2024년 10월 22일 화요일

116. 기품이 있는 사람

기품있는 사람

높은 지위를 얻는 일에는 
운의 도움이 필요하지만

조금의 행운도 거짓도 
존재할 수 없는 공간입니다.

​모든 인간은 
인생의 전반기까지 
자신의 후반기에 
입고 살아 갈
옷을 하나 만듭니다.

그것은 바로 
그 사람의 "기품"입니다. 

좋은 천을 
사용하지는 않았지만
스스로 빛을 내며 
그 옷을 입은 사람의 
밝히는 옷이 있습니다.

찢어진 곳까지도 
근사한 디자인으로 보이는

눈을 감아도 보이고 
코를 막아도 
향기가 느껴지는 옷이 
바로 기품입니다. 

인간의 기품은 
어디에서 오는 걸까요?

좁고, 험하고, 
거칠고, 외롭고,
쓸쓸한 삶의 구석에서도

바라보는 시선 하나
행동하는 처신 하나로
자신의 기품을 
보여주는 사람을 봅니다.

고생 하나 없이 
살아온 사람도 좋지만 
한 순간도 
편안하게 살지 못했던 사람이 
그 거칠고 험한 인생의 길을 
꿋꿋이 걷는 모습을 보며
한 사람이 
가질 수 있는 
인간의 기품을 봅니다.  

기품을 갖고 싶다면 
먼저 자신의 가치를 
올바로 찾아야 합니다.

자신의 가치를 
잘 아는 사람은~!!
올바른 길에서 
벗어나지 않고 
무슨 일도 
기대 이상으로 해냅니다

다음의 원칙이 있습니다.

​고마운 사람에게 
감사인사 하고,
미안한 사람에게 
고개 숙여 사죄하고,
소중한 사람의 말을 
정성껏 경청하는 것...

감사 인사 
하지 않는 이유는 
부끄럽기 때문이 아니라 
도리를 깨우치지 
못했기 때문이며, 

인정하지 못하는 이유는 
자기 잘못을 
알지 못하기 때문이 아니라 
사죄하는 법도를 
깨닫지 못했기 때문입니다. 

대화만 시작하면 
다투는 사람은 
말하는 방법을 
모르기 때문이 아니라 
듣는 방법을 
배우지 못했기 때문입니다. 

이 모든 것을 배웠지만 
여전히 인사하지 않고, 
자신의 실수를 인정하지 않고,
대화에 미숙한 사람은 
방법을 모르기 때문이 아니라
그 가치를 제대로 
체감한 적이 없기 때문입니다.

고마운 사람에게 인사하고, 
자신의 실수에 
고개 숙여 사죄하고, 

상대의 말을 
정성껏 경청하는 사람은 
인간이 지녀야 할 품격과 가치
즉, 기품을 지닌 사람입니다.
(a man of dignity

money and 
When it comes to getting a high position 
I need some luck

Gourmet is 
not a little bit of luck, not even a little bit of a lie 
This is a non-existent space.

Every human being 
by the first half of one's life 
in one's later years 
I'm going to wear it and live
I make a piece of clothing.

It's his "elegance." 

A good cloth 
I didn't use it
with one's own shine 
The person who wore the clothes 
To the surroundings 
There are clothes that light up.

Stain and 
Even where it's torn 
in a nice design

I can see it even when I close my eyes 
Even if you cover your nose 
The clothes that I can smell 
It's dignity. 

The dignity of man is 
Where is it coming from?

It's narrow, rough, 
Rough, lonely,
Even in the corners of a lonely life

one look at
with one's behavior
one's own dignity 
Look at the person who shows it.

without any trouble 
People who have lived are good 
Not for a moment 
The person who couldn't live comfortably 
The rough and rough path of your life 
When I saw him walking
One person 
to be able to have 
You see the dignity of a human being.  

If you want to have dignity 
First, let's talk about your values 
You need to find it correctly.

I'm going to show you my values 
Those who know well!!
on the right track 
in a steady manner 
I don't know what's going on 
I'm doing better than I expected

to them 
There are the following principles.

To someone you're thankful for 
Say thank you,
To the person who's sorry 
Bow down and apologize,
The words of a precious person 
Listening carefully...

Gratitude greeting 
The reason why I don't 
It's not because I'm shy 
I'll enlighten Dory 
Because I couldn't do it, 

I made a mistake 
The reason I can't admit it is 
one's own fault 
It's not because I don't know 
The way to apologize 
Because I didn't realize it. 

As soon as we start talking 
Those who argue 
The way to talk 
It's not because I don't know 
How to listen to it 

Because I didn't learn. 

I learned all this 
Still not saying hello, 
He doesn't admit his mistake,
If you're not good at talking 
It's not because I don't know how
I'm going to make it worth it 
Because I've never felt it before.

Say hello to someone you're thankful for, 
on one's own error 
Bow down and apologize, 

The other person's words 
If you listen carefully 
Dignity and value that humans must possess
In other words, he is a man of dignity.)

댓글 1개:

221. 덕목과 생의 목표

덕목(德目)과 생의 목표(目標)♡ 좋은 사람은 외롭지 않고, 어진 사람은 항상 즐겁습니다. 언제 어디서나 남을 도우면 자기 자신(自身)도 이롭게 되어 변함없이 행복(幸福)을 누릴 수 있습니다. 토끼를 잡을 땐, 귀를 잡고, 닭을 잡을 땐, 날개...