2024년 11월 27일 수요일

146. 지구상의 나의 위치

지구위에 나는 어느 위치에 살고있나♡


현재 지구의 인구는 약 78억 명이다 


대부분의 사람들에게, 

그것은 큰 숫자이다. 

하지만 세계 78억 명을 

100명으로 압축하고, 

다양한 통계로 압축했다. 

그 결과, 

분석은 비교적 이해하기 쉽다. 




11명은 유럽에 있다.

5명은 북미에 있고

9명은 남미에 있다.

15명은 아프리카에 있고

60명은 아시아에 있다. 


49명은 시골에 살고

51명은 도시/동네 거주하며

77명이 자기 집을 가지고 있으나

23명은 살 곳이 없다. 


21명은 영양 과잉에다

63명은 배불리 먹을 수 있지만

15명은 영양실조이다.

그리고 1명은 

마지막 식사를 먹었지만 

다음 식사까지 가지 못했다. 


48명의 하루 생활비는

미화 2달러 미만이다. 


87명은 깨끗한 식수를 마신다.

13명은 깨끗한 식수가 부족하거나 

오염된 상수원에 접근할 수 있다. 


75명은 휴대전화가 있다.

25명은 그렇지 않다. 


30명은 인터넷 접속이 가능하다.

70명은 온라인 접속할 수 없다 


7명이 대학교육을 받았으나

93명은 대학을 다니지 않았다. 


83명은 읽을 수 있다.

나머지 17명은 문맹이다. 


26명은 14세 미만에, 그리고

66명은 64세 전에 사망했다.

8명이 65세 이상 산다. 


자기 집이 있고

밥을 든든히 먹고 

깨끗한 물을 마시고,

휴대 전화를 가졌으며,

인터넷 서핑을 할 수 있다면,

당신은 극소수의 특권층에 있다. 

(7% 미만 범주) 


전 세계 100명 중, 

오직 8명만이 65세를 넘겨 산다.

65세가 넘으면 만족하고 감사하라.  

생명을 소중히 하고 순간을 포착하라. 


당신은 먼저 떠난 

92명의 사람들처럼 

64세 이전에 세상을 떠나지 않았다. 

당신은 이미 인류 중에서 

축복받은 사람이다.
(Where do I live on earth ♡


The current population of the planet is about 7.8 billion people 


For most people, 

That is a big number. 

But 7.8 billion people in the world 

It's going to be 100 people, 

It was compressed into various statistics. 

As a result, 

The analysis is relatively easy to understand. 



out of 100 people

Eleven are in Europe.

Five of them are in North America

Nine are in South America.

Fifteen are in Africa

Sixty people are in Asia. 


Forty-nine people live in the countryside

Fifty-one live in the city/neighborhood

77 people own their own homes

There is no place for 23 people to live. 


Twenty-one of them are overnourished

63 people can eat as much as they want

Fifteen people are malnourished.

And one person 

I had my last meal 

I didn't make it to the next meal. 


The cost of living for 48 people per day is

It is less than US$2. 


87 people drink clean drinking water.

Thirteen of them lack clean drinking water 

Access to contaminated water sources is possible. 


Seventy-five people have cell phones.

Twenty-five people do not. 


Thirty people have access to the Internet.

Seventy people can't go online 


Seven of them have a college education

Ninety-three people did not attend college. 


83 people can read.

The other 17 are illiterate. 


Twenty-six are under the age of 14, and

66 died before the age of 64.

Eight people live over the age of 65. 


He has his own house

I ate a lot 

Drink clean water,

I have a cell phone,

If you can surf the Internet,

You are in a very privileged


(less than 7% category) 


Out of 100 people in the world, 

Only eight people live over the age of 65.

Be satisfied and grateful when you are over 65.  

Cherish life and capture the moment. 


You left first 

Like 92 people 

Didn't leave the world before the age of 64. 

You're already one of the human beings 

He is a blessed man.)

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221. 덕목과 생의 목표

덕목(德目)과 생의 목표(目標)♡ 좋은 사람은 외롭지 않고, 어진 사람은 항상 즐겁습니다. 언제 어디서나 남을 도우면 자기 자신(自身)도 이롭게 되어 변함없이 행복(幸福)을 누릴 수 있습니다. 토끼를 잡을 땐, 귀를 잡고, 닭을 잡을 땐, 날개...