2024년 11월 30일 토요일

153. 행복하고 싶다면 행복한 사람 옆으로 가라.

행복하고 싶다면  
행복한 사람 옆으로 가라》
   -최인철/서울대 심리학과 교수-

우리의 환경 중에서 
우리에게 가장 강력한 영향을미치는 것은 
바로 우리 주변에 있는 사람이다.

다시 말하면 
누가 옆에 있느냐에 따라서 
우리의 인생이 달라질 수 있다는 것입니다.

그런 가르침의 하나이다.

(近墨者黑)' 까만데 있으면 까맣게 된다.

또는 '근주자적
(近朱者赤)' 붉은 것에있으면 
너도 붉게 된다는 말 역시 마찬가지입니다.

2011년에 미국에 있는 두 명의 학자가 아주 재밌는 책을 써 냈다.

본인들이 해 왔던 연구들을 종합해서

'행복도 전염된다'는 책이 나왔습니다.

한 지역 공동체 사람들의 
소셜 네트워크를 분석한 결과 
두 가지 패턴이 눈에 뛴다.

첫번째 패턴은 
행복하지 않은 사람들은 자기들끼리 모여 있다.

행복한 사람들은 행복한사람들끼리 모여 있다.

두 번째 패턴은 뭐냐. 
행복하지 않은 사람들 주변에 
사람이 없다는 겁니다.

이 연구로 밝혀낸 게 뭐냐 ?

<내 친구>가 행복하게 되면, 
내가 행복해질 가능성이 약 15% 증가한다.

<내 친구의 친구>가 행복하게 되면, 
내가 행복해질 가능성이 약 10% 증가한다.

<내 친구의 친구의 친구>가 행복하게 되면, 
내가 행복해질 가능성이 약 6% 증가한다.

<네 단계>쯤 가면 그때서야 영향력이 없어진다고 한다.

이 연구의 결론은 
그만큼 우리 주변에 누가 있느냐가 
중요하다는 겁니다. 

*행복한 친구 옆에 있으면, 
나도 행복해 진다.
(If you want to be happy  
Go Next to the Happy Man
   -Choi In-cheol/a professor of psychology at Seoul National University-

In our environment 
The most powerful thing that affects us is 
It's the person around us.

in other words 
depending on who's next to you 
It's that our lives can be different.

"Minnie, Mo, Samcheonji Bridge"
It's one of those teachings.

"Still silent."
(黑 墨) 'If it's black, it becomes black.

Or "Providential"
(赤 朱) If it's on the red one 
The same goes for the saying that you turn red, too.

In 2011, two scholars in the United States wrote a very interesting book.

We're going to put together the research that we've been doing

The book 'Happiness Is Contagious' came out.

People in a community 
An analysis of the social network shows that 
Two patterns stand out.

The first pattern is 
People who are not happy are gathered among themselves.

Happy people are gathered among happy people.

What's the second pattern. 
around people who are not happy 
There are no people.

What did you find out from this study?

When my friend is happy, 
It increases my chances of being happy by about 15%.

When my friend's friend is happy, 
It increases my chances of being happy by about 10%.

When <My friend's friend's friend> becomes happy, 
It increases my chances of

being happy by about 6%.

It is said that if you go to the "fourth stage", your influence will disappear only then.

The conclusion of this study is 
It's about who's around us 
It's important. 

*When I'm next to a happy friend, 
I'm getting happy, too.)

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221. 덕목과 생의 목표

덕목(德目)과 생의 목표(目標)♡ 좋은 사람은 외롭지 않고, 어진 사람은 항상 즐겁습니다. 언제 어디서나 남을 도우면 자기 자신(自身)도 이롭게 되어 변함없이 행복(幸福)을 누릴 수 있습니다. 토끼를 잡을 땐, 귀를 잡고, 닭을 잡을 땐, 날개...