임
뇌경색의 회복가능 골든타임은 일반적으로 3시간 이내이다. 이동시간, 진단, 처방에 걸리는 시간 등 기타 소요되는 시간이 필요하다. 가능한 한 빠른 조치가 필요하다. 조치가 빠르면 빠를수록 회복 가능성이 그만큼 높아진다. 전조증상이 나타나면 신속하게 조치해야 한다. 뇌경색 전조증상을 알아보자. 심한 어지럼증이 나타난다. 균형감각을 잃는다. 똑바로 걷기가 어렵다. 자꾸 한 쪽으로 몸이 쏠리게 된다. 술에 취한 것처럼 비틀거린다. 두통과 구토가 나타난다. 번개나 망치로 갑자기 맞은듯이 머리가 심하게 아프다. 메시꺼움을 동반한다. 언어 장애가 나타난다. 말이 제대로 나오지 않는다. 단어가 생각나지 않는다. 발음이 정확하지 않다. 말이 어눌해진다. 시력이 갑자기 떨어진다. 사물의 초점이 흐려진다. 물체가 두개로 보인다. 한쪽 눈이 보이지 않는다. 시야가 좁아지고 어두워진다. 심한 피로감을 느낀다. 목 통증, 기침, 콧물 등의 증상 없이 춥고 몸살기가 있다. 혈액과 영양소가 뇌에 공급되지 않기 때문이다. 몸의 여러 곳에 마비가 나타난다. 팔에 힘이 빠져서 손에 들었던 물건을 놓친다. 침을 흘린다. 감각이 둔해진다. 움직임 자체가 어렵다. 표정을 짓지 않아도 얼굴이 일그러진다. 몸에 힘이 빠진다. 걸을 때 한쪽 다리가 비틀거린다. 한 쪽 팔이나 다리가 갑자기 힘이 빠진다. 인지능력이 떨어진다. 정상적인 의사소통이 불가능하다. 위와 같은 증상이 나타나면 지체하지 말고 신속하게 조치하여 골든타임을 놓치지 말아야 한다. 경청해 주셔서 감사 합니다.
(The recoverable golden time for cerebral infarction is typically within three hours. Other time required, such as travel time, diagnosis, and prescription time, is required. Action is needed as soon as possible. The sooner the action is taken, the higher the likelihood of recovery. If symptoms of a precursor appear, prompt action should be taken. Let's look at the symptoms of cerebral infarction. A severe dizziness occurs. lose a sense of balance It's hard to walk straight. I keep leaning to one side. stumble as if drunk Headaches and vomiting appear. I have a terrible headache as if I were suddenly hit by lightning or a hammer. It is accompanied by meshiness. A speech impediment appears. Words don't come out properly. I can't think of a word. The pronunciation is not correct. One's words become dull. My eyesight suddenly drops. The focus of things is blurred. The object appears to be two. I can't see one eye. The field of vision becomes narrow and darkens. I feel a lot of fatigue It is cold and sick without symptoms such as neck pain, cough, and runny nose. This is because blood and nutrients are not supplied to the brain. Paralysis appears in various parts of the body. I lose strength in my arm and miss the item in my hand. I'm drooling. My senses become dull. The movement itself is difficult. Even if you don't make a face, your face is distorted. My body loses strength. One leg stumbles when walking. One arm or leg suddenly loses strength. have poor cognitive ability Normal communication is not possible. If the above symptoms appear, do not delay and take prompt action not to miss the golden
time. Thank you for your attention.)
(The recoverable golden time for cerebral infarction is typically within three hours. Other time required, such as travel time, diagnosis, and prescription time, is required. Action is needed as soon as possible. The sooner the action is taken, the higher the likelihood of recovery. If symptoms of a precursor appear, prompt action should be taken. Let's look at the symptoms of cerebral infarction. A severe dizziness occurs. lose a sense of balance It's hard to walk straight. I keep leaning to one side. stumble as if drunk Headaches and vomiting appear. I have a terrible headache as if I were suddenly hit by lightning or a hammer. It is accompanied by meshiness. A speech impediment appears. Words don't come out properly. I can't think of a word. The pronunciation is not correct. One's words become dull. My eyesight suddenly drops. The focus of things is blurred. The object appears to be two. I can't see one eye. The field of vision becomes narrow and darkens. I feel a lot of fatigue It is cold and sick without symptoms such as neck pain, cough, and runny nose. This is because blood and nutrients are not supplied to the brain. Paralysis appears in various parts of the body. I lose strength in my arm and miss the item in my hand. I'm drooling. My senses become dull. The movement itself is difficult. Even if you don't make a face, your face is distorted. My body loses strength. One leg stumbles when walking. One arm or leg suddenly loses strength. have poor cognitive ability Normal communication is not possible. If the above symptoms appear, do not delay and take prompt action not to miss the golden
time. Thank you for your attention.)
43. 휴대폰과 건강
휴대폰은 현대인들의 생활 필수품이 되었다. 잠시라도 휴대폰이 없으면 매우 불편을 느낀다. 그 기능이 다양해 진다. 그러나 편리한 만큼 위험하기도하다. 전자파의 피해가 매우 크다. 휴대폰의 전자파를 잘 관리해야 한다. 그 방법을 알아보자. 통화할 때 최소한 5mm 이상의 거리를 유지하는 것이 좋다. 상당량의 전자파 피해를 줄일 수 있다. 가능하면 스피커 폰을 사용하면 좋다. 통화 내용이나 장소에 따라 선택할 수 있다. 경우에 따라 이어폰을 사용해도 좋다. 통화를 가급적 짧게하는 습관이 중요하다. 오랜 시간 사용으로 거북목, 시력 저하, 만성적 피로감 등이 발생할 수 있다. 오랜 시간 통화를 계속할 때는 양쪽 귀를 번갈아 사용하는 것이 좋다. 통화 대신 문자 메신저를 많이 사용하는 것도 좋은 방법이다. 신호가 잘 잡히는 장소에서 통화하는 것이 좋다. 전파의 신호가 약한 곳에서는 전자파가 더 많이 나온다. 잠을 잘 때는 머리 가까운 곳에 휴대폰을 두면 안된다. 전자파가 밤새도록 뇌에 나쁜 영향을 주기 때문이다. 휴대폰을 심장 가까운 위치에 지니고 다니는 것을 피해야 한다. 심장에 해로울 수 있다. 남자들의 경우 바지 앞 주머니에 넣고 다니는 것도 피하는 것이 좋다. 전자파가 성 기능에 해로울 수 있다. 휴대폰 충전 중에는 전자파가 더 많이 나온다. 충전 중인 휴대폰 사용은 매우 해롭다. 전기 감전으로 사망한 사례도 있다. 휴대폰을 강한 직사광선이나 높은 온도에 오래 두면 위험하다. 무더운 여름에 밀폐된 차 속에 휴대폰을 오래 두면 밧데리가 폭팔할 수있다. 자동차 회재로 이어질 수도 있다. 휴대폰을 물에 빠뜨렸을 경우 그 상태로 A S를 받는 것이 최선이다. 전원을 끄거나 햇볕이나 드라이어로 건조시키는 것은 더 큰 고장으로 이어질 수 있다. 방수폰이라도 의도적으로 물에 담그면 안된다.100퍼센트 방수가 보장되는 제품은 극히 드물다. 특히 바닷물, 탄산 음료 등은 휴대폰 내부를 부식시킬 수 있다. 의도적인 침수로 생긴 피해는 제조 업체가 책임지지 않는 경우가 대부분이다. 경청해 주셔서 고맙습니다.
(Cell phones have become a daily necessity for modern people. I feel very uncomfortable without a cell phone even for a moment. Its functions vary. But it is also as dangerous as it is convenient. The damage of electromagnetic waves is very great. You have to manage the electromagnetic waves of your cell phone well. Let's find out how. It is recommended to maintain a distance of at least 5 mm when talking on the phone. A significant amount of electromagnetic damage can be reduced. If possible, you should use a speakerphone. You can choose according to the content or location of the call. You may use earphones in some cases. It is important to keep the call as short as possible. Long-term use can cause turtle neck, decreased vision, and chronic fatigue. It is recommended to use both ears alternately when continuing the call for a long time. It is also a good idea to use a lot of text messaging instead of calling. It's better to talk on the phone in a place with a good signal. Where radio signals are weak, more electromagnetic waves are emitted. Don't put your cell phone near your head when you sleep. This is because electromagnetic waves have a bad effect on the brain all night. You should avoid carrying your cell phone close to your heart. It can be harmful to the heart. For men, it is also better to avoid carrying it in the front pocket of their pants. Electromagnetic waves can be harmful to sexual function. More electromagnetic waves come out while charging the cell phone. The use of cell phones while charging is very harmful. There are also cases of death from an electric shock. It is dangerous to keep your cell phone in strong direct sunlight or high temperatures for a long time. If you leave your cell phone in a closed car for a long time in the hot summer, the battery can explode. It can also lead to car assembly. If you drop your cell phone in the water, it is best to get an AS in that condition. Turning off the power or drying it in the sun or with a dryer can lead to further failure. Even a waterproof phone should not be intentionally immersed in water.Products that are 100 percent waterproof are extremely rare. In particular, seawater and carbonated drinks can corrode the inside of mobile phones. In most cases, the manufacturer is not responsible for the damage caused by
intentional flooding. Thank you for listening.)
(Cell phones have become a daily necessity for modern people. I feel very uncomfortable without a cell phone even for a moment. Its functions vary. But it is also as dangerous as it is convenient. The damage of electromagnetic waves is very great. You have to manage the electromagnetic waves of your cell phone well. Let's find out how. It is recommended to maintain a distance of at least 5 mm when talking on the phone. A significant amount of electromagnetic damage can be reduced. If possible, you should use a speakerphone. You can choose according to the content or location of the call. You may use earphones in some cases. It is important to keep the call as short as possible. Long-term use can cause turtle neck, decreased vision, and chronic fatigue. It is recommended to use both ears alternately when continuing the call for a long time. It is also a good idea to use a lot of text messaging instead of calling. It's better to talk on the phone in a place with a good signal. Where radio signals are weak, more electromagnetic waves are emitted. Don't put your cell phone near your head when you sleep. This is because electromagnetic waves have a bad effect on the brain all night. You should avoid carrying your cell phone close to your heart. It can be harmful to the heart. For men, it is also better to avoid carrying it in the front pocket of their pants. Electromagnetic waves can be harmful to sexual function. More electromagnetic waves come out while charging the cell phone. The use of cell phones while charging is very harmful. There are also cases of death from an electric shock. It is dangerous to keep your cell phone in strong direct sunlight or high temperatures for a long time. If you leave your cell phone in a closed car for a long time in the hot summer, the battery can explode. It can also lead to car assembly. If you drop your cell phone in the water, it is best to get an AS in that condition. Turning off the power or drying it in the sun or with a dryer can lead to further failure. Even a waterproof phone should not be intentionally immersed in water.Products that are 100 percent waterproof are extremely rare. In particular, seawater and carbonated drinks can corrode the inside of mobile phones. In most cases, the manufacturer is not responsible for the damage caused by
intentional flooding. Thank you for listening.)
42. 대장 내시경
몇일 전에 대장 내시경 검사를 받았다. 용종 14개를 제거하였다. 전혀 예상 못했던 일이라 많이 놀랐다. 4년 전 검사에서는 용종 2개를 제거했었다. 나의 뱃속에서 그렇게 많은 용종이 생기고 있었다는 사실이 믿기지 않았다. 이번 기회에 대장 용종에 대하여 공부하려고한다. 나의 건강을 지키기 위해서이다. 먼저 대장의 역할을 알아보자. 음식물이 소화 흡수되고 남은 찌꺼기에서 수분과 전해질을 흡수한다. 대변을 저장하고 배출한다. 대장은 인체의 최대 면역 기관이다. 면역 세포의 70 퍼센트 이상이 모여있는 곳이다. 유익균과 유해균의 균형을 유지시킨다. 뱃속이 편해야 마음이 편하다는 말이 있다. 대장에서 행복 호르몬 세로토닌이 분비되기 때문이다. 대장이 제2의 뇌라고 불리는 이유이다. 이제 대장 용종에 대하여 알아보자. 용종이란 이상증식으로 대장 점막에 상기는 혹이다. 그 것들은 창자 벽 내부로 돌출되어있다. 용종은 종양성과 비종양성으로 구분된다. 종양성 용종에는 선종, 악성 종양 등이 있다. 이들은 암으로 발전 할 가능성이 있다고 한다. 비종양성 용종에는 과립형과 염증성 용종이 있다. 이들은 암으로 발전할 가능성이 거의없다. 대장 용종이 생기는 요인은 무엇인가? 유전적 요인은 가족력과 관계가 깊다. 환경적 요인에는 여러가지가 있다. 음주, 흡연, 비만, 기름진 음식, 섬유소 부족, 가공육 섭취 증가 등이 그 것이다. 대장 용종을 제거해야 하는 이유는 무엇일까? 종양성 용종에서 대장 암이 발생할 확률은 대략 70퍼센트 이상이라고 한다.선종이 암으로 발전하는데 걸리는 시간은 5 내지 10년 걸린다고 한다. 대장 내시경 검사는 왜 해야하나? 대장 내부를 육안으로 관찰할 수 있다. 궤양성, 염증성, 기능성 장 질환 진단이 가능하다. 용종 발견시 즉시 제거가 가능하다. 용종 절제 후 주의사항은 무엇일까? 음주 흡연은 금지한다. 식사는 미음, 유동식으로 시작하여 점진적으로 간단하게 먹는다. 당분간 자극성 음식은 피한다. 무리한 운동은 하지 않는다. 사우나 찜질방은 삼가는 게 좋다. 나이가 들어감에 따라 정기적으로 대장 내시경 검사를 받을 필요가 있다. 사전에 질병의 원인을 조기발견하고 바로 제거해야한다. 건강은 치밀한 관리로 지킬 수 있다. 경청해 주셔서 고맙습니다.
(I had a colonoscopy a few days ago. Fourteen polyps were removed. I was very surprised because it was totally unexpected. A test four years ago removed two polyps. I couldn't believe there were so many polyps in my stomach. I would like to take this opportunity to study colon polyps. It is to protect my health. First, let's find out the role of the captain. Food is digested and absorbed, and moisture and electrolytes are absorbed from the remaining residue. Store and discharge feces. The large intestine is the body's largest immune system. It is a place where more than 70 percent of immune cells are concentrated. Balance beneficial bacteria and harmful bacteria. There is a saying that you feel comfortable when your stomach is comfortable. This is because the large intestine secretes serotonin, the happy hormone. This is why the large intestine is called the second brain. Now let's find out about colon polyps. Polyps are abnormal proliferation, and the above is a lump in the mucous membrane of the colon. They protrude into the intestinal wall. Polyps are classified into oncology and non-tumor. Oncogenic polyps include adenoma and malignant tumors. They are said to have the potential to develop cancer. Non-tumor polyps include granular and inflammatory polyps. They have little chance of developing cancer. What causes colon polyps? Genetic factors are deeply related to family history. There are a number of environmental factors. They include drinking, smoking, obesity, fatty foods, lack of fiber, and increased consumption of processed meat. Why should we remove colon polyps? It is said that the probability of colon cancer in tumor polyps is approximately 70 percent or more.It is said that it takes 5 to 10 years for adenomas to develop into cancer. Why do I need a colonoscopy? The inside of the large intestine can be observed with the naked eye. It is possible to diagnose ulcerative, inflammatory, and functional bowel diseases. If polyps are found, they can be removed immediately. What are the precautions after polyp resection? Drinking and smoking are prohibited. The meal starts with rice and liquid food and is eaten gradually and simply. Avoid stimulating food for the time being. I don't exercise too much. It's better to refrain from sauna and sauna. As you age, you need to undergo colonoscopy regularly. The cause of the disease should be detected early in advance and removed immediately. Health can be protected by careful management. Thank you for
(I had a colonoscopy a few days ago. Fourteen polyps were removed. I was very surprised because it was totally unexpected. A test four years ago removed two polyps. I couldn't believe there were so many polyps in my stomach. I would like to take this opportunity to study colon polyps. It is to protect my health. First, let's find out the role of the captain. Food is digested and absorbed, and moisture and electrolytes are absorbed from the remaining residue. Store and discharge feces. The large intestine is the body's largest immune system. It is a place where more than 70 percent of immune cells are concentrated. Balance beneficial bacteria and harmful bacteria. There is a saying that you feel comfortable when your stomach is comfortable. This is because the large intestine secretes serotonin, the happy hormone. This is why the large intestine is called the second brain. Now let's find out about colon polyps. Polyps are abnormal proliferation, and the above is a lump in the mucous membrane of the colon. They protrude into the intestinal wall. Polyps are classified into oncology and non-tumor. Oncogenic polyps include adenoma and malignant tumors. They are said to have the potential to develop cancer. Non-tumor polyps include granular and inflammatory polyps. They have little chance of developing cancer. What causes colon polyps? Genetic factors are deeply related to family history. There are a number of environmental factors. They include drinking, smoking, obesity, fatty foods, lack of fiber, and increased consumption of processed meat. Why should we remove colon polyps? It is said that the probability of colon cancer in tumor polyps is approximately 70 percent or more.It is said that it takes 5 to 10 years for adenomas to develop into cancer. Why do I need a colonoscopy? The inside of the large intestine can be observed with the naked eye. It is possible to diagnose ulcerative, inflammatory, and functional bowel diseases. If polyps are found, they can be removed immediately. What are the precautions after polyp resection? Drinking and smoking are prohibited. The meal starts with rice and liquid food and is eaten gradually and simply. Avoid stimulating food for the time being. I don't exercise too much. It's better to refrain from sauna and sauna. As you age, you need to undergo colonoscopy regularly. The cause of the disease should be detected early in advance and removed immediately. Health can be protected by careful management. Thank you for
41. 가을 새우젖
가을에 잡은 작은 새우로 젓을 담근 것을 가을새우젓이라한다. 이것은 건강에 좋다고 알려져 있다. 이것의 약효성분들은 기형세포의 세포벽을 뚫고들어간다. 세포의 핵을 파괴하여 죽인다. 질병의 원인을 없애 버린다. 들어있는 성분들의 작용을 알아보자. 키틴올리고당은 대식세포를 활성화 시킨다. 대식세포는 병든 세포를 잡아먹는 세포이다. 키틴올리고당은 암세포와 종양세포를 공격하여 파괴한다. 박테리오신은 항암 물질이다. 구강염, 식도염, 위염, 장염 등 소화기관 염증에 탁월한 효과가 있다. 베타인은 고지혈증, 비만 예방 효과가 있다. 지방간 등 간질환을 예방한다. 특히 알콜에 의한 간 기능 장애에 좋다. 키토산은 초미립자 단백질이다. 어린이들의 두뇌 개 발과 노인들의 치매 예방에 좋다. 프로테아제는 단백질 분해효소이다. 리파제는 지방분해 효소이다. 돼지 고기와 새우젓이 찰떡궁합인 이유이다. 타우린은 활성산소를 제거한다. 혈관 질환을 예방한다. 노화의 속도를 늦춘다. 풍부한 칼슘은 어린이의 뼈발육에 좋다. 어른들의 골다공증과 뼈 질환에 좋다. 비타민 A와 B1은 시력을 보호한다. 야맹증에 좋다. 동물성 섬유질은 변비를 개선한다. 또한 장 기능을 좋게한다. 가을 새우젓을 먹는 방법은 밥 반찬으로 먹는다. 양파, 양배추, 오이 등 야채와 섞어서 염도를 조절해 먹으면 좋다. 너무 많이 먹으면 해로울 수 있다. 적정량을 꾸준히 먹는 것이 중요하다. 경청해 고맙습니다.
(The salted shrimp caught in autumn is called salted shrimp in autumn. It is known to be good for your health. Its medicinal properties penetrate the cell walls of deformed cells. Destroy and kill the nucleus of a cell. Eliminate the causes of disease. Let's find out how the ingredients work. Chitin oligosaccharides activate macrophages. Macrophages are cells that eat sick cells. Chitin oligosaccharides attack and destroy cancer cells and tumor cells. Bacteriocin is an anticancer substance. It has excellent effects on inflammation of the digestive system such as mouth inflammation, esophagitis, gastritis, and enteritis. Betaine has the effect of preventing hyperlipidemia and obesity. It prevents liver diseases such as fatty liver. It is especially good for alcohol-induced liver dysfunction. Chitosan is a microparticulate protein. It is good for brain development in children and prevention of dementia in the elderly. Protease is a protease. Lipase is a lipolytic enzyme. This is why pork and salted shrimp are a perfect match. Taurine removes free radicals. It prevents vascular disease. Slows down aging. Rich calcium ㅣis good for bone development in children. It is good for osteoporosis and bone disease in adults. Vitamins A and B1 protect your eyesight. be good for night blindness Animal fiber improves constipation. It also improves intestinal function. The way to eat salted shrimp in autumn is to eat it as a side dish of rice. It is good to mix with vegetables such as onions,
cabbage, and cucumbers to adjust the salinity. Eating too much can be harmful. It is important to eat the right amount consistently. Thank you for your attention.)
(The salted shrimp caught in autumn is called salted shrimp in autumn. It is known to be good for your health. Its medicinal properties penetrate the cell walls of deformed cells. Destroy and kill the nucleus of a cell. Eliminate the causes of disease. Let's find out how the ingredients work. Chitin oligosaccharides activate macrophages. Macrophages are cells that eat sick cells. Chitin oligosaccharides attack and destroy cancer cells and tumor cells. Bacteriocin is an anticancer substance. It has excellent effects on inflammation of the digestive system such as mouth inflammation, esophagitis, gastritis, and enteritis. Betaine has the effect of preventing hyperlipidemia and obesity. It prevents liver diseases such as fatty liver. It is especially good for alcohol-induced liver dysfunction. Chitosan is a microparticulate protein. It is good for brain development in children and prevention of dementia in the elderly. Protease is a protease. Lipase is a lipolytic enzyme. This is why pork and salted shrimp are a perfect match. Taurine removes free radicals. It prevents vascular disease. Slows down aging. Rich calcium ㅣis good for bone development in children. It is good for osteoporosis and bone disease in adults. Vitamins A and B1 protect your eyesight. be good for night blindness Animal fiber improves constipation. It also improves intestinal function. The way to eat salted shrimp in autumn is to eat it as a side dish of rice. It is good to mix with vegetables such as onions,
cabbage, and cucumbers to adjust the salinity. Eating too much can be harmful. It is important to eat the right amount consistently. Thank you for your attention.)
40. 노후 대책 7 원칙
사람은 누구나 늙는다. 장수시대에는 노후생활이 길어진다. 일찍부터 미리 준비해야한다. 노후 대책 7원칙을 알아보자. 제1은 평생현역의 원칙이다. 자신이 좋아하는 일,행복해지는 일을 찿는다.퇴직 후에 할 일에 대한 전문지식과 식견을 미리 익힌다. 건강이 허락할 때까지 그 일을 즐긴다. 제2는 평생경제의 원칙이다. 노후에도가능한 경제활동을 계속해야한다. 이자 소득,배당 소득, 임대 소득 등과 같은 자본 소득을 늘린다. 자본 소득이 근로 소득보다 많아질 때 진정한 경제적 독립이된다. 근로소득이 없어지더라도 생활이가능하기 때문이다. 자식에게 노후생활을 의지하는시대는 지났다. 제3은 평생건강의 원칙이다. 건강해지는 생활습관을 지켜야한다. 꾸준한 관리로 건강을 지켜야한다. 노후에 건강을 잃으면 노후자금이 탕진된다 . 또한 삶의 질이 비참해진다. 제4는 평생젊음의 원칙이다. 긍정적 마인드로 살자. 새로운 일에 적극적으로 도전하자. 모든 일에 자신감을 가져라. 신체적 정신적 활력을 유지하라. 제5는 평생 관계의 법칙이다. 신뢰를 바탕으로 인간관계를 유지한다. 원만한 부부관계를 지킨다. 친구들과 자주 만난다. 취미를 공유하는 동호인들과 자주 어울린다. 혈연, 지연, 학연 등의 인맥을 유지 관리한다. 제6은 평생 학습의 원칙이다. 시대의 변화에 적응해야한다. 휴대폰, 컴퓨터, 인터넷, 가전제품 등 의 사용법을 익혀야한다. 좋아하는 취미 활동을 즐기자. 새로운 것을 배우는 즐거움을 누리자. 제7은 평생 마음 계발의 원칙이다. 지금,여기에 행복이 있다. 일상 생활 속에 행복이 있다. 비워야 채워진다. 나누고 베풀면서 살면 항상 즐겁다. 우리는 나이들면서 조금씩 성숙해진다. 경청해 주셔서 고맙습니다.
(Every man grows old. In the age of longevity, old age is prolonged. You have to prepare early in advance. Let's look at the seven principles of retirement measures. The first is the principle of lifetime active duty. Find what you like, what you become happy.Acquire expertise and knowledge about what to do after retirement in advance. Enjoy the job until your health permits it. The second is the principle of a lifetime economy. Economic activities as possible should be continued even in old age. Increase capital income such as interest income, dividend income, and rental income. When capital income exceeds earned income, it becomes true economic independence. This is because life is possible even if earned income is lost. Gone are the days of relying on one's children for retirement. The third is the principle of lifelong health. You should keep a healthy lifestyle. You should take care of your health with constant care. If you lose your health in your old age, your old money will be wasted. Also, the quality of life becomes miserable. The fourth is the principle of lifelong youth. Let's live with a positive mind. Let's actively challenge the new job. Be confident in everything. Maintain physical and mental vitality. The fifth is the law of lifelong relationships. Maintain relationships based on trust. keep a good marital relationship I often meet my friends. I often hang out with club members who share hobbies. Maintain connections such as blood ties, delay, and school ties. The sixth is the principle of lifelong learning. We must adapt to the changes of the times. You should learn how to use cell phones, computers, the Internet, and home appliances. Let's enjoy our favorite hobby. Let's enjoy learning new things. Seventh is the
principle of lifelong mind development. Now, there is happiness here. There is happiness in everyday life. Empty is the only way to fill it. It's always fun to live by sharing and giving. We mature little by little as we get older. Thank you for listening.)
(Every man grows old. In the age of longevity, old age is prolonged. You have to prepare early in advance. Let's look at the seven principles of retirement measures. The first is the principle of lifetime active duty. Find what you like, what you become happy.Acquire expertise and knowledge about what to do after retirement in advance. Enjoy the job until your health permits it. The second is the principle of a lifetime economy. Economic activities as possible should be continued even in old age. Increase capital income such as interest income, dividend income, and rental income. When capital income exceeds earned income, it becomes true economic independence. This is because life is possible even if earned income is lost. Gone are the days of relying on one's children for retirement. The third is the principle of lifelong health. You should keep a healthy lifestyle. You should take care of your health with constant care. If you lose your health in your old age, your old money will be wasted. Also, the quality of life becomes miserable. The fourth is the principle of lifelong youth. Let's live with a positive mind. Let's actively challenge the new job. Be confident in everything. Maintain physical and mental vitality. The fifth is the law of lifelong relationships. Maintain relationships based on trust. keep a good marital relationship I often meet my friends. I often hang out with club members who share hobbies. Maintain connections such as blood ties, delay, and school ties. The sixth is the principle of lifelong learning. We must adapt to the changes of the times. You should learn how to use cell phones, computers, the Internet, and home appliances. Let's enjoy our favorite hobby. Let's enjoy learning new things. Seventh is the
principle of lifelong mind development. Now, there is happiness here. There is happiness in everyday life. Empty is the only way to fill it. It's always fun to live by sharing and giving. We mature little by little as we get older. Thank you for listening.)
39. 건강하게 사는 것이 기적
건강하게 산다는 것은 위대한 일이다. 기적은 특별한 것이 아니다. 아무 일 없이 하루를 보내면 그 것이 기적이다. 행운도 특별한 것이 아니다. 아픈 데 없이 잘 살고 있다면 그 것이 행운이다. 행복도 특별한 것이 아니다. 좋아하는 사람들과 웃고 지내면 그 것이 행복이다. 오늘은 선물이다. 하늘이 나에게 특별히 주신 최고의 선물이다. 오늘은 내가 부활한 날이다. 어제 밤에서 다시 깨어났다. 자다가 죽는 경우를 생각하면 깨어난 것이 부활이다. 오늘은 보너스로 받은 날이다. 보너스는 안주면 그 뿐이다. 오늘을 내 생애의 첫 날처럼 살자. 오늘을 내 생애의 마지막 날처럼 살자. 마틴 루터는 말했다. 천국은 감사하는 자만 가는 곳 이라고. 오늘 하루를 일생처럼 소중하게, 감사하며 삽시다. 감사합니다.
(It's great to live a healthy life. Miracles are nothing special. It's a miracle if you spend a day without a hitch. Luck is nothing special. You're lucky if you're living well without being sick. Happiness is nothing special. It is happiness when you laugh with people you like. Today is a gift. It is the best gift that heaven has given me especially. Today is the day I was revived. I woke up again last night. Considering the case of dying in sleep, it is the resurrection that woke up. Today is the day I got a bonus. If you don't give me a bonus, that's all. Let's live today like the first day of my life. Let's live today like the last day of my life. Martin Luther said. Heaven is a place where only grateful people go. Let's live today as precious and
grateful as a lifetime. Thank you.)
(It's great to live a healthy life. Miracles are nothing special. It's a miracle if you spend a day without a hitch. Luck is nothing special. You're lucky if you're living well without being sick. Happiness is nothing special. It is happiness when you laugh with people you like. Today is a gift. It is the best gift that heaven has given me especially. Today is the day I was revived. I woke up again last night. Considering the case of dying in sleep, it is the resurrection that woke up. Today is the day I got a bonus. If you don't give me a bonus, that's all. Let's live today like the first day of my life. Let's live today like the last day of my life. Martin Luther said. Heaven is a place where only grateful people go. Let's live today as precious and
grateful as a lifetime. Thank you.)
38. 멸치와 건강
멸치라 하면 칼슘이 가장 먼저 떠오른다. 그러나 그것은 멸치를 통째로 먹는 경우에만 맞는 말이다. 머리 떼고 똥 빼고 먹는다면 칼슘없는 단백질만 섭취하게 된다. 멸치에게는 칼슘보다 더 중요한 건강요소를 함유하고 있는 기관이 있다. 그것은 바로 멸치 똥이 들어있는 내장이다. 멸치는 플랑크톤을 먹고산다. 멸치는 먹이사슬의 가장 아래에 있는 물고기이다. 멸치의 지방은 거의 오염 물질을 함유하지 않는다. 판매되고 있는 멸치는 실내에서 열풍으로 말린 것이다. 따라서 칼슘만 있고 비타민 D 는 없다. 구입한 멸치를 직사광선에 하룻동안 쪼이면 비타민D가 생성된다. 칼슘 흡수를 돕는 비타민D가 없으면 몸 안에서 칼슘이 흡수되지 않는다. 흡수되지 않은 칼슘은 간 결석, 담석, 신장결석 등의 원인이 된다. 유리창 이나 비닐을 통과한 햇볏은 비타민D 생성이 거의 되지않는다. 반드시 직사광선에 쪼여야 비타민 D가 생성된다. 멸치는 눈알을 비롯하여 온 몸이 영양 덩어리이다. 멸치는 통째로 먹는 것이 가장 좋다. 멸치의 효능을 알아보자. 뼈 건강에 좋다. 성장기 어린이들의 뼈 발육에 좋다. 성인들의 골다공증 예방에 좋다. 혈액순환에 좋다. 타우린이 콜레스톨 수치를 낮추고 혈압을 정상적으로 지켜준다. 두뇌발달에 좋다. 오메가 3, DHA가 두뇌발달에 좋은 영향을 미친다. 니아신이 항암작용을 한다. 퓨린체가 통풍, 치매 등을 예방한다. 직사광선으로 비타민D가 형성된 멸치를 머리, 내장, 몸통을 통째로 먹으면 건강 유지에 많은 도움이 될 것이다. 경청하여 주셔서 고맙습니다.
(When it comes to anchovies, calci5um comes to mind first. But that's only true if you eat whole anchovies. If you take off your head and eat without poop, you will only eat calcium-free protein. Anchovies have organs that contain more important health factors than calcium. It is the intestines that contain anchovy poo. Anchovies live on plankton. Anchovies are fish at the bottom of the food chain. The fat in anchovies contains very little pollutants. The anchovies on sale are dried indoors by a hot wind. Therefore, there is only calcium and no vitamin D. If you squeeze the purchased anchovies in direct sunlight for a day, vitamin D is produced. Without vitamin D to help absorb calcium, calcium is not absorbed in the body. Unabsorbed calcium causes liver stones, gallstones, and kidney stones. Sunlight passing through windows or vinyl hardly produces vitamin D. Vitamin D is produced only when it is exposed to direct sunlight. Anchovies are nutritious lumps, including eyeballs. It is best to eat anchovies whole. Let's find out the efficacy of anchovies. be good for bone health It is good for bone development in growing children. It is good for preventing osteoporosis in adults. It is good for blood circulation. Taurine lowers cholesterol levels and keeps blood pressure normal. It's good for brain development. Omega-3 DHA has a positive effect on brain development. Niacin has anti-cancer properties. Purin body prevents gout and dementia. Eating
anchovies with vitamin D formed from direct sunlight throughout the head, intestines, and body will help you stay healthy. Thank you for your attention.)
(When it comes to anchovies, calci5um comes to mind first. But that's only true if you eat whole anchovies. If you take off your head and eat without poop, you will only eat calcium-free protein. Anchovies have organs that contain more important health factors than calcium. It is the intestines that contain anchovy poo. Anchovies live on plankton. Anchovies are fish at the bottom of the food chain. The fat in anchovies contains very little pollutants. The anchovies on sale are dried indoors by a hot wind. Therefore, there is only calcium and no vitamin D. If you squeeze the purchased anchovies in direct sunlight for a day, vitamin D is produced. Without vitamin D to help absorb calcium, calcium is not absorbed in the body. Unabsorbed calcium causes liver stones, gallstones, and kidney stones. Sunlight passing through windows or vinyl hardly produces vitamin D. Vitamin D is produced only when it is exposed to direct sunlight. Anchovies are nutritious lumps, including eyeballs. It is best to eat anchovies whole. Let's find out the efficacy of anchovies. be good for bone health It is good for bone development in growing children. It is good for preventing osteoporosis in adults. It is good for blood circulation. Taurine lowers cholesterol levels and keeps blood pressure normal. It's good for brain development. Omega-3 DHA has a positive effect on brain development. Niacin has anti-cancer properties. Purin body prevents gout and dementia. Eating
anchovies with vitamin D formed from direct sunlight throughout the head, intestines, and body will help you stay healthy. Thank you for your attention.)
37. 조탁법 ㅡ두피 자극하기
머리 부위를 자극하면 건강에 좋다. 양쪽 손의 10개 손가락 끝으로 머리 전체를 두드린다. 새가 모이를 쪼드시 가볍게 톡톡 두드린다. 하루에 몇 번을 해야한다는 기준은 없다. 자주하면 할 수록 좋다. 세게 두드릴 필요도 없다. 가볍게 머리 전체를 두드려 주면 된다. 특히 귀 주변과 뒷골 부위는 반드시 해야된다. 머리 꼭대기보다 뒷골 부위가 더 중요 하다. 뇌졸중을 예방할 수 있기 때문이다. 머리통 전체를 두드리는 것이 좋다. 머리카락이 있는 부위는 물론이고 얼굴 부위와 귀 부위까지도 두드려주어야 한다. 얼굴 부위를 두드리다 보면 이상하게 더 아픈 부위가 있다. 아픈 곳을 더 많이 두드려주어야 한다. 머리통을 두드려주면 왜 건강에 좋을까? 기가 흐르는 통로를 경락이라 한다. 우리 몸에는 12개의 경락이 있다. 그 중 6개가 머리 쪽으로 올라간다. 머리통을 두들겨 주면 이들이 모두 자극을 받는다. 그러면 해당 기관이 모두 좋아진다. 아픈 곳을 집중적으로 두들겨 주면 해당 기괸의 건강이 좋아진다. 머리통 전체를 자극해주면 몸 전체가 좋아진다. 아픈 곳을 집중적으로 두들겨주면 해당 기관의 건강이 좋아진다. 머리통으로 몰린 나쁜 기운을 털어내는것이다. 이 것을 꾸준히 계속하면 건강 유지에 도움이 된다. 경청해 주셔서 고맙습니다.
(Stimulating the head is good for your health. Tap the entire head with the tips of 10 fingers on both hands. The bird pecked at the gathering. There is no standard for how many times a day. The more often you do, the better. You don't even have to knock hard. You can tap the whole head lightly. In particular, the area around the ear and the back bone must be done. The back bone area is more important than the top of the head. This is because it can prevent stroke. You'd better tap the whole head. You should tap not only the hair area but also the face and ears. There are strangely more painful parts when you tap on the face. You should tap more where it hurts. Why is it good for your health if you pat your head? The passageway through which the spirit flows is called meridian. We have 12 meridians in our bodies. Six of them go up toward the head. If you tap the head, they are all stimulated. Then all of the institutions in question will be improved. Intensive tapping of the sore improves the health of the bizarre. Stimulating the entire head improves the whole body. Concentrating on the painful area improves the health of the institution. It's to shake off
the bad energy that's driven through your head. Continuing this constantly helps you stay healthy. Thank you for listening.)
(Stimulating the head is good for your health. Tap the entire head with the tips of 10 fingers on both hands. The bird pecked at the gathering. There is no standard for how many times a day. The more often you do, the better. You don't even have to knock hard. You can tap the whole head lightly. In particular, the area around the ear and the back bone must be done. The back bone area is more important than the top of the head. This is because it can prevent stroke. You'd better tap the whole head. You should tap not only the hair area but also the face and ears. There are strangely more painful parts when you tap on the face. You should tap more where it hurts. Why is it good for your health if you pat your head? The passageway through which the spirit flows is called meridian. We have 12 meridians in our bodies. Six of them go up toward the head. If you tap the head, they are all stimulated. Then all of the institutions in question will be improved. Intensive tapping of the sore improves the health of the bizarre. Stimulating the entire head improves the whole body. Concentrating on the painful area improves the health of the institution. It's to shake off
the bad energy that's driven through your head. Continuing this constantly helps you stay healthy. Thank you for listening.)
36. 줄탁 동시
달걀이 부화하려 할 때 알 속에서 나는 소리를 줄이라 한다. 어미 닭이 그 소리를 듣고 바로 껍질을 쪼아 깨뜨리는 것을 탁이라 한다. 병아리는 안 쪽에서, 어미닭은 바깥 쪽에서 동시에 알을 쪼는 것이 줄탁동시이다. 불가에서 수행승의 역량을 알아차리고 바로 깨달음에 이르게 하는 스승의 예리한 기질을 비유한다. 서로의 인연이 알맞은 때에 맞 닿는 것을 뜻한다. 또는 그러한 기회를 놓치지 않고 잡는 것을 의미한다. 병아리가 알에서 나오려면 알 껍질의 양 쪽에서 껍질을 쪼는 때가 맞아야한다. 제 때에 기회를 발견하고 제 때에 알을 쪼아서 깨뜨리는 것이 매우 중요하다. 줄탁동시는 사람 사이의 인연이 서로 잘 맞는 것을 비유한다. 알맞은 때에 찾아온 좋은 기회를 놓치지 않고 잡는 것을 뜻한다. 줄탁의 시기가 맞아 떨어지려면 알을 깨고 나오려는 병아리의 의지가 있 어야 한다. 깨달음을 위한 불도들의 수행이 선행되어야. 함은 물론이다. 줄탁동시는 올바른 자녀 교육에도 적용되지 않을까? 또는 좋은 인간ㆍ관계 형성에도 적용되는 키 워드가 아닐까요 ? 들어주셔서 고맙습니다.
(When an egg is about to hatch, the sound in the egg is called down. The mother chicken pecking and breaking the shell right after hearing the sound is called tak. Chickens peck eggs from the inside and mother chickens from the outside at the same time. It compares the sharp disposition of a teacher who notices the competence of a monk in Buddhism and immediately leads to enlightenment. It means that each other's relationship meets the right time. Or it means catching such an opportunity without missing it. In order for a chick to come out of an egg, it must be the right time to pick the shell from both sides of the egg shell. It is very important to discover opportunities in time and to peck and break eggs in time. Jultakdongsi likens the relationship between people to be compatible. It means catching a good opportunity that came at the right time without missing it. In order for the timing of the jultak to be right, the chick must have the will to break out of the egg. The practice of Buddhists for enlightenment must precede. of course Wouldn't Jultakdongsi also apply to the proper education of children? Or
maybe it's a keyword that applies to building good relationships? Thanks for listening.)
(When an egg is about to hatch, the sound in the egg is called down. The mother chicken pecking and breaking the shell right after hearing the sound is called tak. Chickens peck eggs from the inside and mother chickens from the outside at the same time. It compares the sharp disposition of a teacher who notices the competence of a monk in Buddhism and immediately leads to enlightenment. It means that each other's relationship meets the right time. Or it means catching such an opportunity without missing it. In order for a chick to come out of an egg, it must be the right time to pick the shell from both sides of the egg shell. It is very important to discover opportunities in time and to peck and break eggs in time. Jultakdongsi likens the relationship between people to be compatible. It means catching a good opportunity that came at the right time without missing it. In order for the timing of the jultak to be right, the chick must have the will to break out of the egg. The practice of Buddhists for enlightenment must precede. of course Wouldn't Jultakdongsi also apply to the proper education of children? Or
maybe it's a keyword that applies to building good relationships? Thanks for listening.)
피드 구독하기:
글 (Atom)
221. 덕목과 생의 목표
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