아래의 내용은 와다 원장이 제안하는 마음의 노화 대처법이다. 인간의 노화는 지력이나 체력보다 감정에서 먼저 시작된다고 한다. 감정이 늙어가는 징조는, 웃음이 사라진다. 눈물이 메말라 간다. 아름답다는 생각을 못한다. 흥이 없어진다. 표정이 어둡다. 공격적이며 사나워진다. 등이다. 와다 원장이 제안하는 대처법은 두근두근거리는 설레임이다. 새로운 것에 대한 도전은 뇌의 전두엽을 자극한다. 감정의 노화를 막는데 매우 효과적이다. 가보지 않은 맛집을 찾아간다든지 새로운 장소로 여행을 떠나는 것은 좋은 방법이다. 평소 행동에 작은 변화를 더하는 것부터 시작하라. 무엇보다 특효약은 사랑이다. 현실적으로 연애를 하기가 어렵다면 가수나 배우를 좋아하는 것도 좋다. 독서의 장르를 바꿔보는 것도 도움이 된다. 의식적으로라도 지금까지와 다른 부류와 책을 읽어본다. 거기서 얻는 새로움이 뇌를 자극해서 감정의 나이가 회춘한다. 끊임없이 새로운 것에 도전하고 여러 분야에 흥미를 갖고 사는 사람은 에너지가 넘쳐 젊어 보인다. 여자들이 남자들보다 오래 사는 이유는 공감력과 감성이 뛰어나고 자기 감정에 솔직하기 때문이다. 수다를 떨거나 쇼핑, 여행, 음악회 관람 등 여러 분야에 관심을 갖는 것은 우리의 마음을 젊게 한다. 젊음을 유지하려면 무엇보다 즐거운 것, 두근두근 설레이는 것 을 찾아내는 것이 중요하다. 모든 기능은 사용하지 않으면 저하된다. 감정도 마찬가지이다. 뇌와 몸은 물론 감정을 적극적으로 움직인다면 삶이 더욱 즐거워질 것이다. 싱싱한 마음은 당신의 외모 뿐만 아니라 삶이 반짝이도록 할 것이다. 감정이 풍부한 사람일 수록 더 건강하게 더 아름답게 살아갈 수 있다. 노년은 생각보다 멋지고 아름다운 인생 길이다. 삶의 여정 중에서 노년은 마음을 비우며 살아가기에 딱 좋은 나이이기 때문이다. 경청해주셔서 감사합니다.
(The following is Wada's suggestion of coping with aging of the mind. It is said that human aging begins with emotions before intelligence or physical strength. The sign of emotions getting old, the laughter disappears. Tears are drying up. You don't think it's beautiful. You don't think it's beautiful. You lose excitement. Your expression is dark. You get aggressive and fierce. The coping mechanism that Wada suggests is excitement. Challenges to new things stimulate the frontal lobe of the brain. It is very effective in preventing emotional aging. It is a good way to go to a restaurant that you have not been to or to travel to a new place. Start by adding small changes to your usual behavior. The best medicine is love. If you have difficulty in dating in reality, it is also good to like a singer or actor. Changing the genre of reading is also helpful. Even consciously, read books with a different class than before. The novelty you get from there stimulates the brain, rejuvenating the age of your emotions. People who constantly challenge new things and live with interest in various fields look young with full of energy. Women live longer than men because they have excellent empathy and emotions and are honest with their emotions. Chatting, shopping, traveling, and watching concerts rejuvenate our minds. To stay young, it is important to find something pleasant and exciting above all else. All functions deteriorate when not used. The same goes for emotions. Your life will be more enjoyable if you actively move your brain and body as well as your emotions. Your fresh mind will make not only your appearance but also your life sparkle. The more
emotional you are, the healthier and the more beautiful you can live. Old age is a wonderful and beautiful life path than you think. This is because old age is the perfect age to live with your heart empty in the journey of life. Thank you for listening.)
2024년 8월 31일 토요일
2024년 8월 25일 일요일
96. 5층 이하의 아파트가 건강에 좋다.
5층 이하의 아파트가 건강에 좋다. 고층 아파트에는 모기,개미, 벌레 등이 살지 못한다. 벌레가 살지 못하는 공간에서 사람들이 살고 있다. 건강에 좋을 리가 없다. 땅의 기운이 미치는 공간은 5층이 한계라고 한다. 땅의 표면에서 가장 높이 살아있는 생명체는 나무이다. 나무의 종류나 지역에 따라 다르지만 대개 15미터 이내로 본다. 아파트 5층 높이에 해당한다. 아파트는 5층까지가 땅의 기운을 받는 생기있는 공간이다. 고층 아파트에서는 화초를 가꾸어도 잘 자라지 않는다. 고층 일수록 바람이 많이 불고 공기 압력이 낮아져서 저기압을 이루게 된다. 이런 곳에서 오랫동안 살면 우리 몸의 신진대사에 좋지않은 영향을 미치게 된다. 저기압 날씨에 신경통이나 관절염이 심해지는 것도 같은 맥락이다. 이렇게 본다면 아파트의 명당은 5층 이하이다. 일반적으로 선호도가 떨어지고 집값도 싼 1층이 명당에 가장 가깝다. 부자들은 일반적으로 땅의 기운이 좋은 단독 주택을 선호한다. 고층에 사는 주부가 1년에 6.8회 병원 진료를 받은 것으로 조사되었다. 낮은 층의 3.4회에 비해 2배에 해당한다. 어린이들의 경우는 그 차이가 더 커진다. 고층의 거주자들이 감기, 기관지염, 비염 등 호흡기 질환이나 소화기 질환을 더 앓는다는 자료가 있다. 그 이유는 습도, 기온, 산소 함유량,자외선의 강도, 바람, 진동 등이 우리 몸에 나쁜 영향을 주기 때문으로 분석되었다. 고층에 사는 사람들은 소음, 승강기 사고나 범죄, 지면과의 격리감, 불안감 등으로 심한 스트레스를 받는 것으로 조사되었다. 어린이들은 어른들보다 더 심하다고 한다. 주거 공간은 땅에서 가까울 수록 건강에 좋다. 경청해 주셔서 고맙습니다.
(Apartments under the fifth floor are good for health. High-rise apartments do not contain mosquitoes, ants, and insects. People live in spaces where bugs cannot live. It can't be good for health. It is said that the space where the energy of the ground is limited to the fifth floor. The tallest living thing on the surface of the ground is a tree. It depends on the type or region of the tree, but it is usually within 15 meters. It is equivalent to the height of the fifth floor of an apartment. An apartment is a lively space where you receive the energy of the ground up to the fifth floor. Even if the houseplants are cultivated up to the fifth floor, they do not grow well in high-rise apartments. The higher the floor, the wind blows and the lower the air pressure, forming a low pressure. Living in such a place for a long time has a bad effect on our body's metabolism. It is in the same vein that neuralgia or arthritis worsens in low-pressure weather. In this way, the name of an apartment is less than five floors. In general, the first floor, where preference is low and housing prices are low, is the closest to the name. The rich generally prefer a detached house with good energy on the ground. It was surveyed that housewives living on high floors received hospital treatment 6.8 times a year. This is twice as many as the 3.4 times of the lower floor. In the case of children, the difference is even greater. There is data showing that high-rise residents suffer from more respiratory and digestive diseases such as colds, bronchitis, and rhinitis. The reason was analyzed to be that humidity, temperature, oxygen content, ultraviolet intensity, wind, and vibration have a bad effect on our bodies. People living on high floors are under severe stress from noise,
elevator accidents and crimes, a sense of isolation from the ground, and anxiety. Children are said to be worse than adults. The closer a residential space is to the ground, the better it is for your health. Thank you for listening.)
(Apartments under the fifth floor are good for health. High-rise apartments do not contain mosquitoes, ants, and insects. People live in spaces where bugs cannot live. It can't be good for health. It is said that the space where the energy of the ground is limited to the fifth floor. The tallest living thing on the surface of the ground is a tree. It depends on the type or region of the tree, but it is usually within 15 meters. It is equivalent to the height of the fifth floor of an apartment. An apartment is a lively space where you receive the energy of the ground up to the fifth floor. Even if the houseplants are cultivated up to the fifth floor, they do not grow well in high-rise apartments. The higher the floor, the wind blows and the lower the air pressure, forming a low pressure. Living in such a place for a long time has a bad effect on our body's metabolism. It is in the same vein that neuralgia or arthritis worsens in low-pressure weather. In this way, the name of an apartment is less than five floors. In general, the first floor, where preference is low and housing prices are low, is the closest to the name. The rich generally prefer a detached house with good energy on the ground. It was surveyed that housewives living on high floors received hospital treatment 6.8 times a year. This is twice as many as the 3.4 times of the lower floor. In the case of children, the difference is even greater. There is data showing that high-rise residents suffer from more respiratory and digestive diseases such as colds, bronchitis, and rhinitis. The reason was analyzed to be that humidity, temperature, oxygen content, ultraviolet intensity, wind, and vibration have a bad effect on our bodies. People living on high floors are under severe stress from noise,
elevator accidents and crimes, a sense of isolation from the ground, and anxiety. Children are said to be worse than adults. The closer a residential space is to the ground, the better it is for your health. Thank you for listening.)
2024년 8월 18일 일요일
95.과일은 공복에 먹어야 보약이다.
과일은 언제 먹는 것이 몸에 좋을까? 과일은 빈 속에 먹어야 좋다. 과일을 빈 속에 먹으면 몸 속의 독소를 제거한다. 체중을 줄이고 활동에 필요한 에너지를 공급한다. 만약 식 후에 과일을 먹으면 어떨까? 과일이 위에 들어가서 먼저 먹은 음식물과 섞이면 음식물이 발효되어 부패하기 시작한다. 소화 불량으로 이어지고 장 속에 독소가 쌓이게 된다. 피부가 거칠어지고 머리카락이 빠진다. 신경 쇠약이 생기고 다크써클이 생긴다. 연구 결과에 의하면 오렌지,레몬, 사과 등 과일들은 산성을 지닌 것 같지만 우리 몸 속에 들어가면 알카리성을 가진다고 한다. 과일 주스를 마실 때에는 신선한 것을 마셔야 한다. 캔에 들어있는 것은 좋지 않다. 열을 가한 과일은 영양이 많이 파괴된다. 과일을 요리하면 비타민이 파괴된다. 쥬스를 마시는 것 보다 통 과일로 먹는 것이 좋다. 쥬스로 마시는 경우에는 천천히 한 모금씩 마시는 것이 좋다. 입에서 침과 잘 섞어서 넘겨야 좋다. 과일과 쥬스만을 3일 정도 먹으면 몸을 청소할 수 있다. 몸 속의 노폐물과 독소들이 배출된다. 만나는 사람들마다 피부와 얼굴 빛이 좋아졌다고 말할 것이다. 경청해주셔서 감사합니다.
(When Is Eating Fruit Good for You? Fruit is good to eat on an empty stomach. Eating fruit on an empty stomach removes toxins from your body. It reduces weight and provides energy for your activities. What if you eat fruit after meals? If the fruit gets in your stomach and mixes with the food you ate first, the food starts to ferment and decompose. It leads to indigestion and toxins build up in your intestine. Your skin gets rough and your hair falls out. Neuroweakness occurs and dark circles occur. Research shows that fruits such as oranges, lemons, and apples seem to be acidic, but when they enter our bodies, they are alkaline. When drinking fruit juice, you should drink something fresh. What's in a can is not good. When you cook fruits, they destroy a lot of nutrition. Cooking fruits destroys vitamins. It's better to eat whole fruits than drinking juice. If you drink juice, it's better to take a sip slowly. It's good to mix it well with saliva in your mouth. If you eat fruit and juice alone for about 3 days, you can clean your body. Waste and toxins from your body are released. Everyone you meet will say that your skin
and facial light have improved. Thank you for listening.)
(When Is Eating Fruit Good for You? Fruit is good to eat on an empty stomach. Eating fruit on an empty stomach removes toxins from your body. It reduces weight and provides energy for your activities. What if you eat fruit after meals? If the fruit gets in your stomach and mixes with the food you ate first, the food starts to ferment and decompose. It leads to indigestion and toxins build up in your intestine. Your skin gets rough and your hair falls out. Neuroweakness occurs and dark circles occur. Research shows that fruits such as oranges, lemons, and apples seem to be acidic, but when they enter our bodies, they are alkaline. When drinking fruit juice, you should drink something fresh. What's in a can is not good. When you cook fruits, they destroy a lot of nutrition. Cooking fruits destroys vitamins. It's better to eat whole fruits than drinking juice. If you drink juice, it's better to take a sip slowly. It's good to mix it well with saliva in your mouth. If you eat fruit and juice alone for about 3 days, you can clean your body. Waste and toxins from your body are released. Everyone you meet will say that your skin
and facial light have improved. Thank you for listening.)
2024년 8월 11일 일요일
94. 황금 인생을 위한 5가지 부자
누구나 행복하게 살기를 원한다. 인생 후반을 행복하게 살려면 어떻게 해야할까? 황금 인생을 살려면 건강, 시간, 돈, 친구, 취미 등 5가지 부자가 되어야한다. 건강이 빈곤하면 모든 것이 의미가 없어진다. 특히 다리부터 튼튼해야한다. 나이가 들면 여행을 가도 멋진 풍경이나 훌륭한 예술보다 의자부터 먼저 눈에 들어온다. 건강 부자가 인생 후반에 가장 행복한 부자이다. 나이가 들어감에 따라 쓸 수 있는 시간 통장의 잔고가 빠르게 줄어들어 간다. 쓸데없는 일에 시간을 헛되이 낭비하지 말아야한다. 시간 통장이 넉넉한 시간 부자가 되어야 인생 후반이 행복할 수 있다. 돈 부자는 얼마나 가지고 있느냐의 문제가 아니다. 가지고 있는 돈을 가치있는 일에 어떻게 쓰느냐의 문제이다. 헛된 일에 돈을 낭비하지 말고 꼭 필요한 일에는 과감하게 지갑을 열고 살아야 인생 후반이 행복할 수 있다. 친구 부자는 인생 후반이 넉넉한 진짜 부자이다. 좋은 친구들을 가지는 비결은 내가 먼저 좋은 친구가 되어주는 것이다. 주변에 가까이 지내는 친구들이 많으면 인생 후반이 행복할 수 있다. 취미 부자는 늘 생기가 넘친다. 즐길수 있 는 일이 있어서 나날이 마음이 설레이기 때문이다. 좋은 취미를 동호인들과 함께 즐길 수 있다면 금상첨화이다. 항상 즐거울 수 있는 취미를 갖고 산다면 인생 후반이 행복할 수 있다. 위의 5 가지는 서로 밀접하게 연관되어 있다. 몇가지가 서로 잘 어울리면 시너지 상승 효과를 발휘한다. 100 세 장수 시대를 행복하게 살기 위해서는 황금 인생의 5가지 여건을 적극적으로 만들어 갈 필요가 있다. 경청해주셔서 감사합니다.
(Everyone wants to live a happy life. What should you do to live a happy second half of your life? To live a golden life, you have to be rich in five things: health, time, money, friends, and hobbies. If you are poor in health, everything becomes meaningless. You should especially be strong in your legs. When you get older, even if you travel, you will see a chair first before a nice scenery or great art. Healthy people are the happiest people in the latter half of life. As you get older, the balance in your usable time account decreases rapidly. Don't waste your time on useless things. You need to be rich in time with plenty of time bankbooks to be happy in the second half of your life. It's not a matter of how much money you have. It's a matter of how much money you have for valuable things. Don't waste your money on futile things and boldly open your wallet for essential things to be happy in the second half of your life. Friendly people are really rich with plenty of later in life. The secret to having good friends is that I become good friends first. You can be happy in the second half of your life if you have many friends close to you. Rich hobbies always come alive. This is because I am excited day by day because there are things to enjoy. It is icing on the cake if you can enjoy good hobbies with your hobbyists. If you live with a hobby that can always be enjoyable, you can be happy in the second half of your life. The above five are closely related to each other. When a few things go well with each other, they
create synergy. In order to live happily in the age of 100 years of longevity, it is necessary to actively create the five conditions of a golden life. Thank you for listening.)
(Everyone wants to live a happy life. What should you do to live a happy second half of your life? To live a golden life, you have to be rich in five things: health, time, money, friends, and hobbies. If you are poor in health, everything becomes meaningless. You should especially be strong in your legs. When you get older, even if you travel, you will see a chair first before a nice scenery or great art. Healthy people are the happiest people in the latter half of life. As you get older, the balance in your usable time account decreases rapidly. Don't waste your time on useless things. You need to be rich in time with plenty of time bankbooks to be happy in the second half of your life. It's not a matter of how much money you have. It's a matter of how much money you have for valuable things. Don't waste your money on futile things and boldly open your wallet for essential things to be happy in the second half of your life. Friendly people are really rich with plenty of later in life. The secret to having good friends is that I become good friends first. You can be happy in the second half of your life if you have many friends close to you. Rich hobbies always come alive. This is because I am excited day by day because there are things to enjoy. It is icing on the cake if you can enjoy good hobbies with your hobbyists. If you live with a hobby that can always be enjoyable, you can be happy in the second half of your life. The above five are closely related to each other. When a few things go well with each other, they
create synergy. In order to live happily in the age of 100 years of longevity, it is necessary to actively create the five conditions of a golden life. Thank you for listening.)
2024년 8월 9일 금요일
93. 옥수수의 효능
우리의 선조들이 쌀 대용식으로 먹었던 옥수수가 요즈음 건강 식품으로 각광받고 있다. 옥수수의 효능을 알아보자. 노화 방지와 피부 미용에 좋다. 피부에 주름을 만들고 노화를 촉진하는 원인 중 하나가 활성 산소이다. 옥수수에 들어있는 베타카로틴, 페놀산, 토코페롤 등이 활성 산소를 제거하여 항산화 작용을 한다. 옥수수를 먹으면 노화가 늦어지고 피부 미용에도 좋다. 항암 효과까지 기대할 수 있다. 다이얻트에 좋다. 옥수수는 식이 섬유와 수분이 풍부하다. 반면에 칼로리와 지방 함량이 상대적으로 낮은 식품이다. 포만감은 있지만 살은 찌지 않는다. 당뇨를 예방하고 혈당을 조절한다. 옥수수에는 소화효소인 아밀라제의 활성을 억제하는 성분이 들어있다. 이로 인해 저당류의 흡수가 줄어들어 혈당을 낮출 수 있다. 토코페롤은 혈당을 조절한다. 대장 운동을 촉진하고 변비를 예방한다. 옥수수는 식이섬유가 많이 들어있는 식품이다. 장의 운동을 활발하게 한다. 변비도 예방이 되고 원활한 배변 활동이 이루어진다. 독소가 잘 배출되어 피부가 깨끗해 진다. 고혈압, 심혈관 질환 등을 예방한다. 옥수수의 리놀산 성분은 혈중의 콜레스톨을 낮추고 칼륨은 혈압을 낮춘다. 펩타이드 성분은 혈관 속 지방을 없애고 .혈전을 줄여준다. 시력을 보호하고 안구 건강에 도움이 된다. 베타카로틴, 루테인, 제아자틴 성분은 눈의 노화를 예방하고 안구 건강에 좋다. 기억력 감퇴를 예방한다. 베타카로틴 성분은 뇌 세포를 자극한다. 기억력이 감퇴되는 것을 막는다. 잇몸 질환을 개선한다. 옥수수의 씨눈에 들어있는 베타시토스테롤 성분이 잇몸질환 개선에 탁월한 효과가 있다. 옥수수 속 대를 삶아서 그 물로 가글을 꾸준히 하면 치통, 치주염 등에 탁월한 효과가 있다. 경청해주셔서 고맙습니다.
(Corn, which our ancestors ate as a rice substitute, is in the spotlight as a health food these days. Let's find out the efficacy of corn. It is good for preventing aging and skin care. One of the causes that make wrinkles on the skin and promote aging is free oxygen. Beta-carotene, phenolic acid, tocopherol, etc. in corn removes free oxygen and acts as an antioxidant. Eating corn delays aging and is good for skin care. You can even expect anticancer effects. It is good for diet. Corn is rich in fiber and moisture. On the other hand, it is a food with relatively low calorie and fat content. It is full but does not gain weight. It prevents diabetes and controls blood sugar. Corn contains ingredients that inhibit the activity of amylase, a digestive enzyme. This reduces the absorption of hypoglycemia, which can lower blood sugar. Tocopherol regulates blood sugar. It promotes colon exercise and prevents constipation. Corn is a food that contains a lot of dietary fiber. It stimulates bowel movement. Constipation is also prevented and smooth bowel movements are made. Toxins are released well and the skin is cleaned. It prevents high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. The linoleic acid component of corn lowers blood cholesterol and potassium lowers blood pressure. Peptide components remove fat in blood vessels and reduce thrombosis. It protects vision and helps with eye health. Beta-carotene, lutein, and zeazatin components prevent eye aging and are good for eye health. It prevents memory loss. Beta-carotene stimulates brain cells. It prevents memory loss. It improves gum disease. The
beta-citosterol components in corn seeds have excellent effects on improving gum disease. If you boil corn stalks and gargle them with water steadily, they have excellent effects on toothache and periodontitis. Thank you for listening.)
(Corn, which our ancestors ate as a rice substitute, is in the spotlight as a health food these days. Let's find out the efficacy of corn. It is good for preventing aging and skin care. One of the causes that make wrinkles on the skin and promote aging is free oxygen. Beta-carotene, phenolic acid, tocopherol, etc. in corn removes free oxygen and acts as an antioxidant. Eating corn delays aging and is good for skin care. You can even expect anticancer effects. It is good for diet. Corn is rich in fiber and moisture. On the other hand, it is a food with relatively low calorie and fat content. It is full but does not gain weight. It prevents diabetes and controls blood sugar. Corn contains ingredients that inhibit the activity of amylase, a digestive enzyme. This reduces the absorption of hypoglycemia, which can lower blood sugar. Tocopherol regulates blood sugar. It promotes colon exercise and prevents constipation. Corn is a food that contains a lot of dietary fiber. It stimulates bowel movement. Constipation is also prevented and smooth bowel movements are made. Toxins are released well and the skin is cleaned. It prevents high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. The linoleic acid component of corn lowers blood cholesterol and potassium lowers blood pressure. Peptide components remove fat in blood vessels and reduce thrombosis. It protects vision and helps with eye health. Beta-carotene, lutein, and zeazatin components prevent eye aging and are good for eye health. It prevents memory loss. Beta-carotene stimulates brain cells. It prevents memory loss. It improves gum disease. The
beta-citosterol components in corn seeds have excellent effects on improving gum disease. If you boil corn stalks and gargle them with water steadily, they have excellent effects on toothache and periodontitis. Thank you for listening.)
2024년 8월 5일 월요일
93. 옥수수의 효능
우리의 선조들이 쌀 대용식으로 먹었던 옥수수가 요즈음 건강 식품으로 각광받고 있다. 옥수수의 효능을 알아보자. 노화 방지와 피부 미용에 좋다. 피부에 주름을 만들고 노화를 촉진하는 원인 중 하나가 활성 산소이다. 옥수수에 들어있는 베타카로틴, 페놀산, 토코페롤 등이 활성 산소를 제거하여 항산화 작용을 한다. 옥수수를 먹으면 노화가 늦어지고 피부 미용에도 좋다. 항암 효과까지 기대할 수 있다. 다이얻트에 좋다. 옥수수는 식이 섬유와 수분이 풍부하다. 반면에 칼로리와 지방 함량이 상대적으로 낮은 식품이다. 포만감은 있지만 살은 찌지 않는다. 당뇨를 예방하고 혈당을 조절한다. 옥수수에는 소화효소인 아밀라제의 활성을 억제하는 성분이 들어있다. 이로 인해 저당류의 흡수가 줄어들어 혈당을 낮출 수 있다. 토코페롤은 혈당을 조절한다. 대장 운동을 촉진하고 변비를 예방한다. 옥수수는 식이섬유가 많이 들어있는 식품이다. 장의 운동을 활발하게 한다. 변비도 예방이 되고 원활한 배변 활동이 이루어잔다. 독소가 잘 배출되어 피부가 깨끗해 진다. 고혈압, 심혈관 질환 등을 예방한다. 옥수수의 리놀산 성분은 혈중의 콜레스톨을 낮추고 칼륨은 혈압을 낮춘다. 펩타이드 성분은 혈관 속 지방을 없애고 .혈전을 줄여준다. 시력을 보호하고 안구 건강에 도움이 된다. 베타카로틴, 루테인, 제아자틴 성분은 눈의 노화를 예방하고 안구 건강에 좋다. 기억력 감퇴를 예방한다. 베타카로틴 성분은 뇌 세포를 자극한다. 기억력이 감퇴되는 것을 막는다. 잇몸 질환을 개선한다. 옥수수의 씨눈에 들어있는 베타시토스테롤 성분이 잇몸질환 개선에 탁월한 효과가 있다. 옥수수 속 대를 삶아서 그 물로 가글을 꾸준히 하면 치통, 치주염 등에 탁월한 효과가 있다. 경청해주셔서 고맙습니다.
(Corn, which our ancestors ate as a rice substitute, is in the spotlight as a health food these days. Let's find out the efficacy of corn. It is good for preventing aging and skin care. One of the causes that make wrinkles on the skin and promote aging is free oxygen. Beta-carotene, phenolic acid, tocopherol, etc. in corn removes free oxygen and acts as an antioxidant. Eating corn delays aging and is good for skin care. You can even expect anticancer effects. It is good for diet. Corn is rich in fiber and moisture. On the other hand, it is a food with relatively low calorie and fat content. It is full but does not gain weight. It prevents diabetes and controls blood sugar. Corn contains ingredients that inhibit the activity of amylase, which is a digestive enzyme. This reduces the absorption of hypoglycemia, which can lower blood sugar. Tocopherol regulates blood sugar. It promotes colon exercise and prevents constipation. Corn is a food that contains a lot of dietary fiber. It activates bowel movement. Constipation is also prevented and smooth bowel movements are made. Toxins are released well and the skin is cleaned. It prevents high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. The linoleic acid component of corn lowers blood cholesterol and potassium lowers blood pressure. Peptide components remove fat in blood vessels and reduce thrombosis. It protects vision and helps with eye health. Beta-carotene, lutein, and zeazatin components prevent eye aging and are good for eye health. It prevents memory loss. Beta-carotene stimulates brain cells. It prevents memory loss. It improves gum disease. The
beta-citosterol components in corn seeds have excellent effects on improving gum disease. If you boil corn stalks and gargle them with water steadily, they have excellent effects on toothache and periodontitis. Thank you for listening.)
(Corn, which our ancestors ate as a rice substitute, is in the spotlight as a health food these days. Let's find out the efficacy of corn. It is good for preventing aging and skin care. One of the causes that make wrinkles on the skin and promote aging is free oxygen. Beta-carotene, phenolic acid, tocopherol, etc. in corn removes free oxygen and acts as an antioxidant. Eating corn delays aging and is good for skin care. You can even expect anticancer effects. It is good for diet. Corn is rich in fiber and moisture. On the other hand, it is a food with relatively low calorie and fat content. It is full but does not gain weight. It prevents diabetes and controls blood sugar. Corn contains ingredients that inhibit the activity of amylase, which is a digestive enzyme. This reduces the absorption of hypoglycemia, which can lower blood sugar. Tocopherol regulates blood sugar. It promotes colon exercise and prevents constipation. Corn is a food that contains a lot of dietary fiber. It activates bowel movement. Constipation is also prevented and smooth bowel movements are made. Toxins are released well and the skin is cleaned. It prevents high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. The linoleic acid component of corn lowers blood cholesterol and potassium lowers blood pressure. Peptide components remove fat in blood vessels and reduce thrombosis. It protects vision and helps with eye health. Beta-carotene, lutein, and zeazatin components prevent eye aging and are good for eye health. It prevents memory loss. Beta-carotene stimulates brain cells. It prevents memory loss. It improves gum disease. The
beta-citosterol components in corn seeds have excellent effects on improving gum disease. If you boil corn stalks and gargle them with water steadily, they have excellent effects on toothache and periodontitis. Thank you for listening.)
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